Really feel bad for her, even though Colman deserved the win
if the goblina won she would have guaranteed stormed out of there, but thankfully a white wamen won it so it was slightly more bearable
It wasn't even close though
She was easily the worst of the bunch
The movie was so-so and I agree that a lot of her character's internal dialogue was poorly translated to the screen but she was excellent
She was so clearly the lock though.
Imagine being her and getting your hopes up that high, only to lose out of nowhere to a runner-up
glenn close yet so far :D
Has Glenn never won??
That’s embarassing.
Glenn Close for Best Actress, and Shallow for Best Original Song were the only two things I was pretty much 100% sure about. Glad Colman won though, she definitely deserved it.
Glenn Close is a seven time loser. Oh my god.
It was close, it was Glenn Close
She wasn't high enough on the progressive stack.
Is she the new Leo?
WTF I love Glen close now!
jk i always loved her
I'm confused on how Colman was the lead in The Favourite, the movie felt far more centered on Emma Stone.
The other original song choices this year were shockingly shitty, it's usually one of the few categories where I enjoy all the options but this year, Jesus Christ.
i caught one to play me close like her name was glenn
and I'll be damned if I ever let it happen again
To be nominated 7 times is better than winning once honestly. I'm sure it sucks in the moment, but a lot more people will remember Glenn Closes work in the long run
Glenn (so) Close
Being recognized as a top tier performance 7 times beats being a one hit wonder who grabs his statue and then is never heard from again.
Now, THATS a joke
Pretty sure Glen has recently said very favorable things of her. Unless you are implying she was being PC.
This bitch is no Peter O'Toole.
Colman got a golden globe too, you silly, silly man
SAG awards > Golden Globes
i dont think i have ever watched a movie with her in
Nah, fuck that sad old bitch. I bet she knew all about Harv.
More like Glen Far kek
What's sad is I bet people have been pumping her tires for a win all Oscar season only to come up short.
Easy Emma sucks
Fuck that.
The Wife was a ridiculous film.
Bad opinion
Look at all those shitskins. Disgusting.
I thought robin williams was dead
Damn, Lady Gaga looks like THAT?
So far
Oscars wins
Black Panther 4
Jennifer Lawrence 1
Brie Larson 1
Alicia Vikander 1
Mahershala Ali 2
Emma Stone 1
Lady Gaga 1
Regina King 1
Anne Hathaway 1
Cher 1
Whoopi Goldberg 1
Spike Lee 1
Kobe Bryant 1
No Oscars as directors
D. W. Griffith (0 nominations Honorary award)
Buster Keaton (0) (Honorary Award in 1959)
Howard Hawks (1 nomination, 0 wins)
Alfred Hitchcock (5 nominations, 0 wins Honorary award)
Stanley Kubrick (4 nominations, 0 wins)
Akira Kurosawa (1 nomination, 0 wins)
Fritz Lang (0 nominations)
Sam Peckinpah (0 nominations)
Sidney Lumet (4 nominations, 0 wins)
0 Oscars as actors/actresses
Errol Flynn (0 nominations)
Marilyn Monroe (0 nominations)
Jerry Lewis (0 nominations)
Fred Astaire (1 nomination, 0 wins)
Kirk Douglas (3 nominations, 0 wins)
Albert Finney (5 nominations, 0 wins)
Peter O'Toole (8 nominations, 0 wins)
Donald Sutherland (0 nominations)
Glen Close (7 nominations, 0 wins)
Viggo Mortensen
Tom Cruise
Joaquin Phoenix
Richard Burton 7 nominations 0 wins
Cher winning over her for moonstruck is burning more and more as the years pass
Alan Rickman 0 nominations
>Marilyn Monroe (0 nominations)
Was she even a good actress? She’s just famous for getting her tits out and fucking mad dudes
Pro tip good actresses don't get nominated all the time and shit actresses get nominated often
She really shouldve won for albert nobbs. That was highway robbery, streep was laughable as thatcher.
Fuck you OP, she really does deserve an Oscar. I understand the choice for Colman, but damn. Poor Glenn.
No, never. It's a disgrace.
Yeah, but he never picked traditionally Oscar bait movies. He deserved one for Hans Gruber though, but whatever.
Black Panther won 4 statues, lmao
But a british woman is?
Why do whites make this face?
it's the "I hate niggers" face
From that mitchell and webb sound to oscar winner
Feels weird to me when I first found out about her through a radio sketch on the beeb
Kubrick is overrated
not really he's great
Lost to this
She'll eventually get one, I guess, she's a great actress anyway.
I saw The Favourite and thought it was great so Coleman deserved it. But I didn't see The Wife. Did anyone actually watch the wife? Anybody?
nice trip fuckhead
I've always liked Olivia Colman. She's cute in a motherly way.
Mediocre bait. But you got a (you).
She was Nobbed!
stunning and brave
Me, it was about how the wife was a ghost writer for her husband books
no because Glenn is actually deserving of her recognition
she isn't really a good actress but she's just likeable on screen
Glenn seems like a nice lady.
Sophie from Peep Show won a fucking Oscar who gives a shit about this old broad
>Alfred Hitchcock (5 nominations, 0 wins Honorary award)
>Stanley Kubrick (4 nominations, 0 wins)
>Akira Kurosawa (1 nomination, 0 wins)
>Fritz Lang (0 nominations)
>Sidney Lumet (4 nominations, 0 wins)
Wow, the academy has always been shit.
She won the popular vote
why tf does gaga do herself up like that she's pretty cute when she isn't caked in makeup
They got no lips