Grow up dude

Grow up dude.

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>pulls a kanye west
>didn't pull a kanye west

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Manlets. When will they learn? Stick with the Knicks, spike.

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It was a black movie right? What's he upset about?

Why does spike lee even get work? To stoke the flames of racial tension? He probably works for the fucking CIA or is so fucking dumb he doesn't realize he is funded by them.


spike is an ass and his films suck man dick. all races and religions agree

I bet he didn't even watch that movie

>Quietly walking to the back of the room=storming the stage and grabbing the mic
Christ I hate the fucking media

Spike lee wishes he had the balls kanye does

they didn't do the right thing

Jews love that shit. They'll keep having him make his movies.

wtf Spike you literally said you liked the movie and said it was better than Roma did you really think your movie was going to win?

You're now remembering based miller time blowing spike lee the fuck out on national tv

blackkklansman shoulda won

What a nigger

Is it because black panther didnt win or he really hates italians?

>while he did something completely different I'll call it a kanye west, I know I'm fat and white but am I woke yet

this one had a white protagonist, not a jewish one like his

Lol, his movie wasn't even likely to win

that other nigg movie with my boy LaKeith should've been nominated not stan lees bullshit

never tempt a nig with gimmiedats
that's when their primal need to physical violence comes out
I bet he'd have ran up on stage and shot them if he was able to carry his piece in

>dumb obnoxious nigger acts like a dumb obnoxious nigger

Wow just wow fuck niggers!

>the state of spike lee

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yes yes

the left is eating itself

soon pol will hold sway over all entertainment

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>pulls a kayne west
>first line: "while he didn't take the stage like Kayne..."

all journalists must hang

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Fucking child

what movie did he want to win exactly?

his was just a comedy, comedies never win best picture

he unironically picked his own movie not sure what he was thinking said he didn't like Roma


honestly spike lee is a fucking manchild so this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone

he's an angry man. he's a fork in a world full of soup.

>Spike REE

His shit movie didn't even deserves a nomination

chuckled IRL

when the fuck did kanye west ever do any of that?

I dont get this guy. Why cant he make more shit like Inside Man? He has talent he just seems full of himself.

He wanted it to be his movie without any racial harmony

>he's a fork in a world full of soup.

he is full of himself.

he sucks.

He acted like a spoiled little kid. Kanye had some balls and took the stage.


YEah whatever. Check these sevens

He's Al Sharpton if he were a movie director

racial unity is bad for business

Being a pussy is not pulling a Kanye