She's right you know

she's right you know

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Other urls found in this thread:

>literal who blue check mark

Someone needs to invite every blue checkmark to an island then strand them there. I wonder who'd last the longest.

She can suck my weiner!

kek the asspain is strong with these two

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>arranging words in a way that sounds pleasant but means nothing
The preferred writing style of lefties and academics

>imagine eating so much propagand that you hate your own race

You know, Natalie Weiner, one of the famous Weiner clan! Everyone loves the Weiner!

>we need more films that talk about racism
>"okay how about the story of don shirley's chauffeur who learns to be less prejudiced as he gets to know him"

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were the movies about the history of jazz?

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umm are you seriously implying that preaching the positivity of finding common ground and coming together as the human race is somehow okay?

If you really want to kill racism, make more movies about black people in spandex, that's what will improve the racial divide.

>crucial part of american history and culture
>crucial part of anything

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You can't make a non-documentary movie about jazz that's just about jazz. What's going to be the point? You ain't gonna get most of the greats to play, because they long dead. At best you'll get some new people from jazz schools (overwhelmingly white people by the way). Are you gonna put them in blackface to portray Miles Davis and company? If there isn't great jazz improv in your jazz history movie, you ain't doing shit right. And if there is, no normalfag is going to go watch it, because nobody gives a shit about jazz. A jazz movie would be a passion project from an arthouse director who "gets it", that would maybe win something at Cannes. It wouldn't be a fucking Hollywood blockbuster production.

The reason people have an issue with Driving Miss Daisy:electric boogaloo winning is that it looks like a very conscious "let's go with the most milktoast choice possible" decision.

I know an Oscar, they related?

Why do progressives live life as perpetual university graduate students?

Progressives live life as university graduate students living life as entitled spoiled children living life as oversensitive spoiled toddlers

Why are you giving her attention? These people exist literally just to spread corporate-endorsed outrage. Don’t give them the light of day.

why the fuck is anyone shocked?

The black panther nomination was a clear cynical move on the oscars to get more viewers.

The problem isnt that a film with black people could win. the problem is that cape shit fucking sucks donkey dick and anyone who actually likes the art of cinema would never vote for that garbage

What is wrong with this people? I used to think those YouTube vids were hyperbolic, but not anymore.


It's not really that BP didn't win, it's that blackklansman didn't win that's got people ruffled. If you wanted to have a black people movie win that wasn't capeshit there was another option that they think is more deserving.

>american culture
What the fuck is she smoking.

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The biggest joke here is that once again Spike Lee lost to a movie about driving people around, because Do the Right Thing lost to Driving Miss Daisy in 1990.

Uh.......Green Book didn't have jazz in it.

It's about a jazz musician so it counts n shiet.

I hate these people more than niggers

All this slurping over background bullshit dinner music when you could be rocking out to the merging of the two forms. Rock and jazz. White and black. May Stanley Crouch eat eternal shit.

this is why you date asian women

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she looks like she fucks black men
she looks like she fucks white men

God why do they bring up race so much. I fucking hate living in America so much because of this bullshit.

Me on the left

White women watch hours of Netflix and Viceland a day, they're suprisingly good at this.

>american white women and men are in a race to see who racemixes the most

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Is it Tengu?

"When Damien Chazelle was first talking to investors about financing La La Land, someone asked that the Sebastian character be changed from a jazz pianist to a rock musician. This same financier also asked that the bittersweet ending of the story be dropped. Chazelle refused to change these elements and moved on." imdb

One of my fav snacks, yum!

why would you want to make more white women that will shit on white men and vote for open borders? go be a cuck elsewhere

The reason why white women are like that is because modern white men are a bunch of betas.
Their behaviour is what turned them into that, women hate betas, which means that eventually asians will become like that.

All those male feminists?
The ones who aren't, but are just autismos who can't even speak to women?
Those are the true enemy.

