What's some kino cereal to eat while watching some kino?
What's some kino cereal to eat while watching some kino?
You just posted it.
also acceptable: nesquik, count chocula, lucky charms
Frosted Flakes are fucking GREAT! I like to let them sit in the milk a bit to get a little soggy.
kino pops
the end all be all of cereal. the last word in crunch.
Undisputed champion
Toss a bunch of Oreos into a bowl of milk, let them soak and break up, eat like cereal.
step aside plebs
>tfw can't find it in grocery stores near me anymore
name ONE (1) [uno] cereal that is both
you literally can’t
I used to stuff my fucking face full of that diabetes fuel inbetween Halo games at 3am
Are these any good? Saw that they recently brought these back after everyone was asking. Never got the chance to try them.
this is sub-garbage tier shit, I don’t even know why they brought it back. so fucking disgusting
Reese’s Puffs is kino. Just dusted off a family size box today.
>soggy Frosted Flakes
Dude that’s disgusting when they’re soggy.
It's just not the same, dawg. The slabs of icing soaked in milk are godlike.
>Dude that’s disgusting when they’re soggy.
This. Eating Frosted Flakes dry and then downing it with a glass of milk is top tier
Honey Nut Cheerios
>But they're not healthy!
I don't care
the rice krispies treats cereal as a kid was pretty good or I always like peanut butter crunch
Bran Flakes from Lidl.
>inb4 some bitch made söymale complains about it cutting the roof of their mouth
Find it. It'll change your life.
>eat this
>spend the rest of the day spitting blood into a napkin
Slow down and wait for it to become a little bit soggy you retarded animal
I have class.
step aside faggots
This thread makes me feel less autistic.
It was a lot better when it had the burglar and his dog on the box. Whenever they change it to a "new and improved" taste, it's always worse.
>eating sugar crusted crackers instead of quaker oats with banana
fucking zoomers
I'm not sure if some of these cereals are part of a complete breakfast.
the one true kino cereal
>not the strawberry version
not gonna make it
Cereal is a scam. Even the "good" cereals are mostly just carbs that your body doesn't need.
Traditionally breakfast was a meal for laborers who needed the extra energy: aristocrats and other richfags mostly just skipped it because it was more energy than their sedentary roles required and would make them fat.
I don't want to be fat
>no kix mentioned
Plebs, all of you
thanks, i'm from Yea Forums and these answers give me an idea of the demographics and mentality of this board. Yea Forums is truly a board for edgy 14 year olds.
Finally, some good fucking cereal
the ultimate pleb filter
My bran brother
That one gives me the shits, so not that one.
Don't cry because it's over smile because it happened
For me, it's oatmeal.
>not raisin bran crunch
you almost had it
>blocks your path
>eating cereal
Bleach and Tidepods