Other urls found in this thread:
Shut up Brie, I want money
Stop the Lego Movie 2 shilling
She's actually the perfect choice to play Carol then.
Why would that be a problem?
He’s a white christian male.
She somehow seemed cunty just presenting. I'm impressed.
What does any of this even mean ffs
Didn't know Brie was a big tennis fan or does she just know Serena because she's black?
f-f-f-f-f-fake news!
the williams twins are both male
why is she always so fucking greasy
Cant tell who the real racists are anymore
>Why isn't a picture of black people reading going viral?
Is she seriously implying that a black person reading is so rare that it is worthy of posting all over the internet?
Did SLJ know he was dressing for the oscars
holy racism of low expectations
she literally dosen't shower
>Implying niggers can't read
I'm starting to think Brie is a polack
Is she trying to be more black?
>liberals are the REAL racists!
cringe. back to /r/donald and TUCK FIGGERS!
Cursed image. Anything next to amy looks good, jesus christ, i want to unironically shoot this woman in the face
Fuck off capefags
size of this poster's penis: massive
>Looks fading fast
Will she really be able to do seven more Marvel movies?
Wow the white woman in front of the black woman.
Nice reservoir tip hes got there
fuck off disney damage control shills
Watch it again. When they walked up to present the award, Sam Jackson had to be reminded to put his arm around her waist. Even then, he tried his best to touch her as little as possible.
This has nothing to do with anything
I hate that this bitch is dragging Trent's good name into this.
>that bitch doesn't even realize her career is taking a nose dive. This is spectacular. It's like a full blown retard reporting on how spectacular the landing is going, amidst the screems of terror as it all comes crashing down.
shes a racys and a sexys
i've just noticed
fucking hell
Brie Larson is the same age as me????
I thought she was at least 35???
The bag always gets me. Without it the picture already looks self-absorbed, narcisstic and arrogant, but as soon as my eyes wander to the bag, I wish nothing but the worst on this bitch.
Jesus christ. Time will not be kind to her. I thought she was 35.
Confirmed. Heath Ledger not dead but trans.
I'm glad he died before he had to watch this shitty movie happen
Trent became pozzed over the last few years, so no big loss.
I give it 2, 3 years TOPS before she hits the wall harder than this guy.
I literally don't understand how people like this come into being, someone who just grovels at the feet of every black cunt they come across.
She's already a smear on the wall.
She looks like that fucking changeling from star wars ep 2
Samuel looks exhausted. He just wants to watch college hoops and talk to his snow bunnies.
Formerly dry
>redditor telling anyone else to go back to there
Nice try, kiddo
The fucking brain power of this dude
I'm genuinely fucking impressed I doubt most anyone could do that for a long period of time
Cocaine Trent is eternal, though
Female friendship? The amount of times ive seen girls go through friends makes me want to vomit.
Because Chris Evans is a lovable goofball and prankster.
>why isn't this going viral?
>picture of kids reading on a fucking train
this is embarrassing. the soft bigotry of low expectations.
she looks great here tho
Brie has a well-known aversion to white dudes. She says they smell and their dick size is inadequate.
Fuck her cardiovascular system. Amirite?
"But aren't you white?"
This guy fucks.
That's why it's trying to kill its heart
Do they not realize how condescending that is?
white man bad
black men GOOD
You’re a little late to the party.
People like this exult in being disgusting to decent folk because they will never be decent folk. The will always be commie scum.
Wow I didn’t know there were any real brave men like you left.
t. Brie Larson
that's actually kinda funny desu
>Tfw when the school bully irl gets paid millions to act as a superhero from your only escapism source
Do you think she will ever pay the toll?
>European man bad
He ain't Christian
>Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers
rich stuck up cunt who never worked a day in her life and had everything handed to her on a silver platter
needs to get gangraaped, strangled and discarded in a ditch
I just wanted to point out it's a little condescending and implicitly racist to be surprised black people can read, because the other 6 people to point the exact same thing out weren't enough
>rich stuck up cunt who never worked a day in her life and had everything handed to her on a silver platter
Why do niggers act like this, it's always style over substance, those books are just accessories to his outfit.
thats not very nice
Pretty basic jewish tactic of improving their bio weapons attack vector.
You basically summed up white women activists.
They want the suffering points that actual minorities get as well as the handouts that come with it. I don't get why anyone puts up with her or her misandrist shit.
quit (clap) calling (clap) her (clap) a (clap) white (clap) woman
holy cocks that song is awful
t. incel
isn't chris evans the nicest person in hollywood too
daddy made sure she's get an entertainment business career one way or another
>be brie larsen
>do or say anything
>incels get triggered
Are you new? Jews literally do everything in their power to destroy civilizations. This is their main strategy.
