>irrelevant rust and marty name drops
>scenes with reporter end up being frivolous
>ominous music to overhype retrospectively mundane scenes
>Amelia on her period for the 7th episode
>one missing persons case stretched 7 episodes only to reveal all mystery in a 15 minute SPLAIN IT NIGGA exposition dump in finale
>that final waste of funds vietnam flashback
>DEM KEEDS hardly mattered at all
replace Amelia down to >90% of her screentime with vietnam flashbacks and the season gets 7/10
/tdg/ true detective general finale reflection
it was still better than season 2
time is a flat circle-jerk
Yeah knew they would fuck it up
Why does everyone reddit like the ending and think it's wholesome, and everyone on here think it was terrible? Is there something wrong with them?
I am actually mad at all you that find a reason to hate this ending
It was great, I loved it
What was the point of the bar fight?
What was the point of the Vietnam flashback?
Very disappointed in the finale.
I don't ever want to get old, fuck dementia.
While Aliu's grumbling was annoying, he did a good job making me scared of old age.
I didn't find a reason... it just felt disappointing.
shut up nic
there were about equally bad honestly
can we all agree that pizza is a FUCKING HACK and that S1 was only good because they had a great director and great actors for the full season?
These characters deserved better.
anyone else planning to rewatch s2 after this to see how it holds up?
It's a dog-eat-dog world, Ray, and I'm the fucking chinaman.
its getting shit on over on reddit too, what are you talking about
He was trying to punish himself, just like the cyclops.
He's wandering around the middle of a strange place, just like his mind is doing now.
Honestly I liked it.
It would have been better if it was actually about pedophiles. Convince me otherwise
I liked the wholesome stuff with the family at the end. Everyone here wanted a Freemason Franklin conspiracy(metoo), so the story ending with it just being one crazy lady that has not even a full scene and her man servant is lame.
Tfw Fargo Season 2 did a far, far better job of showing the effect of war on vets upon returning home, and made a far better point about war itself thematically, than this entire meandering season did, and didn't even need to flash back to 'Nam.
Are you accusing me of hitting her? The only time I ever raised my hand to a woman was at the Celine Dion concert Ray, and you best believe I raised them both.
cute desu
Garbage finale.
His story is never ending and time is flat circle. Bar fight was to show that Roland broke down too and
The fucking music... what was going on with that. Gets all fucking tense and dramatic and nothing is actually happening...
Also I'm pretty sure theres a secret episode they will release next weekend and it's all Hays fighting with his wife even more.
roland was the best character
stephen dorff killed it
Ali quietly winning awards while TD finale is forgettable trash.
Pretty much sums up the night.
That's not the same girl that played 10yo Julie, was it?
And what? AND WHAT?!
>all the reddit spacing ITT
Roland tries to kill a fox/dog. A dog/fox saves Roland. Its like Poetry it rhymes
this. its not hard to understand. now....was it well done? no Lol. it was a director/writer taking himself too seriously
Ending would be better if I was marathoning the show. Figuring everything out two weeks ago is what killed it for me, because the quality was good. It just didn't actually reveal anything.
The whole thing should have just been 3 episodes at most. Far too much useless filler that goes nowhere and isn't interesting.
The music shit was so weird that my mom kept laughing during dramatic parts because the music made her think they were supposed to be silly. Like when they pull up to the Hoyt mansion
>what if they see us
>we're old...we're lost and confused
>sudden blaring violin strings
>mother guffaws
and the reason for the dogs.
Out of all 3 seasons, who do you consider the True Detective?
As boring as the mystery was, the scene where he finds Julie and forgets who she is was truly kino and moving.
He remembered, though. He just went there to find out, and looking at them, he found out.
Me too. I guess everyone was hyped for some epic tweest pizzagate conspiracy or something. I liked that in the end the mystery was secondary, the whole season was more about the characters, I guess that's why plebs didn't like it.
>This guy
Rust for tipping his fedora all over the christcuck belt and destroying their precious little child trafficking operation.
>A Rich mental woman conspires with the mother (former employee too) of the two children thought to be kidnapped, not to hurt them, but to play mommy to the daughter because she lost her own
>they hang out in the woods with the mother's consent and rich woman accidentally kills junkie mother's son who is also there when she pushed him
>rich woman's black butler laid him to rest
>say, can we just buy your daughter, junkie former employee?
>lol sure
>35 years of detective work that includes linking the case to kidnapping, pedophilia, the occult, trying to tie it to season 1 all to be told by the black butler at the end that the girl was fine that whole time and her mother knew it. also, the son died via an accident, wasn't a murder.
what a big whoopsie!
This series really scared me about dementia. The scene where Hayes walking back with Roland and he suddenly is lost and the road keeps going spooked me. Just waking up after being drunk and not remembering everything already spooks me.
>Season 1
>Season 2
>Season 3
Fight me
Why was Rebecca crying? Was it supposed to be implied that she feels guilty for abandoning her dad because she can't deal with him forgetting things right in front of her, and just left to get away from him and the memory of her dead mom?
so is the implication that amelia figured all of this out back in 1990 and never said anything, or is the amelia ghost in 2015 just hays mental state's way of figuring everything out at the end?
shitty storytelling regardless
rate how subverted your expectations were
me: maximum subversion but not in a good way
A crazy woman murdered one child, stole another, and then drugged her for years and fucked up her brain.
Second season was better.
>Season 1
>Season 2
>Season 3
His wife is shit, she couldn't figure anything out
Roland, hes basically old marty without a family and his only friend has dementia more than half the time.
