ITT: Post Green Book salt

ITT: Post Green Book salt

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Fucking White People. How dare they ever feel good.

Mmmm I love sodium.

2 Terms.

And Black Panther and Klansman were only nominated because they are an experience that makes black people and white liberals feel comfortable by telling them exactly what they want to hear about race.

I'm just more shocked that the director of There's Something About Mary has a Best Picture oscar now. Best timeline.

A film that's able to appeal to all kinds of audiences and not alienate anyone even if they never went through the experience themselves is a bad thing?

Honestly yes, because it's a feelgood movie that offers zero actual meaningful contribution to the dialogue at all
Not a SJW, and not a nigger, the movie is just tripe

This. Is it at least funny? And they couldn't give it to BP because that would have been too obvious

Can I get a quick run down? Is this a movie about absent father's?

A black guy and an Italian guy go on a road trip to the deep south. Racism ensues

Also it's based on real people but the movie is framed in a way that the white guy teaches the black about soul music when the actual guy was friends with big time singers, kek

>Green book is bad because of it's representation of 'the black experience'
>Black Panther is stereotypical, total fantasy and doesn't do any favours to the image of Africa is so progressive and amazing and best film ever, has black people in it like no other movie has done before.
What do these people even want, stereotypes and bad acting or a movie about a black and white guy getting along.

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Meanwhile, the best black film of the year, Beale Street, was ignored in all categories except Original Score and Support Actress. To make it worse, it lost to an average capeshit soundtrack.

Sounds boring

You're first mistake is thinking these people think that deeply into their complaints. Truth is they see something to complain about and they jump on it, I doubt this faggot even cares that much but he knew he'd get internet points for complaining about Green Book.

You've been left behind by the accelerationism, stereotypes are now warped over into being seen as true-to-life. That's why there's an increase in casting and generally depicting black actors as being slack-jawed with massive noses and borderline ape-esque features, why there was a minor controversy over Hanzo from Overwatch not being a literal yellow-skinned slant-eyed Oriental, etc.

the black guy is also gay

t. incel

Roma should have won, fuck Drumpf.

>t. nigcel

all th usual suspects seem to hate it. is green book /ourmovie/?

Yeah it's pretty funny. Viggo is a surprisingly great comedic actor.


wth no wonder they're angry

>offers zero actual meaningful contribution to the dialogue
civil rights era is over m8

they want you to gone completely. I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet

So much this
Same with Moonlight and Shape of Water

How does this guy explain 12 Years a Slave winning in 2014?

believe you me, white people are way more comfortable with Black Panther, a movie dripping with Ayn Rand infused subtext, Green Book represents an evolution, a change, which terrifies everybody, you take In the Heat of the Night, Two-Lane Blacktop, Basquiat and Goodfellas, blend it with a dash of Zucker-style irreverence, serve hot with a side of Coltrane, you got something they haven't tasted before, might be too spicy for some but those who like it will come back for more

Did it win the Oscar for most actual contribution to the dialogue?
Man, that's fucked up.

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>references basquiat
My nigga

just goes to show that anything of substance or understanding racial issues is not what's desired at all.
pew-pew capeshit that has nothing to do with the black experience or history, now THAT's where it's at.

>black panther wins a bunch of undeserved shit
>an overwhelming shitload of bullshit girl power and other liberal propaganda
They're never happy.

You can't temp a monkey with gimmiedats then not give it to them it's racist

he's not wrong.
it's a comfy empowerment film which could have been made 20 years ago
enjoyable to watch, but not particularly good and not progressive at all.

Nothing more based than a nigger scribbling with crayons.

>They're never happy.
well that's what progressives are by definition.

no homo but if I were andy worhol I wouldn't have been able to hold back

Yeah! We should only ever depict stories about black people that make them "comfortable". Let's never allow black people to be individuals, they should all be typecast into specific roles that have them always either be the victim, or the completely in control badass. That will surely lead to social progress!

Why the fuck is Yea Forums so obsessed with corporate manufactured Twitter outrage?

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I haven't seen Back Panther, but isn't it the most egregious example of the magical negro stereotype? At least green book is based on a real story.

