this movie is kino
Vox Lux
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>this movie is movie
Thanks for the report, dipshit.
really wierd post dude
Is Nat hot in it?
you wouldn't even believe
But literally no nip right?
I was in board for the first 45 minutes, but Portman is next level awful in it. It's actually impressive how much she manages to derail an otherwise good film.
dude lol i'm sorry your life is so bad
Nat is hot as FUCK in it
Stacy stride
It was pretty much pure kino until the last 15 minutes. I was actually in shock at how awful that ending was.
Must be fun getting paid to wear silly outfits.
It's not out yet but Her Smell is a similar but superior film.
god fucking damn Natalie is so FUCKING HOT
holy shit what a good movie
>ywn fuck drugged out Celeste
I cannot stress enough how great this flick is
I thought it wasfucking atricious but I can’t believe Stacy Martin wore an Imperial Triumphant shirt. Which person who worked on the film is an underground avant-garde Death Metal fan?
>Imperial Triumphant
Spotted the soiboi!
Spill it
They have one semi-known record that was released before Vox Lux was shot, and even that album hasn’t really been picked up by any music outlets aside from Melon and MI. They’re still ignored by Pitchfork and such. They’re not Portal. And they’re quite a bit more obscure than Pantera or whatever other band Hollywood generally reference.
How the fuck did they get Scott Walker to do music for this?
Oh my fucking god i love the end concert so much
He scored the director's previous film as well
I love you Natalie
the concert at the end was just bad lmao, was really expecting for her to get shot or the stage exploding or something, becoming full circle with her rise to fame. Everything else is great. Willem dafoe should narrate more
Dude no
Natalie i love you
The end concert was my favorite part
Natalie is an amazing actress and human being. Damn.
I love her
thread theme
This movie was made by and for crackheads. Loved it though
Im an alcohol and i love it
what a nice thread
Post more Nats my dude. Im goin to sleep but ill be back
Sorry user but I have to go and unfortunately can't Natpost at work
Sleep night