The quickest way to spot a Hilary voter is to ask if they were disappointed by true detective season 3. A Hillary voter will say they liked the pizzagate subversion.
based old mom
Not subverted at all? I knew what was happening a couple weeks ago. I was excited to watch it but my main reservation was "what is there to find out?"
You think he'll figure it out somehow and tell his white mistress?
>We could develop other characters show what happened..
>Could show if Tom actually killed the cousin
>Could have shown Harris doing his dirty work, what he was doing in Vegas
>Could have had more kino with Roland falling apart after they killed Harris
>Could have shown Isabelle and Julie
Nah fuck it.. Lets just make it another Hays fights with his waifu episode..
>the amelia ghost in 2015 just hays mental state's way of figuring everything out at the end?
This one. She died not knowing what happened.
Plebs the fucking lot of you. You're the same faggots that were calling Season 1 shit for not having some Elder Gods behind everything. You are no better than the faggots that legitimately wanted Cthulu and Dagon to be the criminals in season 1. Holy fuck stick to your capeshit.
season 2 was a solid 7 until the last episode which took it to a 5
season 3 was better until the last 3 episodes and probably finishes a 7.5
I don't get how this is even a question. 7 fucking episodes and we were lead to believe there was a sinister pedophile ring involved, at least influenced in part by the Yella Kang case. Instead, what we get is a completely mundane set of events that are perfectly explainable. All the cult shit was literally bait, coincidences that didn't mean anything. As OP said, 90% of the fucking show in now rendered irrelevant. None of it meant anything at all. How the fuck are you going to tell me people who enjoyed the S1 are gonna be okay with this garbage? The way ep7 ramped everything up to 11 now has me speechless. Pizza fucking knew nothing was gonna happen, but just pretending like it was. This guy can honestly go fuck himself.
The implication was that the ironic thing was that if he paid more attention to his family and read her book instead of working insane hours at the office he probably would have solved the case
>they say guys like me are a dime a dozen, well today I'm feeling like a baker in the 1800s, and my pockets are full of dough.
It was fucking shit.
>7 fucking episodes and we were lead to believe there was a sinister pedophile ring involved, at least influenced in part by the Yella Kang case
No we weren't you retard, you were just seeing what you wanted to see.
Velcoro carries S2 much better than Hayes do in S3
Retarded amount of flashbacks, timelines and he looking at himself inbetween flashbacks like the chair in the Bar and his door opening meant NOTHING.
I'll never rewatch this season on account of all those scenes with his wife, it felt like half the scenes were just them talking about nothing and they have no chemistry to begin with.
Yeah, just guilt for moving away and not stepping up to help I guess.
We were lead to believe something mildly interesting would happen, and lo and behold it didn't at all. What a ruined orgasm of a season.
i did not expect a conspiracy at all and still thought the resolution and ending was dogshit. a csi-tier dialogue dump explaining everything is shitty storytelling no matter what your expectations were going into the finale.
When you realize that Hayes only remembers losing his daughter at Walmart and never finding her.
My thoughts exactly. Pizza took subversion notes from Rian Johnson and can go fuck himself
Why did Rust say 'time is a flat circle'? Isn't a circle flat by definition?
>it's someone else's fault I got red herring'd and I am angry
its been 100% obvious for at least 2 episodes that there was no actual conspiracy. i am sorry you suck at watching tv.
I'm not even American, but if I was I'd have voted for Trump. Pizzalatte purposefully led all you autists on a wild goose chase as a pleb filter and it worked. Season 3 was pure kino.
Is this one of the worst wives in tv? This is worse than I fucked ted/rust
She literally just manipulated and used her husband to get information out of the cases so she could become an author and sell a book. She wasn't even cunning with it, not even sinister, just very average in pursuing her own self interests at the cost of others.
>what happened?
>hey tell me what happened
>I'm upset if you don't tell me
>apparently i wrote a successful book after sucking the information out of you for a decade but I've been dead forever by the time you knew that, outside of clawing for information you might see me reading a dumb line from my book to a small audience.
what fucking cult shit did you guys see in the first 7 episodes?
the blonde woman said the dolls were symbols used by a pedophile ring and mentioned similar cases in the area. in the end it was just a coincidence.
This season convinced me Pizza is a fucking hack and S1 was a fluke.
Season 1 > Season 2 > Season 3
The only char I liked was Roland
And the BTS picture basically gave the ending away back when episode 2 came out.
So, you're thinking, it can't be that, so I'll put up with this passive aggressive Amelia bitch, Purple and his terrible acting, with some good moments with Roland, in the hopes that it's not that.
It's that.
>When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses not zebras
>We were lead to believe something mildly interesting would happen
No we weren't. Stop projecting your retarded ideas on everyone else. We knew what was going to happen two weeks ago
>incel can't handle a stronk womyn
jk she's a cunt but feminists will see her as the real True Detective and a paragon for feminism
How do u guys come up with this shit...i'm so dumb
Rian Johnson levels.
>nuns nodding to one another on the grave
biggest reveal of the season - pizzaman is a hack
The blonde woman symbolized the audience trying to connect dots that don't exist.
Why is some bitch that has no real information or insight making a baseless claim a clue to you?