>all this "white savior" bullshit
The salt about this movie peaked my interest and I just finished watching it. I don't see how anyone could actually watch this movie about a highly respected, cultured, educated black man being chauffeured around by a fat nearly-illiterate goomba bouncer and come away with the impression that the white guy "saved" the black guy. I don't think they even watched the movie. They just saw the trailer and made assumptions. Even the fried chicken scene that had people all butthurt was a white guy who loves greasy chicken, eats like an animal, and doesn't mind littering vs black man who can't bring himself to eat with his hands because he's too fancy.

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These people really thought black panther was gonna win

How dare white people...
*shuffles deck* comfortable.

are oscars just there to affirmative action Hollywood niggers? Do they have to win every year now cuz we wuz slaveowners?

It's supposedly empowering but the most of them didn't really bother with it until the film came out.

But isn't Moonlight about gay black and how it is living in ghetto as gay?

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It's basically Thomas Sovell goes on a road trip with Super Mario. It's good movie and considering the pile of shit that was 2018, I'd say it is the best movie.

Give them one token victory for fun and they expect it every time.

What if I'm Asian and I thought Green Book was a great movie? How are you going to try to invalidate my view on the movie now, Preston?

whats that movie even about, I dont think it even released in europe lol

mutts are actually mentally ill

that's literally how CNN wants all minorities to look like

Witt means white in old dutch... fucking embrrasing...

liberals probably want asians to go back to asia

Why is it this acceptable to attack white men. Im gonna make a tweet "women cant direct movies"

Yeah the KFC scene was great - made him stop the car and go back for the litter.

I wonder how the balck actor feels about all this. After all he chose to be in the movie, and there must be some level of pride about your movie. He's probably not allowed to defend the movie though, becasue people will call him an uncle Tom or smth

Liberals hate Asians because you're too successful. That destroys their narrative about racism and immigrants. So modern liberals have started calling Asians honorary whites. They want to classify you as white so they can hate you for being successful in life. That's what "white" has come to mean to them.

same shit with kanye, white people will call him a black person that is in "the sunken place"

so fucking blatantly racist and yet no one gets outraged on social media about this, top fucking kek

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All I want is some form of entertainment that’s not about fucking race relations.

good luck getting that from mainstream american entertainment


Liberals hate Asians. They're too good at assimilating well enough to bw productive members of society without leaving their cultural heritage behind.

>gay negroe musician hires italian driver
>italian slowly becomes woke and unlearns his racism
>negroe is posh and pretentious and complains about evil whities stereotyping him as the typical porchmonkey
>in a movie where the italian guy is called Tony and has the campiest mannerism and accent
>probably not even intentional

Yeah, and it's like there is only one type of movie about black people that is allowed. Only pieces with a lot of suffering. But even then, it has to be done in a certain way or it's racist yet AGAIN.

You just can't win, and the ones that loose the most are the black actors that are in those movies that just want to do their job and probably love the project their in

>the Italian guys name is Tony
my sides

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no dissenting opinions, not even race is an exception anymore

liberalism is so far gone to retard land, zoomers can see through the bullshit

based evans called him a house nigger and everyone cheered shits hilariously fucked

Didn't Birdman win best picture?
And yes, African-Americans literally don't know how to move past the whole race thing.

birdman was pre-2016 tho

>don't know how to move past
>don't know how
>dont' know
bullshit, here's a better idea, why in the fuck would they give up their only source of reliable income ie making whitey feel bad

a majority of blacks don't give a fuck

it's 100% liberal white fags in california/new york stirring up the shit with the token nigger like spike lee

America is founded on rage relations, you have to take that to your grave.

Are you implying that these are contemporary "blaxploitation" films in a way?

sjw/woke types who love black panther are some of the most simple-minded fuckwits on earth. These are the same people who see spectral nazis everywhere they look, but the wakandans are real textbook national socialists and they love them. Those starving africans just outside our invisible kingdom walls? FUCK THEM wakanda is for wakandans. The same people who think society would be improved if everyone were disarmed don't mind that the wakandans are armed to the fucking gills with high-tech energy weapons and kill-on-sight anything that breaches their walls. And as far as "magical negros" go the wakandans are the epitomy, but they mostly disguise it as technology. Every time that smug sister character chastizes some simple-minded whitey for being so backwards, waves her hands around some amazing 3D holographic user interface, and solves an incredibly complex medical or technological problem she is being a textbook magical negro. Then the main character uses actual magic to talk to his dead father. I don't have strong feelings about the movie but I'm annoyed that anyone thinks its a good film, and I hate hypocrits who talk about wakanda like it's a utopia but actively work against the virtues that actually make it (fictionally) great: national socialism, self defense, etc.

tl:dr wakandans are ebil nazis

>a majority of blacks don't give a fuck
lol you still find a way to blame white people. can't own up to anything.

