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They Fuckin?
Ayden Lee
Jonathan Miller
She accidentally almost kissed him, so I'd say yeah
Gavin Garcia
Kill yourself faggot scum
Ryan Miller
That was so thrilling. Best Oscars performance in a while.
Austin Gray
Who’s the top?
Matthew Nelson
She would look so much better with the brown hair from the movie
Ryder Watson
why do jews dye their hair blonde
Caleb Howard
What happened?
Kevin Lewis
Gaga wishes.
Seriously. Her Biological clock is ticking fiercely.
Joseph Adams
She's not Jewish
Jeremiah Hill
Are you fags or trannies?
Dylan Robinson
Zachary Mitchell
I'm a woman
John Collins
>>two sexy degenerates working together for 14 hours a day
what's the question?
David Cox
The song was okay, the sexual tension was CRACKLING.
Oh, and I fuck women.
Mason Torres
Me too
Isaiah Perez
she's notta German either
Isaac Gomez
Kill yourself tranny
Brandon Murphy
Dude I dunno but I'm highly suspect now. When they finished the song and she looked at him like that I don't fucking care how good an actor you are that was some real chemistry right there.
That look was we've been through hell and back making this movie and emotions are running incredibly high. They had a fucking MOMENT right there. Her incredibly emotional acceptance speech is only further proof
Andrew Nguyen
Gaga is the one leading him on while Bradley takes the lead on bed
William Bailey
I fuck women with my God given cock and balls, virgin
Julian Ortiz
bradley cooper is gay, its basically an open secret in hollywood
Jack Davis
>gays don't fuck women
top jej
Colton Roberts
This could be the worst kept secret in Hellyweird
James Brown
Carter Martinez
when they do they give them HIV lmao
Daniel Morgan
Why would they fuck when his wife is expontentially more attractive in every way
Ayden White
Are they fucking? No..
Did they fuck? Yes.
Bentley Collins
>cheating is about attractiveness
I want incels to leave
Kayden Cox
first I've heard that.
Levi Hall
Source: my prolapsed asshole
Leo Miller
>im a shipping tranny
Benjamin Gray
Why are the trannies and queers in these threads trying to act like cheating is cool?
Josiah Brown
You are projecting. He is banging a SI swimsuit model and his side chick is Lady Gaga. You are jerking off to chinese cartoons and your side chick is your mom.
Jonathan Green
There is zero spark there
Gavin Taylor
based "discord trannies" scitso
Sebastian Stewart
You just KNOW
Hunter Thompson
It's either that or everyone on this board born after 89 is super fucking gay
Luis Allen
she’s a performance artist irl... and is never genuine on camera. Have never seen her be truly and honestly herself when it’s rolling... this was so obvious. No one will ever know who she really is because she’s so insecure that she has to architect these moments of drama throughout her daily life (especially when she’s being watched).
Grayson Long
After a certain point, your posts really do reek of insecurity. Not that you're homo, but that you're so obsessed with appearing what you consider to be masculine that it suggests that you don't really feel like you are, which is why you have such an overt complex about expression.
Like it or not men will comment on whether 2 people are fucking or not you fedora wearing, jack daniels sipping cringelord.
Noah Rodriguez
So, she's a woman?
Dylan Peterson
Grayson Evans
I am the same way, but I am just autistic
I pose for a non-existent camera every second
David Roberts
>performance artist
She's mostly a musician. She performed, but give me a fucking break. They had a moment. Didn't you see Cooper go red in the face?
Even between actors, chemistry felt is based on the same shit we all feel, and is very real, even if extremely fleeting and high profile.
Christopher Ward
Yeah I don't know why anons forgot this, next they're going to say Hawkeye is straight
Jordan Hughes
U mad bro?
Brayden Thompson
Joshua Russell
They cant be fuckin' regularly if they have sexual tension right?
Cooper Torres
Why are the awards show like the movies ? Didn't it use to be like a dinner party ?
Julian Walker
Daniel Cruz
Good ass point maybe they just wanna fuck
Christian Wilson
whatever helps you sleep at night, irina
Jack Reyes
Gaga looks like that?
Ryder Harris
Tyler Robinson
>Good ass point
Lincoln Anderson
They probably haven't fucked since they last had to do promo stuff together.
Zachary Rodriguez
They feedin.
Lincoln Sullivan
Formerly fuckin.