Outraged by this twitter screencap of some nobody, truly outraged. Can you go and find more so we can be outraged all over again?
Fucking millenial cancer. kys
All fields, hidden

But Clint Eastwood directed the best jazz movie ever

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nah, asian women will always worship white men because of their genes

>jazz pianist to a rock musician
lol no wonder movies are shit

Sure, for now.
And then they'll get used to it, and then the betaness that comes with being a stupid millennial will ruin them again, just like how there's plenty of asian american SJWs.

Millennials shouldn't be allowed to procreate, they'll just spawn a generation of autists as them.
Then again, millennials can't even get a job, so that won't be a problem.


>And then they'll get used to it,
No, because they'll still want to bleach their genes and have somewhat white children

What asian women want is a 6'5 fit blond guy with blue eyes, not pic related, which is what all millennials are nowadays.

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Jazz has been locked away in the ivory towers of academia and the Kennedy Center, with the gatekeepers of the Marsalis clan keeping it ossified in the bop and hard-bop of the 50's. Jazz has been turned into an irrelevant museum piece by intellectuals threatened by change, who won't and didn't allow it to grow and develop with the times. It can't even be looked at as a form of black expression anymore and hasn't been in years, Kamasi Washington and others aside. Even last year there were two jazz movies that were biopics, and they didn't make a dent in the box office.

good thing im neither a millenial nor a basedboy

>Bla Bla Bla Bla white men Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla

Whenever I quickly scan something and I see "white men" I instantly stop and do something else. Pretty good flag desu

la la land was dishonest
but even worse, it's leads were fucking shit

amazing, everything you said is wrong

>can't act, sing or dance for shit
>but muh memes froggy and gosling

>What asian women want is a 6'5 fit blond guy with blue eyes
well in 99.9% of cases they're forced to settle for less

leave club Yea Forums and never return

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things like this make white women seeth like you would believe

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>proving that la la land plebs are literally memeing dipshits who should be killed

>Jazz has been turned into an irrelevant museum piece

Maybe in America.

who are they?

>the best film (of the nominees) won
>"bla bla buzzword, trying to sound smart bla bla, some racial issue bla bla white men bla bla"

Im glad I dont live in the USA. The mental gymnastics used by both spectrums of the vocal extremes are literally insane.


is it possible to ever win with these people?

Naw, women always win.

>Don Shirley
>Jazz player

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It becomes an issue when the people who wrote the movie did not contact the living relatives of Don Shirley. I think the reason why most people are upset is because it's another Crash, where this movie only won because racism is a thing in the movie. The favorite should have won

I doubt she understands anything about jazz
t. Been playing in local jazz groups for over a decade now

>did not contact the living relatives of Don Shirley
That's because they're opportunistic lying niggers and everyone that was actually close to Shirley knows that.

it's not about a jazz musician

She's white you know

La La Land wasn't about Jazz it was about a guy who loved Jazz and how difficult it is to share something you're truly passionate about with someone because even if they can appreciate your passion and understand why you love it, they'll never love it as much as you do.

ok then white muster in the gas chamber 0530 pass it on

She's Jewish.

shes a jew, not white

There's a currently running reality show about that. I'm sure you've seen the threads.

Jazz is also annoying as music, it's even worse on film

>jazz is annoying
Pleb taste confirmed.

Eastwood's Charlie Parker biopic was ok

Rock is black music though

>Eastwood's Charlie Parker biopic is pretty ok
And it fucking flopped. I've only seen that movie once a long time ago, so I'm in no position to judge its quality. My initial post is rambling, but what I was trying to say is — jazz as a form of music runs contrary to the idea of a mainstream-appealing movie. It is in itself too rambly and spontaneous to be properly delivered in a concise three-acts, 90-minutes package.

Jazz is nothing more than a highly sexualized form of pop music used to destroy both authentic American culture and cultures all over the world. It's like an invasive species in sonic form, and the only thing worse than the music itself were the whites who glorified it. Fuck Jack Kerouac.

What the fuck are you rambling about, adornobot?