>has no acting talent
>is ugly as sin
The two easiest giveaways of hollywood nepotism
Do black people not get annoyed with white people kissing threat ass and treating them like puppies?
careful we got some weirdo thot jannies on patrol tonite
woah good point
clearly not
>liberals are the REAL racists!
they are tho
Guys why do we live in the worst possible timeline :-( makes me sad bros.
>the evil jooz are gonna get me!!!
i-is this the power of /pol/?
To be honest I love greasey looking sluts that probably have a bit of stank on them but she somehow still manages to disgust me.
Yeah. Like the cherry on top of the fuckin cake.
Sigourney is the most talented female actress alive
Dont you dare compare her to Brie Larsberg
She's still around? I thought she sold Yea Forums to that Chinese fellow.
>Straight up admit on camera that you're going bald and you're going to get hair transplants because "Captain America can't be bald"
Is he truly /ourguy?/
One of those books is "The Purpose Driven Life" and the other is probably the bible. Judging by how the man's dressed, he's probably a minister of some sort, or he was on his way to/from service. So what you're crying about like the faggot you are is a religious man likely comparing verses from the Bible to pages from a book on Christian living.
Whenever I see it I imagine how I'd feel carrying around a bag emblazoned with my name. I'd just feel like a massive douche. The fact that she apparently doesn't says a lot about her ego.
>I wish nothing but the worst on this bitch.
Funny how everyone loved Brie until she took the role, and now you cunts are coming out of the woodwork to wish death on her.
Exactly. The sad thing is unless Captain Marvel blows everyone away (and it won't), they'll be here 24/7 to crow about another dragon they successfully slew.
Go woke, get broke(n).
c/lit/s for lyfe
Who writes this shit?
So what’s wrong with this guy? Medically. Always wondered.
>insanely beautiful
This is fake, guys.
she's (almost) all fridays in the same spot ordering some shitty food
i gonna kill her this week
Brie is known to be an extremely sweaty cheese, she's just living up to her name
I've seen that middle tweet before and it wasn't even hers.
Holy shit I had read somewhere that image was fake. Thanks for correcting me, man.
What the fuck is wrong with that woman
Lol you can see the black pit schumer has instead of soul. She looks a lot like chuck in here. Like that pic of him and pelosi. A couple eyes that just want to see you dead
>black people reading
>why isn't this going viral
Is she a dyke lesbian or something? Even the hardest of feminists have a soft spot for certain men but Brie seems to eat sleep and shit anti men sentiment.
Makes sense, touche.
Nah nigga, fuck you.
She looks like she hit the wall years ago. Oof, the next couple years are gonna be rough on her.
>Funny how everyone loved Brie until she took the role
Most people didn't even know her. "Love" is a really strong word here.
hopefully they just replace her with Mark Ruffalo moving forward.
>your truth
your truth
>your truth
your truth
>your truth
your truth
>your truth
your truth
>your truth
your truth
>your truth
your truth
>your truth
I am literally going to start telling people that I think the sky is the color of hotdogs, and then sperg the fuck out when they contradict "my truth." Because this is the world today.
>NIN shirt
Not one single fucking person that looked like Brie, man or woman, listened to fucking NIN back in the day. Not one. NOT. ONE. Try crap like Third Eye Blind, Bush or No Doubt.
>watch Reddit Pilgrim
>see hot chick dating Vegan villain
>is actually Brie Larson
>mfw I see her now and she looks like a greasy spoon with a fungus colony in her toes
Jesus fuck
WHO SHOT ME?! SLIME-OHHHhhhhhhh.....
And she looks great so what's your point?
does she want to fuck him or kill him?
Shower is racist
yet another reminder to not fall for the vaginal jew
they look good for a couple of years but bring a lifetime of misery
Of all the things, how is this one bad?
oh, so that's where the entwives went
He could be cross referencing. Hell, the smaller book might be a dictionary. You guys are cynical
notice the pieces
yikes brie you can't say that, its 2019 for goddess's sake
She's already shitting on her target audience even before her MCU debut and Disney are on damage control.
They've set her up to be the face of the MCU and she's probably putting future MCU movies at risk but if they fire her the feminists will lose their shit and they'll be accused of sexism.
How will they handle this?
who the fuck would give the oscars any amount of respect now
>NIN shirt
Question is, are the chinks hyped with her movie?
MCU had a good run, I'm surprised it's lasted this long without being pozzed, it's going the way of star wars, and star trek, let it die.
are you fucking retarded? they are not playing chess, that's a DAMA disposition, or draughts as the brits call it. Holy shit you have lower IQ than him
So there playing checkers with, chess pieces, that somehow makes it worse.
what she means is no high quality white dudes want her because of her fungus. it's projection.
black dudes don't care however. black dudes love fungus infested women as they're used to them. negresses are filthy.
