It begins

It begins

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Not wrong

what was wrong with Crash? i liked it and im an actual racist

Would have been the same if Black Panther won

Not Shakespeare in Love

Even in their virtue signaling they fucking suck

>forgetting Slumdog Millionaire, The Artist, Argo, Spotlight

This is actually pretty accurate

>Slumdog Millionaire and Argo are bad movies
shit taste t b q h

Apart from it being a clumsy and immature approach to racism where every fucking character is a lazy cliched stereotype?

First Man should've won.

>Shakespeare in Love beat out Saving Private Ryan
At that point, who gives a shit about the Oscars


They were pretty fine films though. Not classics. but decent.

Sounds like Twitter

what's cras?

that'd be the hurt locker

Crash is more recent than Shakespeare in Love. In context it's still a fine statement even if you think Shakespeare in Love was worse.

Crash was better

the artist is actually good though

How is it worse than The Artist? People completely forgot The Artist even existed.

Cry more McU faggots.

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>not the gay miami one

that's the same category Green Book is in.

every movie on racism?

I hate the MCU but fix your fucking grammar for God's sake

So what's your point?

>a football commentator directs a movie for shits and giggles.
>it beats saving private ryan
greatest underdog story of the oscars in my opinion.

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>im an actual racist
>shit taste in film
what a surprise

>Not Forrest Gump beating Pulp Fiction
>Not The Hurt Locker beating Avatar

people said the exact same thing last year when TSoW won it

>The Help
>American History X
>A Time To Kill
>Malcolm X
>To Kill A Mockingbird
>Do the Right Thing
>This Is England
Nope. You need to watch more film.

I wouldn't call Slumdog and Argo the worst winners.

Avatar and Hurt Locker are both garbage.


why are niggers mad this time?

>Avatar deserved Best Picture

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Those all suck though?

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There's a white guy in it



The criticism for this movie arises from ignorance concerning the subtle but important differences between racism and bigotry. Both characters start as bigots - real, nuanced ones. The Lip is basically Wiseguy Archie Bunker, not a racist, but a bigot. Shirley is much the same, and incorporates some of the snobbery inherent to bigotry, holding himself both apart from and above both Tony as well as the culture of his own people. Through their interactions, they come to understand each other and in so doing, come out the wiser for it. They encounter true racism as they travel and because of it, they see how their attitudes differ from racists, and see how similar they are in spite of their many differences. They see the humanity, nuances, and commonalities behind the caricatures each would have had the other be.

These modern "critics" revel in their oblivious ignorance.

Which movie still gets talked about today, genius?

They gave awards to Black Panther and one to Miles morales, isn’t that enough?

Avatar really doesn't either except from people delusionally believing that Cameron still has it

What has this C&P got to do with the post you've quoted?

Spotlight is still the worst best picture winner


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argo is great stop being a butthurt canuck

The Artist and Spotlight are good enough, haven't seen SM so wont talk about it, but Argo was indeed shit. Also Moonlight.

not avatar, i'll tell you that for fuckin free

slumdog millionaire, the artist and argo are great films though

Even normies are going to see how racist the media has become, because normal people like Green book.

A couple people on 4channel don't count

lets face it 2018 was a terrible year for film. looking through the noms for every category and i didnt see one film that will live on as a classic.

Spotlight was the most boring, garbage film I've seen. I couldn't even get half way through it.

Everything went bad since 2010

>tfw loved Green Book
>mfw reddit is so fucking mad that it won Best Picture

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at least he agrees Crash was garbage which it was

Why is everyone getting so pissy about this, isn't this kind of look into fighting against racism in the pre-civil rights era the kind of shit people love? Not saying some of the other films didn't touch on similar subject matter in different time periods but why is this one getting some initial spicy reactions? I heard it was a decent film

Ok for its time but I don’t think it’s aged well
>the artist
Easily the most forgettable Oscar movie
Boring, not terrible. But yeah
Yep. Media fellating media.

Green Book was pretty mediocre but comparing it to Crash, which is still one of the blandest shittiest movies I've ever seen, is unwarranted.

