/cmg/ - Captain Marvel General


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>s-s-shut it down, the goyim know, we must contain it
you seem nervous, mouse

>justifying shitting up the board with capeshit drama as if it weren't bad enough

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>thinks he's funny

stop bumping your own thread, rat shill

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No one with a life cares about any capeshit

Brie's feet were clean it seems

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I hope I get a chance to ask her out one day.

no Rogue no care

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hahaha not when its at 32% hahahahahah

Rogue got her flight and strength powers from sucking Captain Marvel dry when she was Ms. Marvel. Disney owns the movie rights to X-Men now.
They could fix all this in one move by having Rogue destroy Captain Marvel.
They could even still have their womyn empowerment character by switching their flagship to be Storm, Rogue, Jubilee, Jean Grey or about a dozen other female X-Men characters whose names people actually recognize.

>Alitashills SEETHING that the superior film gets a general

her eyes are too small and her form is pathetic

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How are women worse than black people when it comes to this shit? I don't remember Black Panther having this much drama aside from Rotten Tomatoes shit.

We're having fun pointing out the dissonance of a hateful ugly slut being noninclusive.
Fuck you op.

Blacks are a good customer base for movies. Womyn are a good target audience because they are tasteless plebes and will coerce men into buying two tickets so it's a two-fer.
The thing is women don't actually have a reason to like Captain Marvel. They've never heard of her and female protagonists aren't attractive to women anyway.
See: female Doctor Who.
Womyn want to be the girlfriend of the strong character with responsibility and agency. They don't want to be him.

I feel bad for the girl. The film will make 400,000,000 and she'll get put aside for her comments.

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She'll get a job for the UN promoting some bullshit campaign for women while film buffs will mark it as the end of the early 20th century capeshit craze dominating film.

Honestly, i liked the movie but the scene where she burn alive the people at the Gay Pride parade was really disturbing.

No, assblasted trannys are trying to tamper down all the Larson hate by confining posts to generals, as you know, you tranny.

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How many SJWs are consciously just playing dumb?
If you asked them about Superman they'd probably say he's boring because he's overpowered with no flaws.
But for some reason with their next breath they will say Captain Marvel is good because she is overpowered.

I actually agree with her that it's completely inappropriate and threatening for a TSA agent to ask for phone number, and he should be fired/arrested, but her response is fucking astoundingly cringey. If she were a man she would be a fat smelly virgin.

Been thinking a lot about the future of the MCU. RDJ is pretty much guaranteed to be done, Chris Evans is bound to leave at some point too, what is Marvel going to do moving forward? Just stick to singular movies like Spider-man and Black Panther?

>and he should be fired/arrested

If you had just said fired I would only disagree but you have outed yourself as a maniac.

If they could do something to fold X-Men into the MCU world it could actually fix a problem the comics have.
That is why humans in Marvel comics can love the Fantastic Four but be so scared and hateful of mutants.
If all the mutants just show up out of the blue from some cosmic merging of universes, or some shit, it would be completely understandable for people to freak out.


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I'm kinda hype to see how Wolverine looks in the MCU, but also terrified because it won't be Hugh Jackman.

imagine the smell

Well you know there's a show whose cast won't have anything to do soon and with GoT being so big they will probably do movies after that.

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>Kit Harington as Logan
Jesus Christ no.

Thanks for making this General, hopefully it fixes this board a little.

>he thinks he's talking to Disney

50/50 chance any Yea Forums post is from a paid Disney shill so you shouldn't be hard on him.