The OSCAR WINNING Marvel Cinematic Universe
I does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
The OSCAR WINNING Marvel Cinematic Universe
You can meticulously place a piece of shit on a golden plate with Mozart playing in the background and it's still a piece of shit.
in other words: dc incels on suicide watch
And still no best picture award. Kek.
The academy is just waiting for endgame to come out and they'll give it to that. Just like they waited for RoTK to award the LoTR trilogy
It took a pandering flick full of blacks for the Oscars to finally throw a few bones to the MCU.
just like with everything marvel does
DC did it first
>the virgin eyeliner and foundation award
>the CHAD design and soundtrack awards
What pity oscar did black kang get?
They got 0 pity Oscars and 3 dabbing on DCucks Oscars.
>p-pity oscars, dc movies wouldn't even want t-them!!
oh nononono
Heath Ledger got best Supporting Actor for The Dark Knight. The highest award so far that Capeshit as a whole has won. Therefore DC wins, deal with it Marvelshill.
nooooo delete this
Idk do we judge the DCU by Suicide Squads Oscar?
>b-b-but the nolan movies
Can't even use your own Cinematic Universe, have to fall back on older movies not part of the universe anymore
Fucking kek
>Captain Marvel tracking to flop
>meanwhile Aquaman earned over a billion and Shazam will too
superman got a oscar too didnt it?
>The highest award so far that Capeshit as a whole has won.
Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography coming through.
Nice try mousecucks but oscars don't mean shit
a move about batman
>Infinity War didn't win best effects
>only welfare oscars for the nigger propaganda trash
Sorry bro still oscarlet
>not about an aging star coming to terms with becoming the Birdman.
Endgame is going to win every single category in next year's oscars. FACT
you don't wanna go there DCincel
but Suicide Squad won an Oscar first remember? look it up
>only one Oscar
>DC wins an oscar in the third movie
>marlel wins their first oscar in the 20th with a SJW pandering flick
>the only relevant oscar won by a capeshit movie so far was TDK
Really makes me think
DC oscarlet C O P E
>no argument
I thought so, oscarlet. I thought so
TDK and SS both won an oscar very early into their respective universes. TDK was the 2nd movie of a trilogy. Suicide Squad was the third movie in its continuity.
>Infinity War didn't win shit
I don't know which one I like more
The oscars lost all credibility when they snubbed the most deserving film
D amage
C ontrol
E xtended
U niverse
How the fuck does Infinity War get ignored, over fucking Black Panther. God you Americans have to stop pandering to niggers, its only making them worse and more demanding.
>Waaaah! stop tearing my arguments appart!!!
Marvel cucks
Marvel is the biggest ticket in Hollywood. It makes you a global phenomenon just to land a clist role.
They are too big to fail and would just buy Oscars....they basically did buy one with no panther...anyway.
Yeah but Based Panther won THREE Oscars
Count em 3
>waaaaah! stop kicking us while we're down! we're trying to cope here
>Real nods and awards by DC
>''Congratulations for being mad that last year oscars didnt have black winners, here are your pitty awards''
Marvel cucks on suicide squad
>All the dumb capedroning about Suicide Squad winning an Oscar
>Suddenly all this damage control
>Captain Marvel prepared to crack a billy ez
Honestly though capewars are gay as fuck
>worst screenplay
What a load of horseshit. Just more proof it was too deep for audiences to understand.
You just sit on Yea Forums all day shilling this shit movie don't you.
oh nononono
Fucking C O P E harder
They are
That's why as an MCUfag, i stopped hating DC and just pitied up. And hope they become successful too
I want to see a DC vs marvel crossover movie damn it. Not because joining universe, just a fun, shekel-generating crossover movie that doesn't affect either universe (or only very very minimally)
By the time DC is 40 movies into their universe they will have more than those three oscars you got after your 40 marvel shitfests. Since we already have 2, it won't be difficult to accomplish. You just keep on pumping out Marvel movies every 3 months.
>capeshit faggots arguing between each of their soulless corporate studios on which award they bought was the best
Only one, Nolan didn't want the Dark Knight movies to be part of the DCEU shitfest. And if you want to look at movies outside the cinematic universes then I'll gladly point you to the Oscar winning Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
I hate neutrals like you even more so
Still took you 60 movies until you got lucky with those oscars while Suicide Squad was only their third.