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Shakespeare in love could have been Kino. But goop stole the script

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Where is the lie tho?
We may have different reasons to thinking the way we do but who cares

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Every one of you faggots cried during a scene from crash. I guarantee it. You act all internet tough guy contrarian here but we know you shed actual tears to a dumb manipulative scene from this movie

Green Book has more in common with the movies in that post I quoted than it does with simplistic, caricatured depictions of racism, mainly because it isn't even racism it's addressing - it's bigotry and snobbery.

>Everyone is mad that Green Book won
Then what movie should have won?


No one mentioned Green Book in the conversation chain. Your C&P shit was unnecessary.

i fucking hate reddit with a passion

The favourite or Roma
Black Panther would have been a pretty good meme

Nope. Just cringed. All the way through. There was nothing to stir the emotions.

Great argument.

Argo was great

It was before I got redpilled. I'd probably turn it off 10 minutes in nowadays.

worst winners in recent years have been Spotlight and The King's Speech (and maybe Moonlight, La La Land was robbed), no one will remember them because they're just so stereotypically Oscar.

They're not perfect, but Argo, The Artist, and Slumdog Millionaire are basically the last winners to be "a good time at the movies," and I respect them for that.

But who was the favorite? Everyone keeps telling me it should have won but nobody will tell me which one it is.

Argo fuck yourself

>Every one of you faggots cried during a scene from crash. I guarantee it.
Your post made me cringe hard, just like the movie

Saving private Ryan sucked, nothing but anti-white, pro-jew propaganda

disagree about Slumdog Millionaire it is a good film, The Artist and Spotlight are both solid films but not great best pictures, Argo however is mediocre and poor best picture. Crash is still the worst best picture of all time though.

I'm looking forward to the Academy members doing an apology tour for voting with their hearts on the feel-good anti-racist movie of the year.


They're not, though. Ludacris' character has a big rant about the racist people who crossed the road because they saw black people, then immediately carjacks someone
If they were going with the lazy angle it'd be every white person secretly evil; every black person good and oppressed. Instead there's numerous characters of all colors of whom some are good and some aren't

>American History X
>These white inmates raped me & I met this funny nigger, so lemme just instachange all these views I've studied for literally years
>Not cliché


I think bohemian rhapsody has staying power. It has that "good old movie" feel, if that makes sense. Maybe due to the lack of forced diversity and propaganda.

The thread is literally about Green Book

>dogshit movie winning an oscar
Wouldn't be the first time.

>They're not, though.
You must be fucking deranged to not think they weren't. Have you even seen the film?

To further elucidate on the point I'm making, Shirley's character is something seldom depicted in modern treatments of race relations - the "African" Savior. He rejects African-American culture outright. Look at his apartment. He surrounds himself with the trappings of African culture, holds it superior, while embracing the elements of European culture that resonate with him. He embarks on his "crusade" against racism blind to his own bigotry and cultural and intellectual snobbery. He's not looking to elevate the culture of his people, because he doesn't even see himself as part of it. It's only through his interactions with Tony that he comes to understand that in his own way, he's just as bigoted as this uncultured Italian "mook" he spent the first half of the film looking down on. Tony really does have a better grasp and a better appreciation of black culture than he does.

But the conversation chain wasn't. Your response had nothing to do with the post you quoted. What are you struggling to understand here, you stupid cunt?

Shakespeare in Love was a good Movie. Bad winner but good movie. Crash was just a shitshow all around.

I'll put Green book up there with Shakespeare.

You mean literally over years

Clearly not the same person and you're clearly an idiot with nothing to contribute to the discussion or life

>they created
lol why are these peo0le so retarded?
They think individuals have responsibility for the actions of other individuals.
Deluded retards,


redpill me on why crash was bad

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I would prefer to rewarch Heartlocker now, not Avatar.

key note: i have never seen it

Says the fucking dumb nigger who doesn't think the retarded characters in Crash aren't lazy cliched stereotypes?


the hurt locker is the last great war movie fucktard. avatar is pochantas with 2012 digital effects

They're not wrong but they're not right about the right reasons

That's still assuming he isn't smart enough to realize he's in prison where everyone is shitty & not base his entire worldview on it. In reality, that prison would be full of niggers anyway doing nigger shit, so its a garbage fantasy.

