This guy wrote the screenplay?

this guy wrote the screenplay?

wtf. i love green book now

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Other urls found in this thread:

He isn't even wrong too. There were indeed Muslims celebrating the destruction of the Twin Towers. If liberals call this racist, then they are calling facts racist.

Imagine being a conservacuck so desperate to have your political views shared by the entertainment media that you'll unironically shill for garbage like Green Book.

Fucking based

I feel personally vindicated by this win after seeing Peter Farrely get torn apart by some SJW niggress on project greenlight

His father was Carmine 'a don doesn't wear shorts' Lupertazzi, also the hero in Green Book.

If that's not based enough, I don't know what is.

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Why do brainlets assume Trumpism is automatically conservative

He cucked out.

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There was never any proof of it happening in America publicly though. It's been debunked hundreds of times.

Go ahead, link me an Alex Jones youtube video, lol

I think he means the dancing Israelis

Lots of people saw it with their own eyes, cameras were not as discreet or readily available back then.

>Two or three people who have no proof saw it. These people are well known racists. Therefore, it happened.


>muslims love america and are here because of their appreciation of the english common law tradition

you can even believe it from a liberal POV and say it's likely it happened because of the affront muslims feel in light of America's middle east aggressions

>i dont like this website so anything it says is always false even if they have sources that back up their claims

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>no counterargument



Snopes obviously has an agenda. Look at some of their other Trump ""articles""

It's racist that he'd remember such a thing

Isnt that website run by a crazy cat lady

People often lie when it suits them, it's a real problem.

Attached: Politifact bias.jpg (742x192, 32K)

But they are

I read an article that mentioned something like this recently.

>My NYC teaching career began a few days before September 11, 2001 at Washington Irving High School. It was a short honeymoon period; the classes watched skeptically as I introduced them to a method of teaching French using virtually no English. Although the students weren’t particularly engaged, they remained respectful. During first period on that awful day there was a horrendous split-second noise. A plane flew right overhead a mere moment before it blasted into the north tower of the World Trade Center. At break time word was spreading among the staff. Both towers were hit and one had already come down. When I went to my next class I told the students what had happened. There was an eruption of rejoicing at the news. Many students clapped and whooped their approval, some getting out of their seats to do a sort of victory dance. It was an eye-opener, and indicative of what was to come.

What else is it supposed to be?

>then they are calling facts racist.
They've always done that though.

They call race violence statistics racist, so they in fact DO think facts and data is racist.

Who said anything about Green Book? We just think a writer is based. Fuck modern hollywood movies, lol.


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>If liberals call this racist, then they are calling facts racist.

facts have been racist for years, bruh

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I'm sure Trump has an agenda, are you bothered by agendas in general or just with the ones you don't sympathize with?


Really makes me think.

eat shit faggot redditors:

I doubt trump is pretending to be impartial


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I don't believe they've ever called the facts themselves racist, but often they criticize the interpretation of them, and blindness to cause.

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Snopes is operated by two old leftist Jews in a house filled with cats, or at least it was until about 2015. Now it's just the husband. If you take anything he (Snopes) says without a full serving of salt, you're hopelessly naive. He's about as biased as politifact, which is to say quite a bit.

Attached: snopes.png (458x349, 194K)

I remember this too

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lol fucking faggot can't produce any proof

Interpretation is an interesting phrasing. Because interpretation is subjective, one's interpretation can never be said to be wrong. This is how liberals fight facts. "Conservatives 'interperet' the data wrong." That really hardly means anything at all.

>Moreover, David’s responses regarding the hiring of strongly partisan fact checkers and his lack of response on screening and assessment protocols present a deeply troubling picture of a secretive black box that acts as ultimate arbitrator of truth, yet reveals little of its inner workings.
That's a yikes from me


So you only get facts from impartial sources such as?

Let the trannies, jews and redditors weep. Fuck their evil cabal.

