Who is your favorite cute and talented actor? What kinos have they made?

Who is your favorite cute and talented actor? What kinos have they made?

Question of the thread: if they were to win an Oscar, what type of movie do you think it would be for?

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God I'd love it if he won an oscar

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Kill yourself faggot scum

I would want it to be something biographical, someone who had a really cool interesting life

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Kill yourself faggot scum



Someone post Timothee

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Do actresses count? If so then Winona. Heathers is kino. Winona should have won for Little Women.

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Of course they count, actresses are actors. All are welcome.

Kill yourself, faggot.

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Kill yourself faggot scum

I wish he were my friend

These are new
He's in NYC apparently

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Kill yourself faggot scum

Here is the other one
Hoping that he's going to stay in town to do something cool

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Kill yourself faggot scum