Movie based on a real life black man who was one of the greatest jazz pianists of all time. Well received and praised among the jazz and motown elite.

Suddenly it's a horrible movie because the white director won an Oscar.

>white people should eternally suffer

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>a majority

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Well most Oscar movies are

i'm not blaming anyone

There have been other Marvel movies released that year that would've made better "best pictures" not deservedly, but just better than Black Panther. It's the most formulaic garbage cape shit I've ever seen, and I like cape shit.

>Shape of water
How is fishfucking related to any of that?

'12 Years A Slave' is black suffering the movie. So of course it was critically acclaimed.

Jango was better

No one has ever watched this movie

>it's a comfy empowerment film

Definitely not empowering for black people since it's a white savior movie.

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nah, I watched it and it was fairly boring

Yeah whenever s󠀀oy󠀀boys talk about loving Panther and you tell them the Wakandans were weapon loving nationalists that had walls you pretty much get this reaction

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Another white savior/slavery movie.


why do people try to rationalize these mutts insane ramblings? they have no history or culture to root themselves in so fictitious garbage like wakanda not winning an award is a personal slight against them in their deranged minds.

This is why they will only watch the films, since in the MCU, Wakanda isn't like that/anymore.

The fish man represents a nigger & forbidden love in the 60s during the civil rights era.

white liberals are 100x more annoying then any woke black guy praising these movies

I loved this movie because it's actually sensible on how to discuss the prejudice problem. Every other movie just alienates the audience instead of showing them why prejudice is supposed to be bad. I wish we had more movies like Green Book.

>even a movie about two people of different races trying to get along is not enough to satisfy leftists

christ they're only making their agenda more obvious

>liberal movie isn't liberal enough

>African-Americans literally don't know how to move past the whole race thing.
We look out for each other while white people hate themselves.

>the dialogue
You mean the echo chamber? What's left to discuss?

self-hate sets off the evolutionary disgust reaction more than anything else

White people forgave the rest of the film for 90 seconds of Paul Dano singing run nigger run

you're a mutt. if your source of personal """"""""""""empowerment""""" comes from some movie and fake awards ceremonies then you are literally human sludge anyways. just go eat your mcdonalds. you no history, you're just a consumer, get over yourself.

yeah but you're making a really common mistake: you're projecting the absurdity of Yea Forums onto the world. nobody outside of us would know what the fuck you're talking about

i have never met someone arguing for black panther. i highly doubt most people would care, a lot of them haven't even seen the film. you're living in a cartoon bubble

Except they're confusing blind prejudice with stereotypes & instincts, which are survival & based on reality.

>Just turn off your instincts, goy lul


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Every time I hear some hollywood fag like Bardem make a witty quip about how terrible border walls are I want to ask them when wakanda is going to get rid of theirs and use their unlimited wealth and technology to un-fuck africa by redistributing their own wealth and taking in millions of refugees. It's the right thing to do!

>Aragorn says nigger
>Still wins
Niggers btfo

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>white savior
Shirley single-handedly freed himself and Tony out of jail and then lectured Tony about controlling your temper/not using violence to solve problems. How the fuck is that Tony being a "white savior"?

You stupid fucking twitter faggots probably didn't even watch the movie and are just parroting what other dipshits said. Go suck Spike Lee's dick some more.

>IQ difference THAT visible from a picture
>the lower IQ one is the one winning the survival of the fittest battle

>I've never met anyone who likes black panther
They gave that piece of shit oscars tonight and the press and social elites are crying because there were some awards that it DIDN'T win, including the most sought after film award on the planet. That is their reality, not my perception of it.


>Plebbit is already blaming russia for green book and not a REAL black movie like blackkklansman or black panther winning

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What the fuck are you even talking about, retard?

One scene. It's a white savior movie. Everyone knows this.

How does Russia pick Oscar winners?

It's like a lost episode of Sopranos

hacking probably

>>Here's why
I thoght that shit was just a joke. No wonder newspapers are turning to AI to write articles.

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Seriously though, will we ever get oscars without race baiting again...

