The Doctor Is In
To Think. I Hesitated
I liked what they did with his voice. He was genuinely a disturbing character.
YEsterday I watched Hellraiser (the first movie) and I only liked the gore at the begginign and at the end. All that sex and cheating didn't really interest me.
only good part of this boring movie. They're all so boring.
You’re whole lives are behind you now.
This was the exact moment when the movie, NAY the series went from decent horror with potential to cartoony trash.
The only good Hellraiser is Hellraiser: Rama.
I’m taking over this operation!
>All that sex and cheating didn't really interest me.
well, you see, little user, when a mummy and a daddy love each other very much...
So did frank molest kirsty
I don’t think so. He wanted to when he saw her all grown up.
Laurence: I met Clive, and he said, "OK, your uncle`s wearing your father`s skin, and he wants to kill you and have sex with you, probably in that order.
No, nothing overtly violent or horrible ever happens to Kirsty, cause Clive Barker is a homosexual.
Is that place some alien love craftian world? seems like you can only get there by using this alien cube as a portal
No its pretty much literally hell
>The Doctor Is In
Reminder that the Labyrinth was not the Christian hell until Barker reconned it much later in a shitty novel he wrote whilst suffering from indigestion brought on by a stomach full of semen.
In the original novella and the first two films the realm from which the cenobites originate is not hell, but a hellish alternate dimension.
Which 80s horror heroine/designated last girl had it worst? (regardless of their eventual survival or death)
I mean, which scenario was worse?
Kristy Cotton had it pretty fucking bad, considering what she found herself up against.
I mean, Jason and Freddy et al., could only kill you once, but if you get captured by the cenobites you're fucked for eternity.
Nah, they didn’t really know her I think. In the book they didn’t know each other at all IIRC since she wasn’t er movie-dad’s daughter but his femcel orbiter.
Good thing based Kirsty is an angel pure of heart
*they didn’t really know eachother
is the comic canon or no?
i wanted to see more of his past and his obsession with death and hell but i guess the movie's good enough.
Oh bugger!