*wins oscars*
*wins oscars*
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I wanted this to win only because the butthurt would have been truly astronomical
Same. Plus niggers so its obviously pity award and everyone knows it.
well it won two oscars
honest ones
I know and everyone who isn’t a shit skin knows why this one. Is was good, it really was the “WE WUZ KANGS” this movie didn’t deserve anything
It wasn’t good fucking shit *
> not even a pity Oscar for the music.
*gets given awards for being black or featuring black people*
My boy Ludwig deserves recognition
He's just sleepy, most of us are
>Marvel has two Oscar wins and a best picture nomination
>DC only has one Oscar
three you dumb nigger
its the nobel peace award all over again senpai
DC has an acting Oscar, at least.
marvel has three wins
the oscars mean nothing
>win 3 nominations
>still chimp out over it not winning best picture
Theres just no winning
Whats the deal with black people
It only took you guys 20 movies and a SJW pandering propaganda flick, congratulations I guess
Not enough hispanic representation its our country now please stop promoting the african fauna already.
Whats the deal with black people?
Theyre not black
And theyre not people
Wait, how did this shitty movie win an oscar?
In what freakin catagory could this possibly win?
Oh, that's right. None. It's just another guilt vote for white assholes who then retreat to beverly/hollywood hills/malibu and go on thinking they arent part of the problem.
On a side note, Maryland has two bills that could pass soon that may ban AR15s dating back to 2013. They are slowly enacting gun buffer zones around concentrated groups of wealthy people.
GG America.
It had to win at least two oscars to please the vocal minority after last year. I bet they had to have a couple of meetings to decide what to give it.
>wins all the shitty meme oscars in the first hour that are only there to justify more ad time
makes sense
>Yfw captain marvel gets another 3 oscars next year
There's no stopping the MCU train now
nooooo this can't be happening bros
how do we always keep losing waaaaaaaaah
Was Avengers not eligible for nomination?
It's objectively better capeshit.
The sad fate of the MCUck, just when the mouse finally wins them awards they give them to the wrong movie so no one takes them seriously. Even winning oscars they remain oscarlets, ironic
>nominate a capeshit movie for best picture for the first time so SJWs don't throw another bitch fit
>only give it a few unimportant awards
The Academy knows what's up
i-is this the power of DCuck C O P E?
OMG! This movie made in 2019 won a technical award against competitors B, C, D and E and Movie 1 didn't when that same award 40 years ago against Movies 2, 3, 4 and 5!!1! Oh how the mighty and never screwy standards have fallen astray!!1!
*wins razzies*
not surprised it won best costume, the panther suit is a knock-off of the man of steel costume by carter's own admission, right down to the kryptonian/wakandan on the suit
What percentage of Oscars went to capeshit?
I can understand it winning Best Costumes (even though The Favourite was much more deserving.)
Best Production Design should have gone to either The Favourite or First Man
Best Soundtrack should have gone to If Beale Street Could Talk (or Black Klansman)
I agree, the costumes were really good.
Production and OST were nothing special though.
Snyder's work is trash. If you compare black Panther to BvS the audience will kill themselves.
>makeup is now acting
From the DKR moron, Heath Ledger got best supporting actor.