>I thoght that shit was just a joke

And that's a good thing.

Retaliation for that Lawrence flick

Tony Lip actually acted in The Sopranos as Carmine Sr., so that's why.

the fuck is this? IQ tests have nothing to do with science haha

>odds favor trump
he will definitely lose, then

Here's why.

and it's beautiful

And it's everything

>wanted Black Panther to win because of the asshurt it would cause on Yea Forums
>Green Book won and is causing massive asshurt on twitter
Ill take it.

I know you're trolling but it's really not, the only thing close to "white savior" in this movie was when Tony does his job and helps Shirley in the bar fight

>dissing based shape of water
Universal shill cuck btfo

Yes they do

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>N***** BTFO

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Is the "Black experience" the shitty actor from True Detective season 3 chewing up his wig in-front of based Viggo?

>a majority of blacks don't give a fuck
but its mostly blacks complaining about green book winning?

Representation only counts when it’s a superhero

based retard
You literally couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

It's like they almost get it. Just replace "white" with "jew".

why dont you fucking poltards just stay on /pol/ and leave twitter alone

Can't they hack themselves into having a better economy than fucking Italy?

Black Panther says nothing about race or anything else.

Green Book is one of those BP winners that will be utterly forgotten about it in the span of a year. Like Spotlight. Just your standard hollywood virtue signaling safe film that no one actually watches.

lol every single producer on Black Panther is also white. if BP had won the stage would've been whiter than my dick.

Those have been the winners for like the past 15 years

It was funny, I liked it.
Didn't see why they needed to yell at each other in the rain though.

The film doesn't, the marketing campaign did.
Black Panther's best picture nod was entirely about the politics of its marketing campaign, especially since the film had a message in opposition to the marketing.

Viggo was fucking robbed this year and I will brook no compromise on this

He was the white main character in a movie about racism. He never had a chance of winning.

>a movie about niggers wins...again
When will white people just become racist again and dump these apes back off into Afreaka?

If they'll hand it to Rami Malek for that role of all things they could at least hand Viggo a career recognition Oscar.
Malek's young, let him do the serious drama for his Oscar instead of giving it to him for a boring biopic.

Niggers are fucking entitled, selfish retards and leftists have to kiss their black asses on principle because the "victim's" feelings are more important than objective reality.
Niggers might suck but "white allies" are the absolute peak of human garbage.

trips of truth
dubs of cringe

If you are giving out career recognition awards then Dafoe deserved it more.

Moonlight was a bit more indie at least
Birdman was gimmicky and dishonest but it was different from the usual fare
No Country is based
The Departed doesn't fit the bill either (tho obviously just being a career oscar)
LotR definitely isn't forgotten either

Overall agreed on the rest.

Shhhhh. Shhhhhhhh. Calm down. Shhhhhhh.

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I had never heard of Green Book, read the letterboxd bio and wrote it off as a sort of niggerfied Forrest Gump. Is it actually kino? seems I got it the wrong way round if blacks hate it

The whining about the oscars is almost identical to the whining about the Patriots and Tom Brady at the super bowl

the only people who seem to like it are white liberals

>go to twitter
>green book white people
You’d think this film was funded by the KKK

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I wonder what Mahershala Ali thinks about that

you're not wrong!

Then why are they all seething about it?

He already had to apologize since the family of the real life person he played hated the movie.

>*deletes tweet*

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Different flavors of white liberals. The ones with a personal recollection of the Nixon administration like Green Book, the ones who don't remember the Berlin Wall coming down dont.

It does. It implies that the only thing holding back Afrikangz is access to resources and that with a special magic space metal they can build technology more advanced than Europeans or East Asians, which is laughable.

The hook nosed kikes have whites by the balls

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I quit

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Why the fuck is the CIA tweeting capeshit polls?

He does not care.

Ali gas been great since 4400.


so muchh salt i'm dehydrating

Fuck if I know
I think some diversity hire got ahold of the twitter password.

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Not him, but I totally think so.
I blame Crash.

Why capital B ?

>whites are in charge of who wins oscars
pleb tier mind this preston

>Black Panther wins 3 oscars, awarding 5 people in total
>3 are white guys and the other 2 are the most lightskin blacks you can find


Shouldn't they be overthrowing third world dictators or something like that?

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When Canadians if Asian descent protested against refugees welcome policy, they were accused of white supremacy

Would you bring the diversity hire on such important missions?