What's wrong using chess pieces?
now I know you are just baiting, or just acting retarded because you got called out for trying to point to others while you have room temparature IQ yourself.
Everyone who played checkers used chess pieces for sake of convenience, you can play with fucking pebbles if you want, but you were too dumb to know something so simple.
because niggers
The jacket she wears was taken from the guy whose fist she crushes in the street photo so she probably just picked it up randomly.
Does she bath in grease. what the fuck?
this was my first thought to be honest
>Larson experienced trauma when her parents divorced when she was seven.[11] She shared a dysfunctional relationship with her father; she has recalled, "As a kid I tried to understand him and understand the situation. But he didn't do himself any favors. I don't think he ever really wanted to be a parent."
So this is why this Swedish cunt is so stuck up
>She shared a dysfunctional relationship with her father; she has recalled, "As a kid I tried to understand him and understand the situation. But he didn't do himself any favors. I don't think he ever really wanted to be a parent."
>Swedish cunt
Her real name is Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers, which isn't Scandinavian at all. It might be French. Brie Larson is a taken "professional name".
White boi, backed the fuck off, read a history book nigga, we invented the game.
Wasn't it Persians or pajeets who made chess?
It came from Africa, nigga.
Most of the stuff arabs and blacks take credit for inventing and "giving" to whites originally come from Persia, India or China. Arabs and niggers are literally useless and should all be wiped out.
>girl has french origins
>is insufferable and making up issues out of her childhood
as a french i'm not even surprised
retards. she's saying that niggers are actually super smart geniuses but the racist white supremacy establishment just keeps framing them like the witless savages that they are
you're not gonna make any fucking headway with the 'libs are the real rayciss' nonsense
just born ugly, bad genetics.
ummm, sweetie, it's literally 2019, we pretend that everything that wasn't created in Europe was invented by subsaharan Africans now, didn't you get the memo?
Roast post
daddy didn't love her so she fucks black guys to get back at him.
>oh no that old guy died better act concerned
>*puts one hand on head*
She unironically looks like a huge fucking cunt. The bag, the drink, the shoes, the way she's sitting, the glasses, everything just screams mega cunt.
But god bless her, I'm sure she's a nice gal!
the mouse will make her get fillers and other plastic surgery
shes a jew
too much time in far harbour
there is nothing to be surprised about.
What a condescending bitch.
why do people think the middle picture is from brie? are you niggers fucking stupid or what lol
She's always been an annoying Twitter feminist and was the worst part of the mediocre Kong movie, which is the only thing I've seen her in. I don't think anyone ever loved her, but before Marvel scooped her up she was only relevant enough for occasional mockery instead of being the focus of all hate directed towards Disney and Marvel. Also her feet are fucking disguisting
>she wants to help minorities
what a monster
why did they hire a lead actress with below 100 IQ?
>worships baphomet
Look into it.
Because there’s on 17 women above that in the entire world and they’re not actresses.
why do people not realize that shes a self serving bitch
White leftists (baizuo) think they can and should use African moisturizers and lotions. She probably wreaks of shae and cocoa butter.
she's not left wing anymore, she's completely racist, why do sjws love her again?
You need to understand the term and psychology behind the programmed “useful idiot.” I highly recommend our boy Yuri’s interviews from the 1980’s. Pure KGB kino, and will give your easily malleable mind something new to consider.
If she's so eager to help minorities and champion representation for them from her ivory tower, then why was she so willing to accept millions of dollars to play the white-washed version of the first female Captain Marvel?
Aren’t French women usually more attractive than this? On average I mean.
I wonder how many of Hollywood, and leftists in general, are useful idiots, true believers or simply virtue signaling for dopamine and endorphins.
He's a liberal cocksucker why wouldn't she like him?
She looks 29 to me. She's just not attractive. Her face just seems off. She wasn't any better when she was younger. She's just a frumpy painfully average looking female who doesn't look anything like a super hero should. For being able to supposedly deadlift heavy for her weight and gender, she sure has no ass either. Just pasty, oily, and gross all around.
Irrelevant. White male bad.
if you're talking about looks then usually i'd say french women are pretty attractive yeah but personality wise they're some of the worst in Europe, not all of them of course but frankly they have some of the worst princess complex i've seen in my life, and don't get me started on parisian women they're the worst
Any excuse not to hit the gym, eh lardass? The only person stopping you is you.
>dyed blonde hair
low self esteem, easy lay because getting fucked boosts her self esteem
I'd fuck her obviously but I wouldn't fap to her.
>middle tweet isn't hers
>7 brie/captain marvel threads up right now
just stfu about this film already, holy fucking shit
i see a beautiful human, healthy at any size
why is this a joke? problematic much?
Why was that crackhead touching that ugly white dude?
You haven't already figured out that she is doing it on purpose?
