/DRG/ Dead Relationship General

Is Brendan about to pass the torch to him?

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>Is Brendan about to pass the torch to him?
he's not married to her

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What would it even be like having sex with a woman that good looking? I literally can't even imagine her having sex, like she's too done up and attractive for that.

Do I really share this board with gossiping faggots who think talking about this shit is interesting?

Look at those ugly little sausages.

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>Do I really share this board with gossiping faggots who think talking about this shit is interesting?

this board has been this shit for years

Probably ok at best
Being rich and attractive means you don't have to try at all because there are always mfrs in your dms waiting to smash
It's like having a luxury car without a working engine

Do you blame him?

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>Being rich and attractive means you don't have to try at all because there are always mfrs in your dms waiting to smash

You don't even have to be those things, a 3/10 coworker of mine showed me her Tinder recently, she gets at least one match a day just trying to hit it. She had dozens of random "yo girl, u lookin gud, u wanna meet up 2nite" and such saved.

Lel imagine all the gay orgies he brought her in?

Cristiano is literally a fag all his relationships are fronts for his raging homosexuality

>what is child support

It's not fucking fair that he looks like that and I look like this


>rapes woman all the time
What's his endgame

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It's not your fault bro

Isn't Cooper supposed to be a homo?

Kill yourself reddit nigger. Every fucking faggot and tranny needs to be executed

Faggots are trannies are trying pretty hard and tge retarded zoomers who have no culture of their own will latch on to anything ti feel a sense of relevance

reddit in the house


I don't think beards are meant to be married, user.

I'm sure it's all accounted for in the beard contract.