Can you give me a quick rundown, Yea Forums?

Can you give me a quick rundown, Yea Forums?

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spiderverse won

niggers got pity oscars, niggers complain that it wasn't enough

Roma and Yalitza should have won.


/pol/ is unbelievably butthurt for some reason.

Hollywood continues to descend into cultural irrelevance

black panther got the meme awards
spike lee got a meme award (adaptive screenplay)
rhapsody won all the important awards
lady gaga didnt win best actress
green book won best picture to keep their credibility

Nigger dicksucking festival.

>no host to shitpost in real life
>every “joke” explained by female companion
>Roma won repeatedly
>black panther won meme categories for design
>Lady Gaga wanted to be more important than she is
>audience looked bored

I’m not sure what contract Hollywood had worked out for broadcasting the Oscars but in a couple years it’ll be live on YouTube

Black flicks got Oscars they didn't deserve just because they were black

Rhapsody and Green Book won a ton of awards and shitlibs threw a fit

Olivia Colman won Best Actress out of nowhere

That's basically it.

screenplays are like the 5th or 6th most important awards.

>adaptive screenplay

Incels mad

Niggers happy

Everyone else meh

#oscarssoblack then they get mad that a movie about white and black people getting along gets best picture.

>Olivia Colman won Best Actress out of nowhere
She was the favourite to win it according to las vegas odds

Oscars have shit taste in screenplays though

discord tranny SEETHING


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>losing best picture to Driving Ms. Daisy 2.0

>no host to shitpost in real life
There really wasn't a host? I thought that Indian guy was gonna host.

>black people got acting awards
>black panther got meme awards
>Roma got meaningful awards
>Spike Lee got the make-up for subbing Do The Right Thing/career achievement award for screenplay
>Gaga won best song
>Spiderverse won
>Olivia Colman is adorable
>Green Book limped its way to Best Picture and now a lot of people are mad for no reason

She’s right

why do incels always yell this discord tran thing whenever you name them I don't get it

No host, it was actually a decent program in terms of structure. Intro from Fey/Poehler/Rudolph then straight into the award presenters with musical numbers from the films scattered throughout.

Yea Forums is pretending green book is good because liberal Twitter is mad that it won

It was good though

Green book is a good movie though.
I wouldn't have given it BP but it's not bad.

You could use that same argument for Black Panther.

why do women make everything into an essay

Based. Everyone was pissed

its literally just an average oscarbait movie
>queen movie was a tv movie
>blackkksman was a racebait movie
>black panther was a superhero movie
could have been worse

Why do discord trannies always yell this incel thing whenever you name them, I don't get it ;)

nigger pandering
white men bad
trump bad

the usual

This although Coleman was nice

And you're STILL seething about it xD

As far as oscarbait goes Green Book was well-executed.

For every Green Book or 12 Years a Slave there's a The Danish Girl or The Birth of a Nation.

>movie with nigger and homo mc win bp
>lib outrage that a movie with more niggers didn't win
This nation can't be nuked soon enough.

I definitely preferred the host free format. They should just keep doing it.

Roma and The Favourite were the only good BP nominees. Neither had black cast so try again

based cuaron first person to ever win best cinematography and director for the same movie

The Favourite had black extras though

i was honestly expecting a snl guy like andy samberg or seth meyers to host it by proxy

they should keep doing this because it keeps the cringe and bullshit away

>blacks get btfo
>trump election secured for 2020


yes, black people are ungrateful

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Person I responded to is still an edgelord with a bad take

yeah as servants

also the first time in living memory people can name who won best cinematography

I like it when they have a host who is willing to be edgy, but since that's impossible to come by the new format was pretty decent. It kept the focus on the awards and the people winning them, which was nice.

If they change the musical numbers to something better it could be a winning formula going forward.

literally who is this and why would you think she deserves to represent any group of people


Nigger, Deakins won just last year

stfu nigger

It's almost like giving black people "representation" doesn't do shit to fix racism
Holy shit are they finally realizing this

>white people
>Black and Brown people
>white gaze

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Jews still know niggers are trash but give them enough rope to do their bidding.

Is yer tongue defective?

Niggers got pity awards and the best movie got best picture. Also MCU shills are somehow proud about getting welfare awards, don't ask me why