Are they biased because they are jews, because they are old or because they live with cats? Will you be biased when you get old or if you buy a cat or convert to judaism?

surprised Yea Forums falls for the Muslim theory when its a proven fact they were Israelis

it's now racist to say a thing that you saw in person. truth shaming and hate facts

>tfw you smell burnt hair

b-but snopes s-said

Attached: isis-israel.jpg (2032x3020, 1.51M)

...but 911 _was_ a national tragedy.

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>tfw they wanted to build a mosque there after wrecking the towers
absolute madlads

>snopes is accurate

snopes is owned by soros

>“I lost hundreds of friends in 9/11.”

weirdest liar in history

Attached: trump-tweet-9-11.jpg (631x267, 29K)

trump is a social butterfly at heart so it wouldn't surprise me

>citing snopes in 2019
Take it easy on the bluepills

Soros is based and redpilled.

Attached: soros israel.jpg (850x826, 140K)

based chaotic evil character

>business person knows a lot of people in important business building

soros just wants the world to feel how he looks

It was a leftard couple till the dude divorced his wife and married a pornstar. This is the leftists primo source, btw

Literally the entire world was celebrating 9/11

isn't america run by a crazy cheeto?

Didn't he remove the funds from femen when they targeted Israel?
That sounds like bullshit.

t. incel

No, it's run by kikes.

No, Trump is president for another 6 years.

Because they're Jews, because they're leftists, and because they live with a bunch of cats, aka. they're childless and have no investment in the future. They're only purpose is to virtue signal and be leftist Jews. And there is nothing in this world more biased against a thing, than a Jew without held investment in it's future. As for their age, that is only relevant to describing them and not that important.

>those fuckhuge bags under his eyes
This guy really needs to fucking sleep.

no time. the world won't burn itself

Jews, arabs; all semites are the same

if everything needs to be "fact checked" by establishment approved sources, who fact checks the fact checkers?

just being gay and retarded

I hate Islam with every fiber of my being and I'd chose martydom anytime over converting to Islam, but even I know that Muslims celebrating 9/11 in the USA isn't true or literal race wars would have erupted due to the grief-stricken mobs demanding blood for the victims.

There were definitely Muslims celebrating in Palestine and possibly Iran. Ironically, Afghanistan had no fucking clue it happened because they were living a backwards medieval society that outlawed television so they wouldn't care about the world outside of their shithole.

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Femen are has beens, frankly. The shock value of middling titties has passed. BLM and the democrat party give much better bang for your buck.

Except Snopes is shit. They actually fact-checked Babylonbee, a fucking satire site.

See They did celebrate in New Jersey. So did the Israelis.

kill yourself jew

Nah that women is out. Goldberg Shekelstein cashed out and bought himself a pornstar

As a white, I will say most whites are self-hating and can't wait to fuck black people. We're done. We chose our end and so it is. I can't stop it, nor can the people that think like me. My race chose extinction so be it.

>One of the most well known New York business men
>Says he lost hundreds of friends in NYC terror attack.

Honestly just fuck you.

Really activates the ole almonds.

Attached: shut it down3.jpg (354x290, 35K)

My Dad worked in New Jersey and saw people celebrate with his own eyes

Never trust the media

Fuck off. You underestimate white people.

>trannies completely ignore this post


She's an administrative assistant which means secretary, have you considered your own bias makes you make up stuff like that "This is the leftists primo source, btw". Does that makes you a leftist jew as well?

If you ignore it it's like it never happened.

What establishment and how it gives its approval?

I don't though. At least not where I live. I can only hope they are more realistic in the south and midwest. The east coast is lousy with faggot apologist whites.

My sister can't wait for a nigger seed. My Mom loves black people, even though her leftist views of black people are infinitely more racist than my own.

