There's something about this movie that bothers me that no one talks about...

There's something about this movie that bothers me that no one talks about. Peter does NOT look like his mother or father. They are both clearly white people, and Peter looks maybe Mediterranean or Persian. But he does not look like a white kid. This movie is supposedly very detailed, so how is this explained? There is no mention of him being fathered by another man, but that is the only thing I can think of. I'm guessing his mother Annie got pregnant by another man before she met and married Steve, which may be why he was burnt to death at the end since he had no connection to the Paimon hereditary bloodline.


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I think it is implied or even stated, cant remember, that Piotr is a son from a previous marriage or relationship or something. So it makes sense hes not a wh*toid. I think you must have missed it tude.

lots of things bother me about this movie
i wouldn't be surprised if this movie had subliminal embedded messages to worship satanic demons

This gets brought up in every Hereditary thread, you retard. Lurk moar.

>i wouldn't be surprised if this movie had subliminal embedded messages to worship satanic demons
the production people were superstitious and refused to use Paimon's actual sigil. there's no way anything like what you suggest made it into the film.

Paimon = rides a camel = is Arabic in nature = needed a new host = wanted an arabic host = cult grandma planned this decades in advance = cult grandma hooked up her daughter with an arabic man to produce Peter = the son looks Arabic

Where in the movie is this alluded to? Please share.

it's not, they want you to do homework, which is why it sucks.

its not, these people talk out of their ass and overthink everything. The kid is a jew btw

This is how I know you don't pay attention to the dialogue in movies, OP, and instead you just watch them without comprehension. Congratulations. Your retarded.

does the little girl have a disease? or does she just look weird

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She's unironically cute

Yeah, nah. It ain't in there. So go fuck yourself in the asshole.

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She doesn't look weird, she's extremely ugly


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she has the same thing as the boy in Stranger Things. Something messed up with the front upper structure of her mouth

The actor is actually white tho, look at his family and parents on wiki and he does look a bit whiter normally, no idea why didn't look like a Pajeet so hard in the movie

the milk man

i don't like modern media which makes references to pre-christian deities on the off chance something gets invoked

Based schizo brainlet

>The actor is actually white tho, look at his family and parents
>Wolff was born in Manhattan, New York,[1] to actress and writer Polly Draper and jazz pianist Michael Wolff. He is the younger brother of actor and musician Nat Wolff. His father is Jewish[2][3][4] and his mother is Christian.[5]
>His father is Jewish
user, I....

Most jew actors look white, for sure not like Pajeets

Y-you know their actors right user... they’re not actually related.
The kid probably just red his lines the best in the audition process.
Do you think the director would have said “ great acting kid but we want a white guy, no I mean real white waaaau whiter then you kid”

If you pick a cast to portray a family and one of the members doesn't look like the rest, you're either doing it intentionally or being sloppy about your work.

They add a brown kid to this movie and it confused people.
In a movie called Hereditary.
About shit regarding HEREDITY.

Think about how stupid what you just said is. Just think about it. I wish I could slap you through this monitor you buffoon.

He is pretty white though? In nz we cast much darker siblings/family in local shows all the time because the spectrum of Polynesian people’s skin is vast. I’m about five tones darker then my mother. Her sister has red hair and she is about the same complexion as the kid in the movie.
The curse is what is hereditary. It is not inconceivable that this child is related to the rest of the family to me at all.

jews are primarily middleeastern

You're a moron. As expected of Yea Forums.

>jews are primarily middleeastern
Exactly my point

I don't know about your mutt family but the kid is clearly Sephardi, not white.

He didn't look remotely like the mother, or father, or sister, it stands to reason at least one of them would appear brown too.

Is it fetal alchahol syndrom? It definitely looks like some form of syndrom.

>The kid probably just red his lines the best in the audition process.
Did you even watch the movie? Every scene has meticulous little clues and everything is for a reason. They wouldn't go through all the effort of everything being meticulously chosen, and just pick a random actor on a whim.Id like to believe the other anons theory, that he was from a previous marriage, that perhaps the granny had some setting up, to give paimon a body similar to the one he had.

I came here to post this.

Maybe they needed to meet diversity quotas. Can't have an all white cast in current year.

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