Especially since we actually knew where the fucking dolls came from
>Trusts a blonde
At the part where Roland and Wayne are speaking at her grave and holy shit is this fucking bleak
So we were lead to believe nothing of any interest would happen? Bravo pizza.
marty and rust showing up as pictures was
always just there to please fans and to say "hey all these seasons happen in the same universe".
if you expected anything else then you were just setting yourself up for disappointment
Where's my Cthulu? REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Why did Amelia keep pressing about burning the suit? What did she want Hayes to say? "I FUCKING MURDERED A MAN AND THREW HIS BODY IN A DITCH"
>She wasn't even cunning
>just very average in pursuing her own self interests at the cost of others
Isn't that basically all women? Wouldn't that make her the most realistically written female character?
We thought that weeks ago, though.
Where are all these "i thought it was a cult" fags coming from?
But this plot twist is so stupid and unrealistic.
He should figure out he shouldn't skip leg day
it was a metacommentary on internet armchair detectives who see conspiracies everywhere and start with conclusions and only look at evidence that supports them. hays literally spells this out to her and the audience.
We need Fukunaga back boys...
unironically yes
s2 was different but better. except for their retarded deaths at the end
I don't think they do at all, for the same reasons I don't.
Anything she ever made of herself was because of her husband. I think feminists see that and the fact she's just another trope, a nagging wife who doesn't like her husband's job as a cop, because it's dangerous, the hours and long and creates distance between them. Cop can be interchanged with professional criminal and it's the same case (think mob boss etc)
Amelia from s3, Maggie from s1, Skylar from breaking bad, they're basically all the same woman.
yes,she was fishing for a new chapter of her book definitely but yes that's what she basically wanted him to say.
There was some decent thematic stuff going on. The overall direction was sometimes a little hackish with the plot reveals, though. The better moments, like the rest of the season, were the smaller moments between characters. Overall it didn't live up to what it should have/needed to be but it wasn't a total dumpster fire either. And that's kind of how I feel about S3 in general.
So is a simple case being turned into a giant pedophile ring
Pizza literally baited people that liked S1
>Every episode was Hays fighting with his wife
>Last episode is finally here! It's Hays fighting with his wife
Unironically season 2 is great. People are just mad it wasn’t season 1.
So instead we got season 1 again, but this time the whole, DUDE WE SUBVERTED YOUR EXPECTATIONS THERE’S NO CLOSURE ending just feels lazy.
so what the fuck happened to julie's father?
he walked into the pink room and wound up dead, no?
who the fuck killed him then?
Bond 25 will be shit. They are rewriting it again
Are you fucking stupid?
imagine being this fucking stupid
Imagine being this stupid
how the fuck was the old black man still alive? He was fairly old when he was in the book store.
Also, WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS that Mike would recognize Julie after 10+ years of not seeing her and assuming she was dead? And even if he somehow magically did, isn't that a bit messed up for him to do that since she has no idea who she really is but he does?
This season was a fucking mistake.
Bravo Pizza
this stupid, imagine being
This season could've been a 7/10 without Purple's nagging cunt wife
So Amelia died of aids right?
Amelia is the worst of them all.
She doesn't even show remorse for blatantly getting her husband in trouble; cops aren't allowed to speak with their families about open cases, and if they do, and if it's in a fucking true true novel, they can face criminal action.
And she behaves that it's Purple's fault when he gets upset about it.
She doesn't even show any genuine affection. If she was intended to be a psychopath, then good job, but Pizza isn't that good.
Gonna have to agree.
the finale ruined the entire season for me
the cliff scene, the cyclops exposition, the post-production added lines and dubbing
extremely rushed and truncated dogshit
waste of time
>Maggie from s1
Her husband was such a shit though
The guy who snuck up behind him after he entered into the pink room, perhaps? The same guy who the True Detectives™ then killed when they were interrogating him.
Being Imagine this stupid
The only criminal action was from the detectives themselves when they brutalized suspects and killed one.
The mom basically let a wealthy woman adopt her kid and kept it a secret. The wealthy woman accidentally killed her son when she shoved him. Given her name and money (hoyt food daughter) had they found this out in episode 1, she'd have been charged with manslaughter and convicted with less thanks to her status, she would have received probation.
The detectives chased an unrecorded adoption and an accidental killing that would have resulted in probation for 35 years.
>Season 1
>Season 2
>Season 3
>Rich widow just steals a child to replace their own
I feel like this is one of the oldest tropes in the world, but I can't think of a single example.
>Also, WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS that Mike would recognize Julie after 10+ years of not seeing her and assuming she was dead?
You don't forget your waifu
>And even if he somehow magically did, isn't that a bit messed up for him to do that since she has no idea who she really is but he does?
He doesn't know that. And he clearly helped her remember who she was
Guys, the first 3 episodes were so fucking good, how did it go downhill so fast... I was so sure it would be better than season2
genuinely had a belly laugh at this
This. Hays and Roland were like older than him also..
Hayes was right about literally everything when he BTFO Amelia and told her to get out. Why did he take her back? Why didn't she even apologize?
Then link to your archive post where you posted that image 2 weeks ago.
Roland was gay
Please go back to R*ddit. I’ll only ask nice once.
Is there literally any other reason someone would burn their clothes? She's obviously pretending to be retarded by saying she suspects Hays cheating so he'll admit to murder. What a manipulative bitch
>The wealthy woman accidentally killed her son when she shoved him.
What is manslaughter?, Alex.
Harris framed the indian, Murdered tom, and presumably the cousin Dan, the wealthy woman also drugged Lucy. There were crimes
the hoyt scene was cool but hoyt himself was a fucking waste of a red herring
This being imagine stupid
He saw the Yellow King in the pink room
in the defense of maggie marty was far from a good husband. her fucking rust was a dick move and used rust but that was just marty facing the music for all his infidelity in the end.
because we are suppose to pretend like amelia wasn't this manipulative bitch playing nancy drew and that hayes was just beign a drunk asshole for calling her out
it would have been smarter if they gave her a birthmark that he recognized.