Why do women and minorities feel entitled to everything white man built

Go watch Alita then you fag

It is just one nigger. Most of blacks cpuld not care less.

But that is not true or at least in comics it is not that reason.

Didn't the director of Moonlight right a super scathing review of BlacKKKlansman? About how much shit it got wrong compared to the book, and that Lee tried to turn a story of coming together into a black power fantasy?


The general audience doesn't give a fuck. But then you have those weird black power people that unironically believe in stuff such as
>Mozart was black
>Egyptains were black
>Some black wizard invented white people
>Vikings were black
>both Jesus and budda were black

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>white people are brave for viewing niggers as slightly human


The problem with Green Book its just bland and safe in every aspect. It honestly looks like television movie. Generic cinematography, generic shoot compositions, predictable story, generic editing. There is no artistry in this movie. Its feel good movie that offers nothing, it will be forgotten in a year.

Ps: i disliked Roma also, for arthouse movie its really empty. Tons of better art house movies last year than Roma

go cry somewhere else faggit

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>Blacks appropriating the work of hispanics

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"Bury me where my ancestors died"

I'm white, and I have a black best friend. We were looking at what was playing after brunch and I suggested "Green Book." He suggested "Alita" and we went with that.

>On the way out he was like, "so Marshashalah Ali got relegated to token black status?"
>Nah man, it's cannon. He bones Shiren in the anime.
>They got that shit on netflix dude?

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>our victories

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This, Black Panther is the epitome of “we got ours, fuck you” attitude that Millennial and Gen z leftists hate on Boomers for. But when Wakandans do it, they don’t give a shit

this, it's all so tiresome.

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kek, how far up into their asses are those people?

reminder that the screenplay was written while Shirley was still alive with his input, and his family's just salty that they're implicitly presented as homophobic

The movie is kinda stupid though. Viggo's character is nearly Forrest Gump levels of idiot.

Exactly. They are proof positive that you can immigrate here and not be a total fuck-up and actually improve your neighborhood. Liberals don't want that.

Hey guys, lets sum up the oscars in 1 pic.

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>offers zero actual meaningful contribution to the dialogue
Let's unpack this.

I love my cape shit movies, its good mindless fun for the most part.

Black Panther had no reason to be up for a nomination for Best Picture. Neither did Black KKLansman or whatever either, they were up there to placate the dumb media.

Hold Up....

You mean to tell me the stupid tech from Blank Panther is real and white people made it first?


again with the harry potter shit.

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Green Book is mediocre film, not top50 this year, politics aside.

By calling a white politician lmao

What was this in connection with

The end of the film has,them opening themselves up to the world and joining NATO though.

The thing with the woke leftist/progressive crowd is they will never be fully satisfied, they legit search out any and everything to be offended by so they can be viewed as the moral righteousness that is taking down some kind of evil. They want nothing more than fame and attention from thousands of millions and to be viewed as brave and heroic.

They aren't.

in their mindset its basically whitey vs everyone else

They’ll come for once whites are done with.

Standpoint theory is so fucking stupid.

The idea that the experience of a human being, because of their race or ethnicity, can be so unique that other humans simply aren't capable of understanding or empathizing with them, is literally the worldview of a Nazi.

Holy shit, the Farrelly Brothers directed this?

black experiences that make white audiences uncomfortable: rapist, criminal, slave

>meaning contribution to a conversation that ended 50 years ago
Youre retarded

>Just sodium

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you can watch for Ali and Mortensen's performance, which for me is the high point of the movie

otherwise, yeah, it's pretty dull

>deserved a straight to DVD release
Only thing I'll agree with

uh dude that would be salt

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What words should I put in the Twitter search box to find the most salt over Green Book? idk how to get more salt and fewer articles that just have "Green Book" and "Oscars" in them.
Just curious if there actually ARE a decent amount of people pissed about it.

The dirtiest secret in all of Hollywood is that behind the scenes production is OVERWHELMINGLY FUCKING WHITE. Because films are too expensive for anything but meritocracy.
If you had a film that had a 100% black production crew it'd never get finished & would bankrupt the studio.
Nobody ever calls attention to this.

