tonight just wasn’t enough
we have to do better
Tonight just wasn’t enough
are there going to be riots? i live in chicago
Black Panther LITERALLY got pity awards because it was such a mediocre movie that they had to give them stupid meme awards. It shouldnt have even won those awards, The Favourite and Roma both had better production design, I would say almost objectively. It didnt deserve to win at all
Someone tell taco burrito black panther was created by a white guy
Black Panther sucked
Green Book was so fucking comfy
Roma was good thought it was gonna get real dark but it didn't so that's good also dude hangs DONG
Might go see that Moonlight Pt. 2
Favorite was 90% finger banging and kinda funny
Am I missing anything?
This is the only oscar movie I watched this year and I don't get why anyone thought it was a white savior movie when both of the characters are incomplete at the start and both grow in the end from being in direct contact with eachother for so long.
This... this isn't ok...
We needed that popularity award for shit like Black Panther.
Exactly. Even being nominated was out of pity.
All that black and spic affirmation and the awards were STILL too white??
What do these racists want? Green Book was the safest choice imo
The director of the movie disagrees with you, he even apologized to the family for revisiting history to make the white guys the good guys, when in reality they weren't.
Black Panther was only ever nominated to not make the show seem ‘racist’ and make it look hip, it’s average like every marvel movie.
wtf /pol/ wins again
the shitty, selfmasutrbatory and forced look-how-contemporary-this-is Black Klansman
It's amazing how Yea Forums complained that it was 99% black and twitter complains that it was too white. It's like we live in a constantly shifting reality.
Damn didn't know any of that. How much of it was changed?
These people didn't watch the movie, online opinions told them to parrot these things.
>What do these racists want?
No white people in the movie awards of a white country.
Oh yeah Freddie Mercury
He was great and deserved the Oscar but script was garbage
Good grief, people actually fucking care about all this nonsense
>Capeshit winning best picture
Did they seriously expect this to happen?
/pol/ is always right
Cold War > Roma. It is another safe joke of movie award show.
>white country
That's a good one
Pandered to them all night by throwing a pity party, still not enough. Gas em.
>Shamelessly pander to the insane Left all night
>It will never be enough for them
I love it.
Black Panther it isn't a good movie, it is mediocre at best.
For it to win - oscars should die and become a laughing stock, but they want to live a little bit longer.
Nigga the family the movie is based on themselves said the movie was a hodgepodge of lies and is 100% false.
get in here guys
collect all salt
You're not white, Cletus. Go have another kid with your inbred sister.
Can never satisfy niggers
They didn't though, otherwise they would have given best picture to something else. That's the single most important award. Nobody gives a shit about fluff awards.
They gave it like 4 Oscars, though. They thought it would placate them while still allowing them to retain a shred of dignity. They were wrong, the idiots still hate them and they still look more pathetic than ever.
>A "based on a true story" film is complete fiction
Bohemian Crapshody wining so much with the controversy around Singer shows that no douchebag can hurt an award season when you have good PR.
They literally gave Spike Lee a rant about evil Whitey & didn't drop a single joke about Jussie Smollet
I dunno what else these niggers & SJW's want
Are people really surprised to find stuff like this if they search through millions of hot takes by random people?
If I didn't know any better I'd believe that anons like playing the victim card themselves
But it wasn't.
Why don't these people all move to South Africa? March is the deadline for expropriating White colonialism and creating IRL Wakanda, correct?
white people keep winning, stay mad niglets.
Also how the fuck did it win Editing? The editing was Quantum of Solace tier.
Accuracy is a thing, generally when basing something on a true story you don't completely shit on it, especially when the people involved in the real life event are still alive and can call your bullshit out. There's been far, far more accurate biopics than that.
I think we as a board really need to learn from this
What's the controversy behind green book?
The character was.
The original black panther comics were written by two Jews(Lee and Kirby) to write about Israel and to cash in on the civil rights movement.
whites need to be culled
What if Black Klansman fought Black panther?
The white guy isn't ridiculed through the entire movie
No one cares about accuracy in films. If I go to see a film I want a good story not just a bunch of events strung slapped together without meaning or purpose. I can go see a documentary if I wanted to see what actually happened and be bored to death by it.
blow it out your ass.
It's not black enough.
Also white and black being friends = bad
Lol these faggots and niggers never stop eating themselves. It's glorious. Niggers even stage their own racist attacks for more sympathy from their "in" group.
lets refrain from the poor language and just come together and learn from this
No it wasn't. Jews aren't white.
Yes, two jews. Aka not white.
>People aren't happy with which movie wins
OMG, like every year?!