I kind of expected them to ret-con their relationship in this episode to show that there were a lot of good moments and that his life was really about her and not this case, but I kind of appreciate the fact that they were just always miserable and got married anyways for no reason.
So he did it all just for the money?
Corrupt security cop being paid off by the rich old lady.
Maybe I would know this if the show wasn't so damn boring, maybe distinguish the character ffs and cool it with all the timelines
Holy shit you're retarded. Selling your kid for cash is fucking human trafficking. And the fact that another death was caused by this, felony murder. Kidnapping. Harris James murdered multiple people. Imagine being this stupid.
>ting ting ting
>crazy lady commits manslaughter on Will
>drugging a little girl
>Harris kills Tom
>Harris kills Lucy
>Roland and Hays kills Harris
>Nic Pizzalottery got greenlight for this shitshow
All these are true crimes
the nuns turning to one another and smiling over her fake aids grave made me laugh out loud
talmin bout found herself a pink queen
It was all fault of this cunt on the picture. Literally the worst mother/wife/person who isn't criminal.
>think of common phrase/reference
>"how can I add more layers/references?"
that was probably the stupidest part of the finale. seriously what the fuck was the point of that fake-out when there's literally 15 minutes left of the series?
In chronological order
>A PTSD burnout hoarding explosives
>Harris helping the Hoyt's take care of the accident
>A PTSD burnout going through peoples' trash
>Isabella trying to buy kids
>Lucy trying to sell her kids
>Some rednecks attacking a veteran
>A PTSD burnout setting booby traps on his property
>Some rednecks attempting to lynch said veteran
>PTSD burnout shooting police officers
I could keep going but I think you have sufficiently been proven wrong
Roland is the audience
the dog is pizza
The insults Roland threw at that biker couple were actual kino.
>You ride her cross country?
i mean he had to be right?
that scene where he was in the car with tom was some of the gayest shit i've ever seen.
>Show hints at this, never explains it
>Scene with Hays fighting with his wife starts instead
Why did Roland fight the bikers?
>who the fuck killed him then?
i think that question will be answered in seasons 4 through 12.
This may come as a surprise to you, but I don't care if you believe me. Use 4chanx to search the image, it was getting posted the night that the episode seen in the image aired.
So did Hays know it was Julie?
yeah definitely hacky as fuck. what is the source of that polaroid?
>show freemason lodge in the season opening
>subtly reveal roland wearing freemason ring
>this goes absolutely nowhere
>neither do the 50 other subplots
either pizza is an absolute autistic genius who engineered this season as a big fuck you to lead on S1 plebs as a huge fuck you for not "getting" S2 or he's the biggest fart huffing dumbfuck to ever drop the ball trying to recreate something that's now obvious he had no real hand in
same brother. i mean the "twist" its self wasn't that terrible, but jesus that scene was so fucking necessary.
YFW you realize that Tom was a secret gay and had HIV and Julie actually did die from HIV like the nun said.
It only seems unrealistic because the actress doesnt really look like Julie. In real life if you knew someone well as a child and saw them 10 years later you'd recognize them. Maybe not at first sight but he would have visited the convent many times during the 3 years she was there and talk to some of the nuns while he was giving them free labor.
Imagine being this fucking stupid
I enjoyed this season and I think this too. Season 1 was pretty much lightning in a bottle.
So did the dad kill the brother offscreen?
Why did Harris James kill the mom? Was it a coincidence she OD'd when he was in vegas?
If the cyclops felt so bad why didnt he ever come forward, especially after isabel died?
Why did the son keep the note with Julie Purcells address?
Why did the Hoyts not get Isabel the help she needed before this even started?
Why give out the dolls on Halloween instead of candy?
Why is this place filled with contrarian dipshits, when it was actually a great season with a satisfying conclusion?
13 reasons why is a gold mine
/r/ing this dog shopped in please user
even dumber than the fact that his hallucination of his dead wife figured it all out, based on zero real evidence?
Or maybe someone got to him....
I like Roland and his dog
Its sexist to show women supporting their husbands
To punish himself like the cyclops
What a complete waste of my time. I think I'm going to quit tv altogether.
>Why did Harris James kill the mom?
Because she wanted more money and was threatening to talk you dumb bitch
>mfw this entire episode
I watched a youtube video with a pizzagate retard who was disappointed with season 3 because it didn't have a pedo conspiracy but people like him are faggots who are literally brainwashed by putins cock pumping kgb wikileaks propaganda up their ass
>I know you want answers. But this scene is about me and my wife.
Because someone had to stop those mammoth from reproducing
Season 3 reminded me of one of those "choose your own adventure" books. It was all an illusion that took place in Purple's head due to agent orange.
Yes she was definitely using him. She was not at all concerned that her husband may have fucking killed someone you daft dolts.
It was never confirmed that Harris killed Tom or Lucy. Never happened on screen. Could be Tom found out the truth and off'd himself for real and Lucy OD'd after Harris actually gave her money.
You cant give away your kid with the consent of only one parent, and even then you couldnt give it to a crazy woman. That would be kidnapping.
In the paper Amelia would be tough on her. And prison is very, very hard on people who hurt kids.