>and the winner is....
>OMGOMG, bang the drumms nigga!!
>all the cast hootn and hollerin, falling over each other, jumping in their seats
>spike lee starts to cry as al sharptin comes down from the ceiling on wires
>camera slowly pans out to see more than just black faces walking on stage
>you mean white people helped make this movie?
>but wakanda
>we waz kings


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>the stage gets whiter & whiter as more of the production crew comes out
>eventually blacks on the stage are massively outnumbered
>articles about how problematic it was to even let the whites working on it in the building begin

boredom... my negro friend

Africans had gay rulers in nearly all their history.
I kid you no, bro! They even have higher possibility of being gay compared to all other races.

>al sharptin

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>Lee tried to turn a story of coming together into a black power fantasy?

wait, do you mean spike lee doesn’t care about racial harmony?

It’s almost as if all the virtue signaling is far from actual reality

>stop watching movies
>stop paying for streaming services
the only way to end this is to kill hollywood

based Freudian slip

>we live in a time where a movie about racism being bad is better received on Yea Forums than SJW circlejerks
What the fuck is wrong with the world?

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The whole muh russia thing is partially a campaign against VPNs. People evade copyright bullshit by spoofing their IP location so the response is to treat everyone using a VPN as an actual foreigner statistically.

>Thomas sowell goes on a road trip with super mario

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You can never win with these people

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lol niggers lol


he was robbed when he got nominated for captain fantastic

sounds like Spike Lee alright

tbf this movie was way more deserving to be on Netflix than Roma.

Probably got 1 like or less which is why you hid it because it made blacks "uncomfortable" to read lol

you're next up on the block as """oppressors""" as soon as they have us ebil wypipo wiped out.
I hope you're prepared for that, they already don't like you for the color of your skin.

the best part about this shit is he is talking about white liberals, who, lets be real, will die first when we go South Africa, not actual white people who have never heard of this crap and wouldn't even consider thinking about it if they did.

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[user was given a pulitzer prize for his review]

Do you think there exist a racial divide in the US in 2019>

I saw the Green Book, no idea why it won. Thought for sure that the favorite was going to win

The people who are related to the black are also angry because they where not contacted about this movie.

Didn't the guy who the movie was about family say the movie was insulting to his memory?

Only one of the brothers did.

>African nation
>North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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his estranged family that hated him for being gay? Yeah they did. The screenplay was written back when he was alive with input from him though.

I never knew that black people cared about the oscars this much. Why is that? I would figure they would think acting is gay.

Could still be true if Wakanda wasn't on the eastern side of Africa.

The movie was written by the son (or was it grandson) of the Italian MC, but while writing the movie he never once contacted the relatives of the black character.
Why not? You allowed Turkey, Italy, Greece and half of eastern Europe to join.

>but while writing the movie he never once contacted the relatives of the black character.
Vallalonga wrote it with input from Don Shirley himself

Why do you feel the need to lie on the internet? Don Shirley died in 2013, production started in 2017 and I'm pretty sure that the part about
>his estranged family that hated him for being gay?
Is something you made up.

What should've it been then
Do they prefer a movie that's nothing but black people suffering for 2 hours

this really

>white guilt movies
>racist white movies

>finally a movie where a bigoted black and a bigoted white man cross that racial barrier
>dead man's brother and racial agitator calls it "lies"
>progressives jump on the bandwagon

it's so exhausting. they claim to want equality, but then a film where a black and white man are shown on equal footing sends them into a rage.

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screenplays can bounce around way before production begins, just so you know, newfag


>Another shocking claim from the family: Shirley never even wanted to have a film made based on his life. Edwin said when “Green Book” screenwriter Nick Vallelonga, Tony’s son, approached Shirley three decades ago about making a movie, Shirley rebuffed him. However, at Wednesday’s event, Vallelonga told the packed house that he interviewed both his father and Shirley “many, many times” about their trip and relationship.
I really hate "He says she says" scenarions.
What's North Atlantic about Eastern Europe?

What is causing this illness to be everywhere in the modern world?

Whats the reasoning?

>meaningful contribution to the dialogue
The only dialogue they want is whatever they can use to avoid talking about black failure.

Modern education, particularly Ivy League liberal enclaves, which promulgate this madness at a time when people are just becoming adults.

12 years a slave already won years ago

You’re probably some fat white tranny, but blacks are killing each other in record numbers

>quadroon bitches about racism

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it's literally correct

This is why Kubrick hated Schindler's List.