>actually believing BP had a chance
how could you possibly be this stupid
They can't keep getting away with it!!!!
true. the only good white guys in that period of time were the ones fighting against the civil rights movement and desegregation
Tranies are SEETHING
>No one cares about accuracy in films
Motherfucker what part of the family is pissed off about the film being completely inaccurate, as is twitter, did you not get? And that's bullshit, plenty of far more accurate, respectful biopics have been made like Walk the Line. A biopic doesn't have to be a literal 100% retelling of an autobiography, but it doesn't mean you have to miss the mark so abysmally and shit on the real life people it's based on.
>especially when the people involved in the real life event are still alive and can call your bullshit out
This is pretty much the reason they waited for the the members of Project Mercury to die off before coming out with Hidden Figures
Literally name anything and 5 people have tweeted
if americanskis aren't white then you have nothing to bitch about :)
In real life there wasn't a white good guy. In the movie there was, the savior.
That thing will self terminate within a year.
>jews can't be white
This is your brain on /int/ and /pol/ memes.
Almost like the extreme left and right are at the opposite end of a spectrum.
Find me: Hollywood is run by kikes and the Oscars unironically promote white genocide even though most of the actors are white themselves.
The Oscars are shit now, no one will remember this movies in a few years.
Does anyone remember The Artist?
/int/ is full of fags. never conflate us with them again
>Motherfucker what part of the family is pissed off about the film being completely inaccurate, as is twitter, did you not get?
Why should I care about what the family said? The family and their version of the accurate story have no bearing on the movie being good. If you wanted a movie scrubbed clean and approved by friends and family still alive then go watch the Bohemian Rhapsody flick and revel in wasting 2 hours of your life.
I mean you can just check the top twitter trend right now which is the oscars.
You're either white or jew.
You can't be both.
demons don't have skin, user.
>Why should I care about what the family said?
Why are you moving the goalpost from "nobody cares" to "I don't care"?
But Jews aren't white, that's not an attack on them or anything but just a fact pointed out by the vast majority of their community leaders
Then stop parroting them.
I didnt expect this much button hurt desu
Nobody cares and I don't care. Nobody with half a brain goes to a film expecting accuracy and accuracy has no bearing on a film being good. The goalposts are firmly where they've always been, brainlet.
t.never spoken to someone thats jewish
>Tranies are SEETHING
When are they not?
When they are a suicide statistic
thats obviously not true or else all those poor black people wouldn't think Wakanda is a real place
>Nobody cares
Are you just gonna keep ignoring my posts or what? Do I have to mention the family and twitter for the third time?
They can be fair skinned, like many people north of India are. But jews aren't part of the white race, no matter how much they pretend or want to be.
the editing was literally one of the worst parts of the movie, what were they thinking.. "the most cuts possible in a small room where a simple conversation takes place, the better!"
me on the left
They aren't white you fucking moron. They say it themselves.
>Dear fellow white people
Every time.
Did you zoomers actually watch the Oscars this year?
I haven't watched in at least 5 years and just don't give a shit because the quality of the films as well as the "woke" shit is just too much.
These leftists really should think twice about grouping muslims with fags and trannies.
The fact that these mongoloids even care about what won the Oscars in the first place - many of them demanding the event end mere years ago - proves that they aren't woke and will never make a difference.
Given how bad the ratings have been for Oscars recently I could see it happening as a weird publicity stunt. Good to see it didn't though, even if the real winner ended up being more generic Oscarbait shit.
>tfw the satire posts you see from anons on Yea Forums are legitimate opinions and views that these people have
Really blows my mind
>muslims are a race
The Oscars are literally like a fever-dream at this point, it's been years since I was able to watch them without feeling ill. Every single speech and presentation is infused with progressive politics and white self-flagellation to an increasing degree every year, yet the audience of "cultural critics" on Twitter and progressive media publications clearly hate the show and only complain that it's somehow not progressive enough. Who are the Oscars for? I shudder to think that there are millions of white boomers out there who still watch this and are oblivious to the fact that everyone on the screen hates them and wants them dead.
>CGI backgrounds
>wins production design
They only care about best picture, and of all things they gave it to a white savior movie that pissed off the real life family it's based on.
>Who are the Oscars for?
You kinda answered your own question, but they've always been for brainlets who root for their favorite to win despite the entire night being an elitist circlejerk (something that hasn't changed even with the #MeToo and #OscarsSoWhite shit.)
My final digit will be how much of a % drop in the ratings from last year
The concerts
>Who are the Oscars for?
Jews, it's always been about jews jerking eachother off.