Rust and Marty are the only detectives to actually crack their case.
the people who actually want pizzagate conspiracy are fucking retards
the whole point of anthology aspect is that every story is separated from the other
connecting it and making it some kinda fucking avengers type shit with pedos is fucking RETARDED.
I mean how could that work? It just makes zero sense.
Can you imagine his life for a minute?
He's a faggot in rural Arkansas where they don't tolerate that. He hid that deep inside him his whole life. He knocked up Lucy when they were teenagers. Imagine that for a second, he's gay and he knows it deep inside, he isn't attracted to her at all as a teenager. He's just trying to play it straight, he's trying to run from his reality. Imagine the night he got her pregnant, laying on top of her, thrusting, thinking of dicks and muscles, a man's hairy ass all just to cum, just to continue the lie. It's not enjoyable for her, he's no good at sex, because he isn't into it because he is gay and lying.
She got knocked up unexpectedly, it's tradition to marry because of that, so the lie takes a step forward and they do. They have another kid not long after, likely drunk one night, very unhappy, crawled on top of him, so he tried his best to fuck and he came and it got her pregnant again. By this point, it had to be a rarity, he struggles to even remain erect with a female. They're distant due to their incompatible relationship, because of his secret. She begins screwing around, fucking every man in every bar, because she's sexually unsatisfied. It's a fraud of a marriage together for the kids only. All Tom can think about is wanting to suck the forbidden cock, and his kids, he does love his kids, unlike Lucy, who is a whore.
Then one day, his kids don't come home. He believes they're kidnapped, he finds out his son is dead, daughter gone, who knows what happened to her and his wife leaves him for good. He's haunted, miserable and tries to leave that life behind. 10 years later when he thinks he might find his daughter, he gets murdered in the place she really was taken. He dies not knowing the whore ex-wife of his knew all this, she sold his daughter to the very people he thought kidnapped them.
>tfw even pedos think you're an idiot for not believing in pedos
Yeah she sure was trying to comfort and support him instead of only demanding answers and to be told the truth at all times.
>probation for accidentally killing a child
cocksuckers deprived us of an Amelia death
okay, so MC's daughter wasn't visiting him much because she didn't like seeing him not remembering his life and her?
james harrison most likely killed the brother once he beat out of tom about how he learned about hoyt
because she was a drug addict and was calling them trying to gouge more money through black mail
because he was implicated in the murder and kidnapping of a child
probably investigate it
because he was an old school korean vet who thought his daughter being mentally ill was shameful and worth concealing
who cares
the mystery itself was boring and predicable, but the characters were dec
Anyone else notice that shot with Hoyt looked alot like the shot from the walking dead...?
>He knocked up Lucy when they were teenagers
he didn't. one of the best ways gays hide their sexuality is that the marry single mothers.
Can we all agree that anime is superior to 3D television?
This idiot was basically like the documentary lady who was trying to connect the events of season one and four but was exposed as a tinfoil hack
What's up girafa?
He was a True Goblin Slayer
For me it seems unrealistic how they really fell in love and found happiness together. I mean it's like a cartoon where mc's childhood love interest is always the biggest love of their life.
Imagine being this fucking dumb
>nun with the bruise
You used my pic thanks user
call me when they stop writing retarded dialogs
Plot thread unresolved: what word was Roland thinking?
>So did the dad kill the brother offscreen?
it was probably harris james
>Why did Harris James kill the mom? Was it a coincidence she OD'd when he was in vegas?
because she was a loose end and one of the few people who knew enough to tell the truth
>If the cyclops felt so bad why didnt he ever come forward, especially after isabel died?
loyalty to the hoyts and isabel especially
>Why did the son keep the note with Julie Purcells address?
maybe he'll give it to the interviewer. maybe he will investigate it. we will never know
>Why did the Hoyts not get Isabel the help she needed before this even started?
because rich southern family shame.
>Why give out the dolls on Halloween instead of candy?
weird christian ladies
>Why is this place filled with contrarian dipshits, when it was actually a great season with a satisfying conclusion?
because cynicism makes more interesting posts than positivity. but i agree it was good overall. flawed but not shit
Is this your way of coming out
Just finished watching. This season was lower scale so the finale suited it well, making it more about our MCs as humans than detectives. However I don't care about them as humans as much as I do as detectives, and I also tired of the 3 time periods device because it removed all tension from the earliest 2 time periods. Still better than most shows, but not as good as I was hoping having really enjoyed seasons 1 and 2.
>season 1
>season 2
>season 3
>Implying tv dialogue is any better
I genuinely don't know what girafa is. Not causing friction, lad, just banter.
I had the same reaction. Maybe your Mom would enjoy my company sonny-boy?
damn you're dumb
>where'd Sammy go? I was just talkin to im
Julie actually did die to HIV
Fuck me I legit thought my dad wrote this. Guys obsessed with Celine Dion
Why is that comment stickied?
just cancel it
>You know you're suppose to savor every season of TD
Fuck, that one hit hard.
Is underacting worse than overacting? I don't remember a single fucking scene from this entire show apart from that goofy ass fox.
S1: 9/10
S2: 10/10
S3: 8/10
Seriously what a fucking letdown. Season 2 had tons of ideas and not all of them paid off, this season took zero risks
asking any of these question proves what a brainlet you are
Probably the one that locked the thread.
Why didn't anyone at the picnic mention that the crazy daughter tried to kidnap them
Why didn't anyone look into the bank records of the wife who took payment for selling her child
Why didn't anyone mention the black man with the one eye, everyone in that town must have read the book and there were at least 10 people that worked directly with him at the hoyt house
At least S2 was a coherent noir story. S3 was just a cocktease
Glad I stopped watching after E5
i can't remember the last time i watched something that said so much but meant so little
was the script written by a fucking AI? what the fuck was even the relationship between hayes and his wife?