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I hate it when twitter-users think their platform is viable for posting reaction images

Kubrick was a hack

It's a mix of media and higher education. Unsurprisingly in both it also mirrors the presence of Jews, coincidentally or not.

White and Jewish. The majority of producers and finances are Jewish. Never forget this.

>involving spic kino with the rest of that trash

That's the point though; the movie was made for white people to feel comfortable about race relations. It was like saying "see, this one white guy is kind of scum and this black guy is classy and intelligent, and they became friends so maybe racism doesn't exist like the media tells you!"

I'm not supporting the notion, but it's what twitter shits like pic related are all pissy over. It's generally just part of the SJW narrative; whenever a white person can provide an example of equality or congregation of the races that they approve of, an SJW will just screech about how that specific instance doesn't count because white people don't deserve to feel good about anything.

>whenever a white person can provide an example of equality or congregation of the races that they approve of, an SJW will just screech about how that specific instance doesn't count because white people don't deserve to feel good about anything.
That's because the SJW narrative relies on racial hatred.

We live in a time where the quality of a film is judged on how anti-racist it is
You can make a movie about conquering racism but if there's another movie that's MORE anti-racism then you're just as bad as the nazis

Why can none of these people understand that the film is not making a statement about racism and how to tackle it?

It's literally just about two people's friendship and the race issue happens to be part of the narrative because of the setting.

Because cocaine is a helluva drug.

I'd pay to see that

There's no way they could have become more advance simply being surrounded by metal. They would need have access to animals to domesticate and increase workloads because simply having a strong metal doesn't mean you, yourself with a hoe made from it will get more work done than one made from iron or bronze. Also when the fuck did they develop the cloaking shield? Before they made it, there would have been tales of a powerful African nation with advance technology which would make people seek them out for trade or to conquer and gain access to it. They would have developed combustion engines and other fossil fuel based stuff first no different than us. You don't just o from tribal people with minor metal work to flying cars and cloaking shields that can encase most of a country just because you found a super strong metal.

Yep. Even acknowledging that non-ghetto blacks exist is racist now.
Why do we even still use the word "racist"? It's totally obsolete. If you aren't racist, you aren't allowed in the upper echelons of society. Racism is a prerequisite for cultural elites. No progressive nowadays even pretends to treat people according to "the content of their character," and they pillory those that do. When are they going to realize that "racist" isn't even a valid criticism under their ideology?

They have vibranium-based nootropics.

What other outrage is there?.

We seem to be the only site making fun of those retards , everybody else seem to be busy being "woke".

They don't. It is only few blacks that even care.

There is no dialogue left, slavery is over, equal rights are here, stop being such a pathetic individual that you need to grasp onto your victim mentality or else you can't handle your sad life.

> he doesn't know

educate yourself, my friend.

what kind of racism does the average black person encounter, aside from being called a nigger on Yea Forums?

This film is white saviour trash. We need more films bashing white culture and history, not ones pandering to white liberal guilt.

When your IQ hovers around 85, you don't really think past 'fuck whitey'.

The fuck does that mean?

Any black man I encounter on a sidewalk has to endure the racism of me hurriedly crossing to the other side of the street before we pass eachother.

That's not racism (unless you do it to any black guy in broad daylight). But if you're walking alone and there's a motherfucker with a hoodie walking towards you you're not doing that deliberately to mistreat them, you're trying to be safe. It makes sense when their demographic commits 51% of crime. What the fuck are you supposed to do? Pretend they don't and run a higher risk of getting mugged just so you won't be seen as racist? That's stupid.
There's a black guy (actor maybe?) that said something like "if I'm at a store and think I run the risk of being robbed I won't be afraid of the white guy in there I'll be afraid of the black guy" and he's right.
If you come at me at night and I walk to the other sidewalk I'm sorry if your feelings are hurt but certainly you fucking understand me right? I'd expect you to

>the best black film of the year
That's like saying the least terminal cancer of the year

Can you point out the jews?


It's so predictable and this is why you don't pander. It's never enough.

Every nominated movie can be about black people, they will STILL bitch because the one that wins isn't 'black enough.'

Funny because 99% of these people never saw the movie. Anyone who calls it a "white savior" movie should be classified as clinically retarded.

you mean propping up 3rd world dictators

Yes, and the “particular black experience” it’s about is how blacks can be bigots and snobs, too. It’s almost like it’s a phenomenon not married to any particular skin color.