And now they have the nice bonus of getting to throw in more blatant propaganda.
>why are people talking about movies on a movie board?
Are you just going to keep ignoring my posts or what? Do I have to mention I don't care what the family and twitter have to say? Do you forget that movie just won Best Picture despite twitter, the family, and (((accuracy))). Are you just with which poster I am? My first post in this reply chain was I don't care about your gay ass twitter argument bullshit. I don't care about accuracy in movies. Nobody cares about accuracy in movies and nobody actually expects accuracy in movies "based on true stories". If people did then that movie wouldn't have won anything. Stop being a literal nitpicking faggot pointing to outliers and screaming "SEE THESE PEOPLE CARE ABOUT ACCURACY SO I'M TECHNICALLY RIGHT"
This has to be a troll account
This is the movie's writer btw.
and #FuckNiggers
>Green Book was the safest choice imo
Bullshit. Look how pissed off they are. Not even white people really gave a shit about Green Book.
The TRUE safe choice was obviously Black Panther, so all those identity nerds could eat each other asshole's about how they finally made it.
Good satire is indistinguishable from reality
Why hasn't it been banned for racism and trolling then?
not only based and redpilled, one could argue even ''epic''
>no asians
time to rise up yellow friends
I don't see the problem.
>American talk show comedy segment
>Don't have a laugh track
>For no reason include the quiet awkward chuckles from the audience
Agreed only because most of it is spelled correctly.
piss shit in my ass
>Tha Streetz
Where the black equivalent of this? Blacks are most assuredly both those things and more
a daring synthesis
Black Pander won too many awards
Let's be real, the best movie of the year was Shoplifters and that didn't even get nominated.
Britni forgot that BP was created by two jewish white guys
Black Panther got nominated as its prize, like Brokeback Mountain. It was never going to win. Its nomination was the "win" for it.
ask him what he thinks about women, I'm sure there's a positive rap lyric somewhere
>Do I have to mention I don't care what the family and twitter have to say?
Do I have to mention again how the argument isn't about you at all? Why the hell are you bringing yourself up here when we're talking about the fact that the statement "nobody cares" is wrong? What's wrong with your brain?
>My first post in this reply chain was
Yes and? The words we're arguing happened after that so why are you pointing that out?
> Nobody cares about accuracy in movies and nobody actually expects accuracy in movies "based on true stories"
Yes they do, as shown by the people I've mentioned multiple times over. You know, the people that this thread is about. Why are you getting angry that I'm talking about that? Did you even read the thread you're on?
How exactly are the people the film is based on irrelevant? How exactly ARE THE PEOPLE THAT THIS THREAD IS ABOUT IRRELEVANT? You did not read this thread at all.
>? Do you forget that movie just won Best Picture despite twitter, the family, and (((accuracy)))
> If people did then that movie wouldn't have won anything
I'm sorry do you think these movies are chosen based on a public poll or something and not a small group of academy judges? There's more people angry on a single twitter conversation about this than there were people who voted this movie to win.
But Jews aren't white you anti-semite
>jewish white
>jewish white guys
Oxymoron there.
You can't be both jewish and white.
>I want to fuck White women & think Muslims are friends with the LGBT community
>they gave all the awards to Roma but it didn't win
La La Land here, now you know how it feels. fuck you.
best foreign film should have been burning.
best original song should have been a Cowboy trades his spurs for wings or whatever the fuck its called.
the bottom two posts are on point
Black Panther would have been the worst choice, both for quality and for image of the Academy. Most people acknowledge, outside of the media, that Black Panther was a decent if unremarkable Marvel film. If they gave that shit an Oscar, it would be mocked to the end of time, and the Oscars would lose what little social value they still have
this is why you don't tempt niggers with gimmie dats
>99% of winners were either black or a woman
>the 1% its a movie with a white man in it
What do these people want? Do they want the next award ceremony have a constant display of a white man getting cucked by niggers?
Favourite was good
The oscars reflect public opinion so little that there were massive outrages a while back based on the picks, so much so that even the very own Oscar host that year Christ Rock talked shit about the judges.
>Nobody cares
>but look at all these people on twitter see I'm technically right
BlackKlasman is not accurate either. Spike Lee took a lot of liberties to insert the “Drumpf and republicans are the KKK”
You didn't read the post did you? Read it this time.
>What do these people want? Do they want the next award ceremony have a constant display of a white man getting cucked by niggers?
>make retarded CGI capeshit for children
>but with black people
They gave awards to Black Panther and one to Miles morales, isn’t that enough?
Why? It's not like you read mine. I've already said everything I have to say. I'll let you aut out all you want in your corner of the thread because this discussion is going no where.