S1: Solid 6/10, ruined by green ears bullshit and blueballing you with eldritchian false-flags
S2: 5/10, overall less bullshit than S1 but no high peaks like S1, good casting mostly but nothing like Rust&Marty
S3: 3/10, without "True Detective" attached to the title, nobody would be watching or even have heard of it. Pure shit.
this show dont make sense now
>At least S2 was a coherent noir story.
This is overly kind.
I think it honestly has most of the same issues S3 has, namely bad writing and directing and an unsatisfying conclusion. Both seasons have decent acting though.
don't you have dope to shoot lucy?
>We get into that in a minute
>But first I gotta have a fight with my wife
Probably the most accurate statement about the entirety of TD I've ever read
>less bullshit than S1
huh? Give examples, genuinely curious.
They could have fit this into 2 episodes and cut all the useless and boring filler.
Fuck this shit. Both S1 and S2 had very memorable last episodes. I dare you to remember the finale in two weeks from now. We got PIZZAED again.
nah it didn't. Noir stories usually work because you have a complicated case and the development of a single detective plus maybe a criminal/villain. Season 2 had three detectives that all had pretty complicated stories only 1 of which that mattered. Plus the story of an adjacent mob boss. Plus the case, which had multiple red herrings and dead ends.
>Julie died of AIDS?
yeah that was way too much
that venue looks awkward as fuck to be doing that
I remember Hays fighting with his wife
The timeliens were easy as fuck to figure out. Just look at their hairlines
Why aren't they arresting the mother right now? Who killed the dad (implying he killed himself)? Why didnt they ever go back to cyclops' trailer or speak to him again after the first interview was stopped by a riot he deliberately caused? Why dont they sue the nuns for not cooperating with police? Why didnt nigger cop tell white cop about his theory that Julie survived before driving out even though we've seen him do similar things before?
Why tease it at a connection to season 1 at all though? Not a pizza gate conspiracist but just seems pretty pointless, I would've probably been about 100000x more satisfied with this ending subtracting all the pointless subversion all season long. The ending doesn't feel bad or pointless if you ignore the literal hours of irrelevant red herrings from this season, therefore it would've been an altogether better season without them..
Why do people keep expecting eldritch horror shit and elite pedo rings?
The only real surprise was that she faked her death. Everything else was pieced together before this episode.
When you find that women are the villain of the story. Mom sells her kids to another crazier (ex)mom. Literally no male character did anything wrong which wasnt at the direct result of a woman. The true secret red pill of the season
I would go on to say that S2, while confusing, at least kept that myterious feel throughout the season. There was no neat bow and tie at the end, but it fit the story. S3 felt more like damage control and played it terribly safe. Somewhere between the nefarious villains of S2 and the storytelling of S3 lies a good season.
Mom's dead. Hoyt security. Different cyclops. They aren't lawyers. Huh?
I seriously don't know why we needed two ten minute bar scenes with Purple and Amelia fighting for their relationship. Yes I know the last bar scene showed how they got together for good but Purple saying I don't know repeatedly when she asked him if he wanted it to work was super autistic and a time waster. That Nam scene was seconds as a result. Either the scriptwriter or editor should be punched in the face for that whoever is at fault. Pizza probably.
Why can't we have a regular detective noir story with a highly intelligent serial killer outsmarting and taunting the detectives? Why do we need to have pedo rings and politically connected groups and freemasonry and eldritch horrors?
Good question, rewatch the season and point out all the red herrings that are literally intended to subvert the audience's expectations toward elite pedo rings and let me know.
Fuck me in the feels but we all know this sorry state, don't we lads?
>Why can't we have a regular detective noir story with a highly intelligent serial killer outsmarting and taunting the detectives?
Because those stories are fake and gay.
Season 1 very vaguely teased eldritch shit and now everyone is blueballed because they want Dick Tracy to have a shootout with Cthulu or something.
>extends episode runtime so we can get in 15 more minutes of Hays and Amelia fighting
Why do you have to be so stupidly cliche 4chanish about it? TD1 is objectively an 8/10+ but you have to be addictive and funny and call it a 6.
>reporter obsessed with there being a massive pedophile conspiracy tied to everything ends up being completely wrong
based nic BTFOing pizzagaters
True detective s3 did nothing that s1 of the sinner didn't do better. S1 of true detective was great because they played it straight and the pedophile murder cult was an actual pedophile murder cult, not some fake shit.
i dont really care about the supernatural stuff, but s1 actually did southern gothic horror and dread really well and its been disappointing that they havent been able to recapture that at all
Just like the Franklin ,,,cover up'''! People need to stop retardedly accusing innocent people of such sick and sinister shit!
Because western audiences wouldn't be able to handle an ending like this.
There were none. None. The only time it came up was when a character, who was clearly a satirical representation of armchair internet sleuth millenials, mentioned it.
Plenty of serial killers have never been caught, and many have taunted police.
Though with saying that, S1 was about a serial killer made via abuse who wanted it brought to light, but he himself couldn't stop doing it.
Did I miss something or were the pedo rings nothing but a smoke screen? In the end, it was just a big accident and some little girl held hostage as a toy.
I actually remember that. Some user said the gardener would be important but it mostly went ignored.
Fuck off Yoda
this might've been the worst finale I've ever seen.
Season 3 is definitely significantly worse than 2.
