Is James Cameron the greatest special effects master of all time?
Is James Cameron the greatest special effects master of all time?
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why the fuck would you still be on the interior of a sinking ship when there are lifeboats literally outside
Good grief, imagine the amount of care had to go into making sure those production equipment were kept safe from not electrocuting everyone.
What a workout. How would you like to be an extra on that set?
Cameron didn't care, he just wanted to get the best shot.
> During underwater filming, Ed Harris almost drowned while filming The Abyss. While filming a scene where he had to hold his own breath at the bottom of the submerged set, Harris ran out of air and gave the signal for oxygen. Harris' safety diver got hung up on a cable and could not get to him. Another crew member gave Harris a regulator, but it was upside down and caused him to suck in water. A camera man came over, ripped the upside down regulator, and gave him one in the correct orientation. Later that evening, Ed broke down and cried.
someone post the CGI faces
>Okay Ed, ready for take 2?
I bet he asked him that, too. Fucking Canadians, man.
just stand up and walk up the stairs wtf
those CG faces were decent for '97 desu
it was pretty subtle and did a great job hiding it
Jesus, did anyone die on set? That shit looks insanely dangerous
I always hated Titanic as a kid for it so boring. Seeing this really makes me want to watch it again. This is real hard work.
Tax free was still open.
I thought the first half was boring as fuck besides the tits but I absolutely loved the second half as a kid. The movie is the perfect disaster kino and got me into studying shipwrecks.
they shot it in mexico so they could afford some deaths
Technologically, it's probably the best looking movie of all time, tied with all 3 LOTR films.
The golden age of film making is over, now it's all cheap CGI with zero effort. Gone are the days of massive, full scale insanely detailed sets with mild CG to simply enhance the experience rather than dominate.
Thanks Disney
this looks so fucking fun
>Technologically, it's probably the best looking movie of all time
*blocks your path*
What movie?
He was getting dragged under water by ocean monsters. Have you even seen the movie?
The director of Casablanca made a movie about the Titanic, and he flooded the set and actually killed two people.
They have their life-belts on, they're fine.
life belts?
how hard is it to google "casablanca film"? fucking zoomers, i swear to fucking god
>he thinks this was safe
The vest things that float
Michael Curtiz never made a film about the Titanic, the fuck you on about
see what research does? it helps you realise that user was spreading misinformation, probably from misremembering something he read
Sorry, it wasn't Titanic, it was Noah's arc. And three people died, not two.
I did no research whatsoever I just knew this was literally never a thing because I've watched pretty much every single Titanic film ever made and almost none of them involve life-threatning water stunts
They kill a black guy in Atlantic though, I don't understand why especially there were no black people aboard, but it's a thing now.
>During the filming of the climactic flood scene, the great volume of water used was so overwhelming (600,000 gallons) that three extras drowned, one was so badly injured that his leg needed to be amputated, and a number suffered broken limbs and other serious injuries, which led to implementation of stunt safety regulations the following year.[4] Dolores Costello caught a severe case of pneumonia. Thirty-five ambulances attended the wounded.[5]
Fuck I wanna watch this film now but I can't find a download for it, and the only torrent is dead
>Checks youtube
>Yup, worth it
fucking cinema used to be badass
a lot of people died during the Sea Battle scene of the 1925 Ben Hur and they had to kill a lot of horses after the big crash in the charriot race
Pretty fucked up.
Yeah the belts that float? Yknow, the life belts. Youre a complete twat
>James Cameron now
They only had the one take to get that scene right, because the set would be ruined after all that water. Based Jimbo did it
Thought he had the strap in the thumbnail
The fact a movie from 23 years ago looks better than all Disney capeshit in 2019 is so fucking pathetic
cool stuff, that was worth killing 3 people
those people cannot swim for shit
>remember watching movies like this in the 90's
>wow just think how movies are going to look 10-20 years from now
i cannot argue with that
you could have a discussion about artistic merit, but neither of those films come close to the complexity of shooting Titanic
it's shooting with water, hundreds of extras, a boat moving on hydraulics etc.
coordinate all of this must have been a nightmare
what a mad lad
these fucking 3 shots never cease to BTFO me, especially after seeing the special features where they
>shot the general set with the people running with no cameramovement and combined it with a shot of a section of the set that was designed to be detached to be submerged further and somehow managed to not fuck up the perspective
>the pan that they artificially tilted for a leaner angle but added a fake waterline that had to reflect the windows and the people jumping on the water, as well as editing out the shadow of the extra that walked in front of one of the funnel lights AND add the stern section of the hull that didn't exist
>and the motherfucking truck in the promenade deck with the fucking bow sinking in the background
>it wasn't just building the set, it was building all the stuff to shoot and light the set
I love how this was all instinct to him, can we take his computers away and force him to do something like this again?
I watched these on the DVD release of the film so fucking much the DP, Producer and Jim Cameron's voice became so fucking nostalgic
>you will never get a dvd of your favorite movie for your birthday and spend hours watching the special features over and over again because dvds were new and could do that
i think it was 04/05 i got the DVD of the special edition with these extras, was only 12 at the time and they made me want to purse a career in film making.
given the dominance of CG these days, i'm glad i rejected that idea. there's hardly any passion now.