You just need to take comfort in the fact that those people you see on twitter aren't the actual population. All they do is degrade and destroy and divide. Laugh at their seething and move on with your life. Don't let them get to you.
No love for chinks? that's racist
People say Yea Forums is the asshole of the internet but I say its fucking twitter.
ethnically saying they don't they don't have anything to do with europe, even the language its closer with arabic than any european languag, hell even "semitic" it mean arabs too bc they are part of the same family tree
the stillborn fetus wasn't dark enough for ya huh?
Black panther was boring as hell.
Glad it didn't win when other movies with black protagonist we're 10x better.
Tired of these people always whining and bitching about non existent racism.
Worse than PETA.
- A Black guy
is that a sex doll?
twitter is the asshole, yes
facebook/instagram is the vagina
google is the dick
Yea Forums is the subconscious
>isn’t that enough?
do you still have to ask?
I'm Jewish, we're Semitic. Why do you think we call people that hate Jews "anti-Semites"? In what world is Semitic white? You know Semites are from the middle-east, right?
>Why? It's not like you read mine.
Except I did, I addressed literally every single one of your points in my previous post even. Nice try attempting to say "no u" only to embarrass yourself once again. Your dumb ass claimed Green Book wouldn't win if people cared about accuracy, when the people deciding if it wins are a tiny ass number of judges who are dwarfed by the number of people complaining about the oscars on the internet.
For fuck's sake, this same community's complaints are probably the reason they decided to give so many fluff awards to black people/movies like BP after the "all white oscars" controversy a while back.
I will never understand why Black Panther was nominated for best picture period. If you wanted to give it to a superhero movie, why not give it to Infinity War?
>In what world is Semitic white?
The jews'.
>if you only knew how bad it really is
You do realize they only call themselves white in order to push propaganda. Then in the next tweet they deny they are white.
We need more Morgan Freemans and less niggers.
Yea Forums anons on pol aren’t a reliable source on who’s white
Ok then, JEWS say they can't be white.
According to my DNA results I can. :^)
>You do realize they only call themselves white in order to push propaganda
You do realize it's irrelevant what you think. What matters is that they consider themselves white regardless of your conspiracy theories. Jews have long since been considered white after they stopped being a persecuted group in the west. It's no different from irish immigrants who were treated like garbage back then.
Yeah that was a great movie
>What matters is that they consider themselves white
But they don't.
The only thing I read in that DNA result is "el goblino."
What a waste. Imagine the drama if Black Panther actually won.
>b-b-but they lyin' i swear
doesn't matter what you think. what matters is that they say it, period. If you show someone on the street a jew and ask them what race they are, you're most certainly going to get the words "white". Good luck finding people saying that Stan Lee wasn't white outside of this deranged ass site.
Why are you so anti-semitic? what do you have against jews?
now this is kulture
>Your dumb ass claimed Green Book wouldn't win if people cared about accuracy, when the people deciding if it wins are a tiny ass number of judges who are dwarfed by the number of people complaining about the oscars on the internet.
Your dumb ass claimed people care about accuracy, when a tiny population of crazies on twitter shit on a movie because Viggo said 'nigger' and some news story on CBS interviewed the family and said it was inaccurate and racist. Do you seriously believe they are pissed because they generally disagree with me and hate every movie that is similarly inaccurate instead of them just hating it because it is the thing to do? Are these exact same people on twitter freaking out about Bohemian Rhapsody because of it's inaccuracies? No they are not. So maybe instead of them actually holding the belief that accuracy is important they are just shitting on it because of perceived racism and the cultural herd mentality? Again all you are doing is point to outliers and edge cases to sperg out about technicalities when I'm talking about general expectations and sentiments. Again you seem to be arguing your case to the guy before me than my actual posts themselves.
>those twitter posts are literally the definition of racism and they don’t even realize it
You know what’s funny? As a kid I was never racist. I remember really enjoying eddie murphy movies, thought Blade was cool etc. I became racist because of the endless hatred they have for white people. It’s all so tiresome.
You can actually read and think that kike is being serious?
But they do, as I just proved. Nobody is gonna say Stan Lee isn't white outside of this site.
Shut up already and stop making the same replies, dumb falseflagger.
yeah we also need one for the movie that makes the most money. Can you see it "The Oscar for the movie that made the most money goes to..."
After nearly two millennia of interbreeding with Europe, Jews are now mostly European, and thus white
so you admit your racist against jews, i see you are trying to deflect
user please read the whole post when addressing someone instead of stopping after just one word.
And they also say just as much that they are not white.