Compared to the RAZZIE WINNING DC Comics Extended Universe
>pity oscar
>y-you were just lucky
Imagine being this upset.
Because they’re not deluded man children like you? Who worship flicks that adaptions of children’s cartoons.
Spider-Man 2 won best visual effects 4 years before DC got anything
Marvel is for trannies
>welfare oscars
>infinity trash got shit
Hahahahha still oscarlets I'm afraid MCUbros
>WB's WAG never got nominated for any of their DC animated films
>Lego Movie never got nominated
>Lego Movie 2 bombed
>Into the Spiderverse wins Best Animated Feature, a first for animated capekino
Even if it's Sony Marvel, MAKE MINE MARVEL.
Nah, because they're fence sitting faggots that never have real opinions
Being an indecisive faggot makes you an indecisive faggot, not some woke genius that sees what others don't.
Donner Superman and Burton Batman won oscars too you know. Even counting the SJW pandering ones black panther just got out of pity DC still has more oscars than Marvel
>marvel takes EIGHTEEN films to win oscars
>DC is winning oscars by its third film
You mousecucks will ignore this because you have no refutation. Regardless, you are dumb cucks, and are yet to eat the disc.
>Marvel is for CHADS
Based. I unironically agree.
The Oscars are shit. There is a reason the ratings are low
>anyone who doesn't like capeshit is a fencesitter
Get a job faggot
The award wasn't even around when Mask of the Phantasm was made you retard
LMAO keep the tears coming
Black Panther wasn't even one of the better Marvel movies.
Infinity War, GOTG and Winter Soldier deserved it far more.
how is fungus' rating doing atm?
you will be BTFO HARD by Chadzam
How's batfleck?
>Mask of the Phantasm
Better capekino than the entire MCU combined right here, step up mousecucks DC's still way ahead of you
This, I honestly can't believe Black Panther won for best score.
The film is so mediocre compared to Infinity War.
>Mask of the Phantasm
>never got noticed
Same goes for:
>The Killing Joke
>and literally any direct-to-video animated movie DC has made of its properties, including adaptation of well-known comics
At least Disney won for Big Hero 6. What has WB and WAG done for DC besides pumping out direct-to-video nerd trash only four-eyed geeks will cream over?
>movie that bombed
>only hardcore white trash nerds will remember
Yeah, no - Marvel's okay.
>never got noticed
>is considered one of the best animated films ever made today
>box office gross is a sign of film quality
jesus christ disney was a mistake
People like you are why comic books are dying out in favor of this generic blockbuster trash
>universally regarded as a classic and better than anything marvel has ever done
Just make better movies and you'll be able to compete bro, it's that easy
Yeah, everyting on Nolanverse is far superior than the turd DCEU is in fact
>best costume design over the favourite
I mean I know they are pity oscars to get the niggers to shut up but come the fuck on disney try to make them believable
>is considered one of the best animated films ever made today
By literally WHO?
>box office gross is a sign of film quality
That's what matters buddy. The bottom line.
They don't need to. Mask of the Phantasm bombed, while everybody now cares about the MCU.
DC cannot compete, DCEU cannot compete, and DC animated never had a chance. Marvel, all the way.
>black pride oscars
>How's batfleck?
Y'all forgettin Batman with Michael Keaton won an Oscar before Stan Lee even invented Marvel
It pretty much invalidates the oscars as ever mattering in a film argument. They mean nothing.
>before Stan Lee even invented Marvel
OK, fuck this lunacy. I'm out.
>Chad Panther takes home 3 Oscars
>Virgin BvS takes 4 fucking razzies
Das right jew boy.
This was so obviously WB themselves, and it's pathetic. I seriously hope none of you did this, or even went twice for a "cause".
Even though Aquabro defeated some of our movies in box office take, it completely eclipsed what was supposed to be their "avengers" lmaooo
Reminder that the "snydercut" does not, and will never, exist, EVER.
>have to make SJW propaganda flicks to win their first literal who oscars 20 movies in
>By literally WHO?
Literally everybody, it's considered a classic while everybody forgets about MCU movies by the time they get to the car
Aquaman basically confirmed it exists and wants to see it. He wouldn’t mention it otherwise.
>meanwhile normies talk about Iron Man 2008 and are hyped for Endgame, but don't know or care that Batman TAS had a theatrical movie
Based Aquaman was in Lego Movie 2, but did you see it?
not capeshit