If anything, he'd be way more of a race realist.

watch it. it's a fine basemark for what a pretentious film is

shakespeare in love won out over 2 really great movies though (Ryan and Thin Red Line) so I would call it an even worse winner than green book, because all the noms this year were shite and it wasn't snubbing much

That's because Italians are the niggers of white people. This whole movie is just about how Italians are the niggers of white people. Tony and Shirley get together so well because Italians are the niggers of white people. The movie won because all of the Jews and Anglos deciding on what should win are in agreement with the fact that Italians are the niggers of white people. Jews fear Italians for this very fact: Italians are in fact the niggers of white people.

so many indians on Yea Forums. now i'm really starting to believe sneed meme was made by some indian kid.

Based and spaghettinigger pilled

Dude, even when it was new it was a hard cringe.
Maybe in the US it felt like it was saying something, but in UK it was like having a 6yo preach at you.
Fucking embarrassing.

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Let's not pretend how the Academy feels about Netflix didn't influence anything.
They are gonna have to face the same challenge next year with the Irishman

Yesss. Yessssssss. Your (You)s are delicious. So easy to trigger the based Jim haters.

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You haven't seen it have you? It's his interactions with Lamont that opens his eyes. It's their common interests that bring them together and the hypocrisy of the Aryan Brotherhood that drives him from them.
Dumb cunt.

Considering Inqas expecting Spike Lee's dumbass winning I'm glad Green Book ended up winning

Ah yes, another dull Scorcese gangster film where they all say "ayyyyyyyyy" and shoot people.

You guys are fucked. Shakespeare in Love is a decent movie. Is it tightly scripted comedy with good acting and it's still watchable today. It's a little cheesy but a lot of really intelligent people put that thing together.

Are you saying that my neighbour Goldberg doesn't deserve being gassed because he's not a bank manager? Go fuck yourself.

>They created and participate in everyday


Holy shit, I totally forgot that existed.

kindly do the sneedful

And that shit is film gold.
See you there.

I understand but it beat both a great mainstream film (Saving Private Ryan) and a brilliant art cinema film (The Thin Red Line) which are both about US troops in WW@ making them easier to connect in people's minds

t. Heretic papist pedophile scum

You haven't met any Albanians then.


Hahaha yes! Yes!

Of course I've seen it. Several times. You're assuming a rational person would just drop every notion they've had of niggers that they've studied & seen with their own eyes simply because of befriending one & witnessing the shitty behavior of some of your fellow whites, who are all inmates.

So tell me again how this isn't cliche trash.

well the Oscars certainly aren't a good indicator of what will and won't at least

You haven't seen it, have you. Please stop lying. It's very niggerish of you.

Wait, are you referencing Crash (1996)?

don't come back, mong.

Sneed pays no rent

What do you think, you fucking retard?

>Minority of white people owned slaves and treated blacks like shit
>"All whites are racist" isn't acceptable

>Minority of black people commit crime
>"All black people are criminals" is acceptable

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>Shakespeare in Love
>Not Slumdog Millionaire

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Argo was a piece of garbage.

Your mother is a piece of garbage

>No response
>Haha, I win

Pathetic. No wonder these bait movies work on you plebs.

Sounds like they should re-release it, it would win best picture again today.

Why do you keep saying you have seen it when you haven't?

Argo fuck yourself

Albanians are not white.

>That's because Italians are the niggers of white people. This whole movie is just about how Italians are the niggers of white people

Sorry, that's not even close anywhere in North America. Italians are top-class. They have money and influence. I've never met an Italian family, and I am part of one, that could be considered anywhere near poor.

Crash fucking sucked, I guess racism doesn't give you taste

Are they mad at the film only because Black Panther didn't win?

It was also a complete lie.

are people forgetting how fucking awful The Artist was? oh yeah that's right, no one remembers that fucking movie.

Nigger opinion.


Green book is a decent film. And the best possible outcome between this year's nominations.


I can't believe that's like the 20th (You) and you're the first person to say it.

A Star is Born was the only 1 good movie nominated but everyone is passing it up because it was advertised to be some faggy country music romance. It’s actually a pretty dark alcoholic kino.

The entire event this year was Muh Intersectionality on steroids, you would think whites are like 10% of the population going by the noms and winners.


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