>american muslims are literally dindus who hate white americans
>"UGH you don't know they celebrated 9/11 you nazi by the way Trump has a piss fetish trust me I know"

hundred(s) is far too high of a number to possibly be true

imagine trying to come up with 300 names of "friends". you would need an incredible memory and an incredible amount of time. simply doesn't make any sense

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You see eventually there will be a thread where someone doesn't provide this kind of evidence, then drumpfies will be eternally BTFO.

this has to be bait, snopes has never had any credibility

I'm sure business people are a lot more loose with the term "friend"

>Literally the entire world was celebrating 9/11

This desu.

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where'd you get the number 300 from

Fun fact: Putin was the first world leader to call Bush and asked if he needed help taking down the terrorist. Bush refused and than invaded Putins Allies who were not involved in 9/11.

The reason Putin is hostel towards the US is because of Bush.

>Jew bootlicker forgets the dancing israelis

Pure coincidence.

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do you know who jonas salk was?
he was the jewish scientist that cured polio. he created the march of dimes to raise millions to fund his research.
polio was a crippling and deadly disease putting children all over the world into a wheelchair or an early grave. the vaccine for polio was one of the greatest medical achievements of the last century. its a globally essential medicine.
and this guy jonas salk?
he could have made billions from it. he could have patented it and made actual billions of dollars.
you know what he did? he waived the patent. he gave up billions just to make sure as many people who could be helped got the help they needed. he became a celeb after that even though he hated it. truly a great man and he left the world a better place than he came into it.

If I had a choice between polio existing in the USA/world and jews. I would choose polio every single time and twice on sundays. I would infect myself with polio and tour america spreading the disease in a custom built wheelchair or crutches if it meant all the jews and their influence were excised from my country like the cancer they are.
polio is nothing compared to the harmful effects of jews on the USA and world.I would give anything to live in a world where our biggest problem was building access ramps and compliance with the civil disabilities act.

that sounds like hyperbole. it is not. 100% authentic feelings. I cant sleep at night anymore. I wish I never started questioning things. I wish I was still a dumb rube out there able to laugh at things instead of a woke misanthrope. I envy the dumb.

Attached: dancing JEWS.png (2944x3316, 2.73M)

>Many students clapped and whooped their approval, some getting out of their seats to do a sort of victory dance.
This doesn't mean anything. Americans clap and whoop at the drop of a hat and choco Americans whoop and dance at the drop of a hat.


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Based and lynchalltranniespilled

How exactly did they knew the attack was Islamic? This sounds like complete bullshit.

Reuters is a good one.

can you imagine being a discord tranny and defending muslims, like damn bitch

>they are calling facts racist.
A certain Nobel price winner could tell you a story user

my god you a based man.

I think it's more surprising that trump would describe (by omission) the other thousands of victims as not his friends.
what did these people do to be left out of his good books? show a bit of solidarity with your fellow new yorkers trump mate

wtf i thought it was a hoax

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>show a bit of solidarity with your fellow new yorkers trump mate

I'm not sure how usefully I can impress on you just what a despised figure Trump is in his home town.

This. I will never understand defending people who wish you were dead, unless you are a Christian in which case you are pretty based.

Please delete . Thank you.

Anything that doesn't align with my viewpoint is establishment and therefore false.

Sorry but no, 9/11 did in fact happen.


I think everyone saw video of Palestinians celebrating 9/11 and attributed it to Muslims here.


I like how people were tweeting this like “i cant believe yall let him win” as if pointing out a fact is some horrible misdeed

It's literally unrelated footage edited together

9/11 didnt happen



Fucking busted.

There are even muslims who confirm it

>trump said he witnessed thousands and thousands of people cheering
>FBI details 2 indians
>FBI invents a story about celebrating jihadis who FBI say "knew" the planes were going to hit.
>Claim they even built a model of the WTC area
>No footage of celebrations.
>No pictures of the 'models'.
>No court cases come out of it.
>Never hear about it again.
Totally vindicates Trump and his claim thousands upon thousands of people were celebrating.

why wouldnt they cheer? saudi arabia benefited the most from the terrorist attack they dd

Diving home that day stopped in traffic in front of a bus stop was some fat muslim chick looking at me with a smirk on her shit colored face. It's true.