ITT: People who deserve an Oscar but will never get one

ITT: People who deserve an Oscar but will never get one

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Claudia Class



>27 years old

Badlands and Days of Heaven were his only good movies. The Thin Red Line was OK but severely overshadowed by that other war flick.

your daily reminder that thin red line lost to fucking shakespeare in love

Tree of Life is his best film, pleb

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>People who "they" really wish they could take the oscars back from but never can

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Three nominations for best actor at this point

Based Mel will release his Magnum Opus The Resurrection soon

Malick makes good films so he deserves a real award ie a Golden Palm. Oscars are for pleb shit.

Luckily, he already got a palm for his best film.

I have yet to watch apocalypto, man

Can't wait bro

The New World and Knight of Cups are his best films

Radegund may actually have a chance as its about WW2

When does it come out?

supposed to this year but knowing Malick probably in like 2023

Oscars are below Malick’s caliber. If I were him I’d feel insulted to get one.

Maybe they'll nominate Michael Nyqvist or Bruno Ganz out of pity

The New World is the biggest cinematic pleb fliter ever made, i love it.

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which Dark Souls is this

He already won the palm. When The Tree Of Life was nominated (by the way, would it be nominated this year? probably not) he didn’t even show up cause based Malick knows the Oscars have been trash for decades