I’m so glad Green Book won instead of Black Panther

>I’m so glad Green Book won instead of Black Panther

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u mad?

Dead meme.

>it makes fun of me so i'll just call it dead

lmao everytime

sure smells like incel itt

Phoneposter. Everyone laugh.

>tfw I liked both movies

>give me two tickets for Alita Battle Angle please, i brought my girlfriend.

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Seething capeshitter

im 100% confident you all looked just like this kid when you were in middle school lol

typical incel response

>give me two tickets for Alita Battle Angle please, i brought my girlfriend.

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n-no u


We get it, you're from reddit


95% of this board is in middle school at this point

>"im 100% confident you all looked just like this kid when you were in middle school lol"

Attached: 1469296167539.jpg (522x579, 95K)

>One ticket to Lords of Chaos

Attached: mnb.jpg (576x803, 90K)

i mean you didn't have to post a picture of yourself in middle school to try and prove him wrong but we appreciate your effort

post the pasta about this kid