can some autist set a poll up to elect nominees then we make a pool for winners please, cuz fuck reddit
mods can sticky the poll days for nominees ans different day for winners
can some autist set a poll up to elect nominees then we make a pool for winners please, cuz fuck reddit
mods can sticky the poll days for nominees ans different day for winners
Watch more Grand Prix winners instead fagtron
I second this. Yea Forums have the Vidya Awards (or something like that), Yea Forums should have the Kino Grand Prix.
whats that
You just know some cunny pedoshit is going to win every fucking year.
dubs it would make this place credible
what does cannes film fest have to with anything
>Kino Grand Prix
I love that name.
Cannes and the big festival circuit are where the chemo kino happens
the memes are larger spread and fertile in the academy awards though
says you. what memes? i can see the catalog as well as you. there are none. oscars aren't about rewarding cutting edge cinema.
oscars lose relevance every year until the sjw and idpol generation die off and get replaced by a generation with more verve and vibrancy.
/pol/ will rig the results and vote for everything they hate
they are the same kind of people who hate watch cuck porn
no this capeshit board shouldn't vote on anything k thanks
How did Yea Forums do it?
Oh it definitely wouldn't, but it would be funny, and i think (half seriously) that the choices would be more interesting..
Kino Grand Prix d'Arte Cinematografica.
2018 best picture would probably be Mission Impossible Fallout for Yea Forums.
good luck organizing that and getting honest results you moron. it's rare that you can even have a decent discussion on here about movies
Better than most of the Oscar nominees.
If you guys are serious about this then we should plan it out. Make the pool of nominees bigger so we don't have to poll anybody for those. Women and black people should only count as half votes.
You don’t want a vidya gaem awards, trust me
mite b cool
>Yea Forums have the Vidya Awards
Yeah and its a fucking embarrassment that never should have continued part the initial joke
I'll start it. Can we conduct it in the summer or should it be during oscar season
It is an embarassment, that's true, but the point is that all the other awards are equally embarassing, so... And at least it would be funny!
The major festival and awards are in january/february, may and september. Summer or fall would be good...
I would make sure capekino wins every year.
Yea Forums's natural shit taste in video games is really hard to imitate.
I’ll see ya then pal.
The Pepe Pictures Ceremony (PPC) would circumvent all rigged and sabatoge by having a dedicated genre for all awards, and we dont even need to get nominees, just put capeshit with capeshit, foreign with foreign, actors in drama with actors in drama (non capeshit) etc we can get really specific with our genres to avoid dead votes. It can really be great we just need some autist to straw poll them and keep watch and announce the winners on time
fuck that lets do it at the same time, lets do the oscar one now lol we need some pc roided rodney to get this going