>Movie says he only has one brother
>When in reality he had more then one
Do you not see how that can become an issue?

jazz sucks

I don't think she is really arguing about wanting more movies about jazz.
I think she is just bitching about whiteys appropriating jazz to add flavour to their bland flicks.
Not that that's something sensible to bitch about, but you know how Twitter is

>more movies about jazz
But the movie is not about jazz

Yea, I know. All the stupid shit about cultural appropriation is really driving me nuts, to be honest. It's not enough that retarded corps like Disney copyright all kinds of shit, apparently we need our own moral copyright to aid the corporate one. It's so tiring and pointless.

Jazz is stupid and completely unlistenable and it blows my mind how snobs will act like it's comparable to Western classical music such as pic related. I'm convinced everyone is just pretending to like to the genre to seem deep and no one wants to be the first to admit they actually hate it and bring the whole castle down.

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Jazz is basically your go-to music when you want to be pretentious. Which is why white people use it so much to make their characters look deep. And I say that as a white Jazz fan.

Jazz is more accessible, marketable, and social than western classical ever was. There's a reason it became the dominant for m of pop music for several decades.

but la la land lost best film to gay niggers from Florida


Theres no winning with liberals, you do what they want and they still cry.
It is time for liberal holocaust.

Jazz music is legit awful and only has any relevancy because white people 100 years ago thought it was cool.

>white men are a bunch of betas.
This, it is time to punch upty bitches in the baby maker.
And kill every fag enabler.

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The Green Book is literally the same movie we gave an Oscar to thirty years ago. I.e. Driving Miss Daisy with a new coat of paint.

every time

Why have whites failed to produce decent music in this century? it's always circlejerking the music of people who have been dead for generations.

>If you really want to kill racism

They don't. Their existence depends on it, and if racism really was dead, they would just pretend it wasn't.

>he doesn't actually follow the current neo-classical thrends
Holy fucking pleb. Hating on either classical or jazz is full-retard-tier.

I’m guessing this is about whiplash la la land and green book having white protagonists, which yeah, the only people who watch these are whites and they need someone to relate to vicariously


You just learned that word recently didn't you? That's not how you spell it.

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And giving it to an easy breezy biopic about Queen or a fucking superhero movie wouldn't be?
They were bereft of quality choices this year, Green Book was the least embarrassing movie in the line-up

Are libs really mad that people liked a movie about a black and a white man being friends?

Queen and Black Panther both would have been more acceptable, albeit highly populist commercial choices. The Oscars aren't empirically just about the substance and quality of the movie. Otherwise Lord of the Rings trilogy wouldn't have won so many fucking awards. Or how some old directors get a pity Oscar win simply because they didn't get it for their real masterpiece two decades ago.

No, but race baiters are trying to turn it into that.

Red pilled and based

Jazz hasn't been black for decades, who cares
In case you haven't noticed, hood niggers in the ghetto aren't exactly lining up to go dance at jazz clubs

Jazz is very black in places like New Orleans.

White women detected. Post tits with timestamp or gtfo

Why do so many white women hate white men with such a passion? It's really tiresome and kind of demoralizing.


Because they still want to be fucked by them, and wanting to get dicked by an "oppressor" really bums them out.

>white women
she's a jew

There's only two kinds of jazz I like, smooth and avant garde

what about jennings

>it is time to punch upty bitches in the baby maker
No, that's not precisely what they used to do back in the 50s.
Millennials just have no idea about what being manly is, and they think that they are going to be better if they punch women but remain the same in any other way.

Maybe another big war would sort humanity up.

Jazz is white music.

See Mussolini

I didn't know he was a jazz cat. It make sense now though, he wore Thelonius Monk's signature hat quite often, probably a gift.

that movie is pretty whack

The Favourite and Roma artistically were the best movies in Best Picture lineup.

his son played with Chet baker’s group in the 60s

OK, I was memeing, but this is funny as fuck. Thanks, obscure-jazz-trivia-related-to-fascism user.