Why are there so few good comedies in the last decade? can you even name one?

why are there so few good comedies in the last decade? can you even name one?

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The one you posted is one of only a handful in the last few years. Comedy is dead.


Because in Hollywood, you are no longer allowed to make jokes that might offend or prejudice any group of people in any way

Internet is killing everything.

>cis people
>straight people
>people above the poverty line
>native English speakers
>people who have an ounce of ambition

Best comedies of the 2010s:
The other guys
Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas
21 Jump Street
This is The End
22 Jump Street

Traditional comedies died after that.

2010 is the only other year I can think of

you can't have good comedy in a politically correct race baiting environment


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good shout. can't believe it slipped my mind, and also not as good but

Why are kiwi movies so kino?

last bastion of the white race and they don't take themselves too seriously

Chinks and other foreigners don’t like comedies.

I liked Death of Stalin.

Humor doesn't translate, and since they can't be exported to China it isn't worth making them.

You are not allowed to make fun of anyone anymore. All thats left is reddit tier trash "safe" humor like fart jokes. Fuck the puritanical cult that is purging everything good from our culture.

Quentin Dupieux has been making the best comedies of the decade.

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The Seth Rogan style of comedy has been the only option for comedy for the last 15 years and that shit got old quick. It's a style that is so unbearably funny, but it is everywhere.

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Hollywood operates for the Chinese market

>This is The End


it was surprisignly good

The two Swedish comedies 'En man som heter Ove' and 'Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann' were pretty funny and I imagine that they would work relatively well if a foreigner watched them subtitled.

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Mde World Peace

Marvel kills comedy with it's stupid jokes.

Black Panther was pretty funny.

super troopers 2

Game Night

Grown Ups 2

me too. recently rewatched it. great cast

>shoulda seen the look on your focking face

Black Dynamite
Extreme Job
Jackass 3D

same I have a victim complex even though everything is marketed towards my age race and gender.

>Four Lions
>The Guard
>The Grand Budapest Hotel
>What We Do in the Shadows
>Death of Stalin

I'll admit there's not as many great ones nowadays but there's still some solid ones getting made.

This is a bad idea.

The Favourite is pretty damn funny. Also I'm not sure how people got idea it was pretentious. A guy jerks off literally in the first few minutes in the movie.

Probably the funniest movie I've ever watched (yes there are funnier movies out there but my humor is more in line with this one), I can't think of any other movie more deserving of a sequel than this one

>shitskin movies

>Box office 624 USD

Damn I hope it sold a lot in France.

Angourie Rice was so qt in this

21 jump street
22 jump street

comedy is now blacks and women and liberal indoctrination so, not funny.

>Long live Comrade Stalin
>Stalin's dead. Malenkov is in charge now
>...Long Live Comrade Malenkov
Death of Stalin was kino

why did noone give a shit about that movie?

op pic not related

comedies don't have international appeal outside of Five Eyes nations (US/UK/etc), which is where a lot of hollywood focus has been going

comedy as a whole has been under attack because of political correctness and identity politics
imagine the fucking nuclear shit storm if tropic thunder were to be made today

Stalin's clique was all great.
>tfw rooting for Beria

I was surprised by how funny some scenes were. Your Highness and Grandmas Boy are two of my favorite from the last 20 years, but it’s because I was smoking copious amounts of marijuana.

>I know, sad times
He really shone in the deleted scenes

People have lost their humor it seems they only want to be angry or sad, early to late 2000's was a comfy era.

capeshit killed comedies the same way it killed action movies

The fuck are you babbling about? Plenty of good comedy since 2010. Some low key high brow shit. Some public consumption shit, some cult shit. For fucks sakes the other guys, hot tub time machine 2, 30 min or less. It's not even worth coming back to this thread. There was probably 5 or 6 solid comedies in 2010 alone.

Freddy Got Fingered was the peak comedy and is still unrivaled as a misunderstood masterpiece.
Change my mind.

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Death of Stalin was great

The Wolf of Wall Street.

This is the correct answer. It's not just politics (but politics are playing a huge part in ruining film and television), it's marketing. Comedy is cultural. Jokes and humor that someone from an English speaking country might find funny often fall flat in other countries due to translation issues or reliance on wordplay. Bits that work in Europe might not work in China because of different perspectives and cultural ideals. A good example is someone from the US watching Japanese Manzai. Just doesn't work well.

And since China is the growing market to pander towards, and humor conventions are different there, AND they have to deal with all the government scrutiny, it's just more profitable for Hollywood to skip making comedies in favor of capeshit.

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>ywn get to execute and send random cyka blyat to gulags with your comfy NKVD combros while your boss got every policies carried unanimously for shits and giggles

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The Other Guys is great.

>YWN drag chad into a a dungeon and infer a confession after some administrative vigour

Youtube killed pure comedy movies.

These. Comedy needs to be combined with another bankable genre these days. Action-comedy, horror-comedy, scifi-comedy etc.

We just give less fucks mate. None of our movies are gonna win awards and if anyone bitches about things we just say they're being racist toward the Maori and after they google what that means they shut up.