Manlet syndrome
My friends and I had a blast watching this since we were drinking and memeing. Every time a scene started too dark or ambigously somebody would yell "Oh shit it's Rust!" or "It's Marty!". Then the musical cues were hilarious. The final big laughs were from Hayes arguing with his wife once again, the Nun proudly announcing she had HIV, and Hayes forgetting why he was there at the last minute.
Damn I guess I was the only one who liked the finale. Maybe it’s because I know that feel Hays feels in the bar at the end. Choosing to jump in with both feet into a relationship that has a enough toxicity to implode at any moment.
Fucking this. I just survived the 2019 BET Awards Wars to go smack dab into some Empire tier drama shit. I don't fucking pay or subscribe to BET! Where was the Nam flashback scene where Purple fought Cthulhu and Freemason kiddie kidnapping cult? Nice dubs btw checked too user.
I am thinking that the dual exposition of the detectives in s1 sets up some of the scenes in s3, and is saying something about how what old hays imagine to be true he can, through magical timeskip make it true
for instance hay's solo work about mike's wife being julie, it is likely just him needing to find closure rather than some truth about what happened
hays and amelia fighting, gave the impression to me at least, is to condition us towards the idea that hay's (solo) thinking about the case has a biased outcome, wanting to have closure when he decides to remember his wife, just as marty says about rust in s1, that somehow hays is influencing the outcome, thus somehow his dementia becomes motive
S3 Did pretty good showing the vast emptyness of the interior/midwest combined with the emptyness as the towns die, especially the opening. Nothing can top the spookiness of the bayou not even a giant forest named fucking Devil's Den
it wasn't ignored. people mentioned it and there was a vanity fair article that fully established the theory that came out around the same time
Amelia and Black Detective each had half of the case solved. Had Black Detective not insisted on secrecy and not reading the book, he would have been able to solve it already.
>Plenty of serial killers have never been caught, and many have taunted police.
Because that shit was a lot fucking easier to do before DNA, CCTV, and everyone was walking around with a device that let them take pictures, call for help, and track where they are at all times.
It didn't exactly take a genius to stick to killing random people.
S1 was really good, but I thought the incest stuff was kinda hacky. Is that a staple of Southern Gothic?
Someone needs to make a "my feet hurt" dementia version of Purple
it was ignored you faggot because everyone was going nuts about the cute girl and the fact that no one is even talking about it now except for you proves it
>I was doing real good without some head-shittin' birds around here
Fucking lost it laughing when he said this. Who the fuck wrote this dialogue?
Definitely would be cool with the former if that was actually what happened here.
No way S2 was entertaining at all times. S3 had it's moments but mostly the Amelia is mad show.
yeah his final breakdown was because tom was gone
It wasn't ignored, the actor's character was named Mike Ardoin and there was absolutely no chance that the kid that liked Julie would happen across her and it wouldn't be relevant to the story.
It's still happening, dude.
The only difference is the media doesn't report it anymore.
The "joke" is on the audience desiring a true pedo arc rather than a detective, 1 penumbra. Just a thought.
The friends we made along the way
I mean, I dunno if I would have read her book either, seemed pretty pompous and flowery.
>Oh Julie died of AIDS? Funny, the Hoyt house seemed pretty clean. I don't suppose you've got some medical evidence to back that claim up? You know, pharmaceutical receipts, doctor reports...
>actually fuck it sounds good
>Hays flashback to Vietnam
>trudging through the jungle
>"fuck yeah repressed 'Nam memories that explain more of his character"
>cut to credits
Was this in the Season 3?
Why the fuck would she have gotten AIDs from the Hoyt house you dumb fuck she was on the streets for years before getting to the nunnery holy shit you retards.
The finale was utter shit but making up your own personal plot holes makes you look retarded.
It was up until the final episode.
I don’t think that’s true, they were all over that “Joy Reid” guy, the media can’t resist a story that’s violent and scary.
what was up with that music whe roland wasasking if he fcould sya with Hayeds? it was like it was going to make him part of a consiracy but nope and what happened o amelia?????
Fuck Amelia, give me more based Roland. And fuck crazy rich Hoyt daughter too, that was lame.
The exact story had been being called for weeks in advance. We all knew the daughter kidnapped her. So fucking dogshit
gay manlet range
"REEEEE you're stupid for thinking you would be entertained"
are you having a stroke user
Reminder you wasted 8 hours on this shit.
What was the point of the nam flashback though
google "ardoin true detective" and you'll see people talking about it since the day the episode air. just because people are Yea Forums are too brainlet to even figure out basic ass foreshadowing (especially if you know pizzolato's writing style) doesn't mean nobody knew
for gods sake they focus on the fucking truck for a few seconds. anyone who was paying attention could have connected the dots
>He was trying to punish himself, just like the cyclops.
except Cyclops didnt want to punish himself
Cyclops was an irredeemable monster all the way through
I don't know, you tell me
true detective all along was us
What a great fucking show. They put so much work and detail into this season, I know I'm gonna watch again sometime. All I know right now is two things, 1) Junius' story is a load of horseshit, and 2) I don't trust Roland's reaction to it, he was way too unemotional - not angry, not sad, not anything.
Yuuuuuuuuuuuuup............... my thoughts exactly
>convince me it shouldn't be what it set itself up to be
I can't
How the fuck did you guys guess that Mike and the Purcell girl would be together in secret at the end weeks ago?
What the fuck happened to Amelia?