Which ones do you believe?
Black people still dont realize that we dont pick these movie to feel less racist, we pick these movies to watch the entertainment these blacks provide when they ape out
"I don't care" =/= "no one cares". Pick a narrative and stick to it.
Turns out that making white people racially conscious by force wasn't a good idea.
Jews are considered white far more than they don't just like irish people do today. Stop thinking they're a hivemind in the middle of a conspiracy theory. Again, it doesn't matter what you think, jews are considered white, period.
he'll keep claiming jews are white so can deny them being a marginalized group of people like the good little bigot he is
I don't care and no one cares. I did and I am.
>tfw I should be mad about this but im not because its literally /pol/s stance but just on the opposite end of the spectrum.
>Dear fellow straight white men
Why do Jews always do this?
Whiter than you Muhammad.
show someone on the street a picture of Stan Lee and ask if he's white or not.
we don't want any white people wining anything!!!
all their ideas and everything was stolen from People of Color!! We want only PoCs to win especially troughs who are African-American
>continues with anti-semitism
So i take it starting this year. There will no longer be any White Men winning Best Actor.
surprised more people don't call it black pander
why would i want to go around being an anti-semite like you?
I've never seen a jew say they aren't white in modern times.
Because every time they say it they are pushing propaganda.
thought so.
Then you don't talk to any jews.
Or read twitter.
Absolutely based
>you know what's funny? I became racist because I started lurking on an anonymous image board that's theme revolves around bigotry memes and outrage culture
>thought so
for proving you're a bigot against jews? I feel honored to outing you out as a bigot
"No one cares" is an objectively false statement. Lots of people care as evidenced by social media
Them Jews look white to me
Again technicalities. There will always be outliers and exceptions that prove the rule. Go back to your high school debate club if you want to pull this nonsense.
I don't reckon you got enough learnin' done at the school house.
so glad /ourguy/ won
why does her face look like that of a background character in a PS2 game
Mmmmmm feels good
Fuck Donald Drumpf and fuck white people
>make am absolute statement
>get proven wrong
>t-those guys don't c-count!! Only the people *I* like count!!
I made a general statement in the context of a online discussion not a fucking doctoral paper you autist. Actually not even I made a sarcastic post jabbing at the idea people expected that movie to be accurate only to get roped into a debate club meeting by autists who assume everything is a thesis statement. And I still haven't even been proven wrong here let me put this in autist speak.
1. People generally do not actually care about accuracy in films that are "based on true stories." This is evidenced by the vast amount of successful and generally well regarded "true story" films that are wholly inaccurate.
2. Audiences generally do not expect such films to be accurate after years and years of films claiming to be "based on a true story" or other biopics NOT being accurate as well as films outright lying about accuracy ala Fargo. It is generally understood that Hollywood is smoke and mirrors.
3. Accuracy does not make films good. There are accurate films that are generally regarded as good films but there are also accurate films poorly regarded and accurate films well regarded.
4. Angry SJW twitter being angry is not representative of the general populace. While neither is the Academy and whether or not you agree with them, the Academy is widely regarded as litmus test of quality by general populace. That is why people get angry when they disagree with the Academy snubbing a film or happy when a film they like is nominated. Although admittedly this was my weakest point.
5. The twitter posters angry at the movie aren't even angry about inaccuracies and are more likely angry over perceived racism of the filmmakers as evidenced by the posters themselves complaining that the film is racist. Otherwise they would be similarly angry over Bohemian Rhapsody for it's inaccuracies.
Now go ahead and rehash the same old bullshit that doesn't actually address any of my points you mong
accurate films poorly regarded and *inaccurate films well regarded.
Well you can take solace in the fact that I'll call it that from now on
You are right. 95% of the world thinks of them as white, we are just in a very special subculture.
>Taco burrito
Did """women""" ditch the OMG GAIZ PIZZAAAAA AND FRIEEEESSSSS schtick for wetback rolls?
Makeup, can only imagine the mug under all that facepaint
Nazi mutilation sounds like a shitty nudeathmetal band
>What do these racists want
unironically white genocide
which sucks cuz I don't even hate black people, but they still hate me even though I didn't do anything to them.
what a fucking cuck
-What do you want?
-Just tell us what you want
-If only these majestic people of color and god's chosen people would just tell us what they want, sigh...
He's being sarcastic
>dude we're living in an era of white supremacy under Orange Man
>but also white men need movie awards to placate their egos, because it's all they have
Make up your fucking minds
go back to where you belong
>Taco Burrito
they won't be happy until it's the BET Awards. give an inch and they'll take a mile