Conservative resentment is a goldmine.
>implying even fat and/or hairy women would ever touch an incel
its only okay for women to be fat and unattractive
>why was she so willing to accept millions of dollars to play the white-washed version of the first female Captain Marvel?
Silly user, shes "using her position of privilege" to help all the downtrodden masses of paraplegic muds. See, that way, she can righteously lecture everyone AND collect a big fat paycheck.
My question is, with her being sent out already to "clarify" her comments, can disney keep her from fucking up anymore from now until the movie release?
This. And no matter what they say, this is crushing to them.
Does she moisturize with olive oil?
What's that got to do with the old black guy and the ugly white dude pic related?
Oh what a fucking nightmare. I thought our women were bad with the princess complex. Went to Italy in 2003 and was shocked at how aggressive and friendly the women were.
what a problematic coward
when u use the " I WORD" you also stigmatize disabled people
Oh my bad. I didn't realize she was so eager to embrace the role of White Savior.
possible acromegaly? excess Growth hormone in adults
Shut up manchild.
Lionitis, I believe. Same thing Rocky Dennis has, only less pronounced.
>she joked
Acrocallosal Syndrome quite possibly.
>aggressive and friendly
What did she win an oscar for?
I've never seen her in anything.
How do you "king" a chess piece?
Just shout "we wuz kangs" at it?
i want her to captain marvel at my erect penis
>tfw I'm this greasy all the time
I don't know how to fix it, but I can't say I've really tried.
That movie made me love Mary Elizabeth Winstead, not Cheese Thief.
To sjws allies are more problematic than adversaries.
I don’t think she actually is a feminist. I’d put a decent amount of money on the fact she has no real feminist beliefs or knows much about it, she just wants to be edgy. how can a white woman with a shed load of money be edgy? hating on white men. just another bored idiot using other people to gain social credits.
That second tweet from her truly is racist, it says look so few black people read and have a whole family unit that this family who does is worth taking a photo not only that but it's so rare it should go viral
Why isn't this going viral?
Don't you guys get tired of posting the same pictures and the same shit daily? We have multiple Brie threads everyday surely you niggas have something better to do.
>Don't you guys get tired of posting the same pictures and the same shit daily?
based and redpilled
(((She))) is not white.
I love the irony in how lefts call right racist but they themselves are always treating blacks as lesser beings and think they need to speak and think for them.
They're not stackable FFS.
>Ayy nigga heard you were into reading an shiet, congratulations mah nigga
To be fair everyone on Yea Forums was already madly in love with MEW so this movie only reinforced that.
>implying most anons in this thread were even here back in 2010
>prohibited across this train
but she's a mom
>Sidonie Desaulniers
that sounds like a french name
I honestly can't tell any more if this is fake or not. I'd like to believe no one can be that much of a cunt, but what if.
I've seen some assholes in my life but this is just beyond ridiculous.
*blocks your box office*
*calls you a pseud*
Why does she want to carelessly destroy something millions of people love and have invested over a decade in?
Why haven't they canned her and this shitberg movie before they poison the well?
I hope she gets cancer.
>people are genuinely not interested in this turdfest due to constantly recieving the message loud and clear that they're no longer a welcome part of the comic book fan base.
Is this cool wine aunt propaganda?????
Holy shit
Just found out she also plays the fat blonde chick in 21 Jump Street
She was never pretty to begin with
>save womankind
Umm from what exactly?
The roastie fears the geisha.
This. A greasy unkept skank with a hint of funk and an unshaven pit and craw almost always makes me diamonds. Sadly, after busting a nut I'm immediately repulsed by them.
>As a kid I tried to understand him and understand the situation. But he didn't do himself any favors. I don't think he ever really wanted to be a parent."
Holy shit this is my sister no question. No concrete reason given, just I Hate Dad. She's fucked off for two years now because of a spat between her and Mum but nah suddenly now Dad is public enemy number 1 for literally no fucking reason again. She's also an obnoxious feminist as well.
No situational awareness. Like a lamb in a den of wolves asking loudly, Whats for Dinner?
Isn't this appearance shaming as well? Also trying to pretend men won't fucking anything that has a hole. Men as a collective have no standards.
Why don't we shit on the Portuguese for all of their atrocities?
>non-whites in white-people clothes and gotta have their kind shoved into every last thing whites do
>whites take cultures
Let's hope she doesn't make it to 30
he isn't a Christian
Because they speak a "brown language" and have a slightly tanned skin tone. Remember, it's all about hating white people. Nothing more, nothing less.
The Curse will get him the second the Marvel tinsel wears off. Screencap this.
Isn’t she joking about it because he’s captain america
no you shut-up entitled princess
The irony will be when her clique turns on her once female whiteness is considered oppressive.
Turbo cunt
u think he posts on Yea Forums?