Was the one eyed nig the same one they interrogate in 1980?
to show that it wasn't him
I'll take my little girls without jewish cocks in them thank you very much.
Did it feel rushed to anyone else?
Like Pizza had the whole thing planned out, but it would run too long and HBO said "nope, 8 episodes" so he had to cut 3 episodes in between 7 and 8?
Episodes 1-7 were slow burn, one piece at a time. Then episode 8 rushes it in a 5 minute scene with cyclops nigga.
It's 100 percent consistent with the previous seasons in the sense of the greater conspiracy being too big for the flawed detectives to solve.
ya inside of the no go zones run by the muslim ms-13 pedophiles are as the MSM calls them the CLINTONS
they fucking showed the Hoyt woman with the kids in the cave in a behind the scenes video back when the season started
If he had more time he'd shove in more scenes of Hays fighting with Amelia.
>It's still happening, dude.
No it isn't.
No one sends notes and shit without getting caught, and no one kills people other than transients and prostitutes because everyone else is walking around with fucking gps placing them at a location which they can then check the cameras of, and even check to see if there were any other signals at the same location if you were dumb enough to have your phone on you while you were doing it.
There are estimated to be 25-50 active serial killers at any one time in the U.S, but they are virtually undetectable. They are just killing the dregs of society that no one will miss.
You were stupid for thinking there would be a big pedophile ring despite all the evidence pointing to the contrary
someone on reddit spoiled everything a week before the season began the same way people do with walking dead and other shows
Speculation based on the kid's last name matching a truck with the name showing up a few episodes ago.
We have no idea. She just died sometime between 2015 and when her daughter went to college.
Nope, different cyclops.
Kino scenes: Old Roland and Hayes porch discussion. Roland and Hayes Fox Scene. The entire first night of the disappearance. Roland outside the bar. Hayes talking with his son about withholding. Hayes and Roland talking with Dan O'Brien. Hayes with his daughter. Hayes walking down the infinite street. Hayes and Roland causing tension in the ghetto. Hayes' dead men haunting him.
Anything good/memorable about this season? I thought Stephen Dorff was uniformly great as Roland. The shootout was kino. Some decent shots of Purple standing in the street when he's losing his mind?
The same man that gifted us Vinceposting
Rust > Frank > Roland > Bezzerides > Marty > Velcoro > Hayes > Woodrugh
use FACTS&LOGIC to change my mind
>How the fuck did you guys guess that Mike and the Purcell girl would be together in secret at the end weeks ago?
we knew young ardoin liked her. we saw that the ardoin's would work at the place where julie was supposedly living in. they wouldn't have focused on his truck and show a young man if they didn't want us to go "hey where i have heard ardoin before" and make us connect the dots from that.
>What the fuck happened to Amelia?
she died. how it happens doesn't matter. for all we know she died of aids
>Was the one eyed nig the same one they interrogate in 1980?
christ how can people reach episode 8 and still ask this.
Yeah I got a headache from that scene.
>she was on the street for years as the subject of a massive manhunt in that exact town and no one noticed her
This. Worked for multiple media services over the last 15 years and not a single one could resist reporting on anything that would even remotely scare the public. It prints paper, gets clicks/views, and makes more money. There is no conspiracy to keep it quiet to avoid scaring the public. Maybe some places, but definitely not the U.S.
So who killed the dad?
>she was on the street for years
>in that exact town
Are you forgetting the plot of the entire 90's timeline?
Yeah like they had to kill off eighty percent of their leads to make it edgy or something? But watching S2 and the bantz on here during it was massive kino. Anyone who says differently is a pleb NPC
Something about a gigantic manhunt where she even telephoned the police but they still cant find her and shes obviously not far away coz she ends up at a nunnery nearby.
IQ in the high triple digits.
Why do watch shows to spoil them for yourself?
i thought maybe since they put that in the "PREVIOUSLY ON TRUE DETECTIVE" thing at the beginning, there might be some dumbass cameo or something. At least it would have made the finale less boring.
Fuck so what do we watch between this and GoT in April guys? I like these Sunday HBO nights but it's over now isn't it?
frank wasn't a dick
Well, everyone on /r/TrueDetective hates it, so you know it must be good. Those fags have been playing "le boston bomber we did it reddit" investigators all season long instead of just enjoying the ride.
Season 3: 9/10
Episode 8: 8/10
God killed him
the last memory of purple, he regresses back, kinda Citizen Kane...
the last we see of purple is him at the top of his game.
Frank was a huge dick and that only made him a better character.
>Those fags have been playing "le boston bomber we did it reddit" investigators all season long instead of just enjoying the ride
That's exactly what's been happening here. That, foxes, and monstrous niggers.
>people think Hayes forgetting everything just as he solves the case is good storytelling
>If reddit hates it, it must be good!
it was seriously the most boring episode of the season and its the fucking finale.
i like all three seasons and Roland in one scene became the most based and truest detective ever.
Season 3 theme.
>time really is a flat circle
>like a pizza
Yeah the worst kind of AIDs, plot induced Deus ex machinAIDs
Thats one of my favorite part of the show. Different hair styles for every decade
Holy shit pizza the absolute madman
Don't forget that the Hoyt woman, Harris and Junius basically got a shit ton of people killed and made lots of people paranoid and made the town die into a ghost town.
There's been a blackout on reporting serial murders that are connected. They're report individual murders, and the odd local paper, or even big one, might bring up a hint, but that's it.
They stopped doing it around the 80s.
There's a current one that's murdered several teen females in secluded areas, and looks like he'll get away with it (unless he messes up if he does it again).