Cheap CGI
...that costs $100 - $200,000,000 to make nowadays.
I got it in 05, and then in 07 I got Poseidon which also had a pretty decent behind the scenes video, I wanted to make movies to but unfortunately that's one of the many things you can't do in a third world country, so recently I reverted to my original goal of just drawing, maybe comics.
>implying even 10% of that goes toward the special effects and not RDJ's paycheck
What I meant was that it movies are HUNDREDS of millions of dollars, yet CGI is pathetic even by 2008 standards...sort of.
The set was investigated for safety concerns and almost everybody absolutely hated working with Cameron
it's cool but is it better than pajeet cgi? didn't think so.
Sad this kino will never be beaten.
Cameron is so fucking good at action it’s insane. Say what you want about the melodrama and corny romance but the movie is such a spectacle to watch that it makes it all worth it and genuinely keeps you engaged despite how cliche it may be — and that was his intention all along
>the fucking sound of flesh ripping and bone crushing when the stern hits the water
mama fucking mia
*sigh* I miss practical effects...
Why didn't they just build bigger lifeboats lol
>mfw imagining 2 giant titanic-sized lifeboats hanging on the sides of the ship while it fumbles around the ocean
Mr Ice(((berg))) knew the passengers would be predominantly white and made sure it wasn't equipped with them.
The captain was in on this of course
holy shit what
How did he do it in 1997? Are Disney really that clueless?
Fucking wizardry, especially when knowing that water is literally the shittiest part of any film that has miniature model scenes
The Poseidon Adventure also did it exceptionally well
I can't believe they actually made a giant ship and sunk it with all those people just for a movie. Cameron is either a genius or a lunatic
You ever catch Titanic on TV, and then just watch the rest of it? Cameron has a knack for rewatchability in his films.
the documentary about the making of Jame's Cameron's The Abyss is really good. Filming the entire thing underwater. Ed Harris almost died and had a nervous breakdown
extras really earned their paycheck back then
Cameron made probably the only 3-hour long epic with a second half that isn't boring to watch, except obviously Ben-Hur.
Weak shit desu. Hearing about old Hollywood is insane.
>literally just dumping tonnes and tonnes of water on people to simulate flooding and killing a load of them
>constructing functioning wooden ships and telling the extras on each ships to fight and burn the other down
The first half of the movie other than the Jack story is a fun voyage into the lives of the super rich, combined with all of the nautical fun. The ship has a character.
>Written,Produced,Directed,Edited by
How can one man be so based? can you imagine the willpower it takes to do all that? the fixation you gotta have ?
It sucks that cameron does 3d stuff now. from aliens to titanic he obviously has incredible talent. shame he isn't doing something more grounded instead of avatar. maybe when you can fulfill dreams like going to bottom of the marianas trench you just don't really care anymore.
>need an army of thousands of Zulu warriors so they literally pick up thousands of extras from Detroit
>give the British soldier actors live ammunition for their rifles
It was really a different time
I actually really like the first half because it's basicaly titanic interior/exterior porn and the historical characters are always fun when they're on screen.
Last I watched the film was the White Star Extended version to see if there's maybe a scene in the Turkish Bath or Pool rooms but instead I got literal Disney cartoon-like romance scenes with shooting stars and Rose acting like a Disney princess when looking for Jack in steerage
Titanic is legit the most technically impressive movie ever made. What you see in it is 98% real.
It's not boring even if you watch for 10th time
>Sun is a fucking lamp
>Italian film producer with American company budget needed an army to recreate the battle of waterloo, literally borrow the entirety of the Soviet Army
>give them all live ammunition to shoot and kill each other
The Cold War truly brought the worst on people
sucks knowing that there will eventually be nothing left of the real titanic. incredible that it was ever found. at least one instance of human tragedy got a worthwhile film.
As far as maritime disaster goes Titanic is far from the most impressive. It's the greatest movie though.
>Titanic is legit the most technically impressive movie ever made. What you see in it is 98% real.
Lawrence of Arabia is better
Do people just hate on this movie to be contrarian, because it's genuinely good
whats the most impressive then
lol, they just turn themselves off when there's water around them
There's plenty. I like the one they mentioned in Jaws
Goebbels made a Titanic movie too
>200 million dollar capeshit wrecks
>cheap cgi
nigga you trippin
>Everyone on 4channel are native English speakers
Dont hate just because you are not multilingual
Did anyone die during the filming of this and it got covered up?
>user doesnt give me a straight answer
fucking faggot ass redditor, i couldve looked up wiki articles if i wanted to
i asked you a fucking question
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
it's even funnier when you realise they're actually drowning
nigger chill
CGI iceberg was a bad idea and has aged terribly. Cameron should have made a real one
>redditor uses n-word to try to fit in
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
well he didn't turn Arnold into a cyborg for no reason
This. If he had planned the shooting sequence better, he could have used if for the flooding scenes after.
He was going to cast OJ, but then decided he wanted the girl to live in the end