I thought Mel apologized a long as time ago? The fuck? Also

I thought Mel apologized a long as time ago? The fuck? Also
What did they mean by this?

Attached: cesspit.png (1503x1102, 1.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>be edgy personality
>start ranting about x demographic
>get in trouble and ostracized for it
I'm talking about Mo'Nique, by the way.

who cares mel is gonna make another war movie that everyone loves and btfo these fags

>shit on the one dude with enough talent to actually save your shitty, godawful enterprise

that's actually a pretty good joke though. lighthearted too. how could you possibly be upset lol

I don't get it but I couldn't help but notice that Noah is a surprisingly hebraic name

The purging of antisemitism is ALWAYS timely. There is no place for it and it should never be tolerated, those on the wrong side of history will be laughed back into their basements.

I'm not upset just confused how this is supposedly the pinnacle of humor and "super-timely" social commentary according to twitter

he meant to say he is a hack

yeah, i always expect measured and precise takes on twitter.


great example of why I stopped watching the oscars. dumping on BASED Mel Gibson

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fucking niggas man

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what was the other word?

Doesn't Trevor Noah have a bunch of antisemitic tweets in his history, too?

Apologies stop counting after you get to the fifth one for the same shit.

This desu it's pretty funny and not necessari

Mel is so powerful he can name the Jew in pedowood and still come back

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nvm, found it:

>ethnocentric black jabs at white person for being ethnocentric
Are black nationalists the ultimate hypocrites?



>mel is right in the middle of development of the passion 2

>where all the jews and pagans kill christs followers

They should stop fucking with mel right about now

He said "Wakanda Forevor, my nigga"

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Ignoring the politics of it, that's not a remotely good joke. What's the other word supposed to be? The n-word? Why would he say that after saying "wakanda forever", it makes no sense.

Any Jessie Smolett jokes?

The Chadliest Chad of all time.

Why does Trevor Noah hate white people so much? I'm not even white but it's unreal the hate that cumskins get in the media

Comedians have to go after "safe" targets when looking for the butt of a joke. There aren't very many safe targets anymore.

>inb4 some jew posts the JUST.jpg and Mel Gibson copypasta

super timely is a sarcastic description, congrats to the rest of you for getting emotional and defensive on behalf of Mel Gibson.

Was this at the actual Oscars or at one of the millions of little side streams/bullshit fests?

I thought you weren't even supposed to think that word, why is he making me think it, am I in trouble?

Don't most of Hollywood lefties types want to dissolve Israel, how are they not anti-semetic?

he's south african so muh farms and shiet

what did she do?

comedy is supposed to punch up so when you think it you are the laughing stock of the world. that's why the joke was so genius.


great joke, all these homosexual mel fans seething

neck yourself tranny

>[laughs, stands up, bends over, points to anus]

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If he hates niggers, why would he say 'Wakanda forever'? I don't get it.
>t. brainlet

>Passion of the Christ 2: Judgement Day
>take my money

Mel Gibson did nothing wrong.

He was trying to warn his roastie daughter before she paid the toll.

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Nope, none at all.

also if the police didn't pick apart his bullshit so fast he probably would have been on stage giving some stupid teary eyed speech.

>south african nigger crying about racism

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I figured trevor noah would make one


What did he say after that?


It's actually weird how friendly it is.

>yeah you're kinda racist but it's cool bro

Nothing will ever change the facts that Mel is a great actor and filmmaker who is right about kikes and niggers.

>WAKANDA FOREVAH! Fucking niggers...

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nigga did you already forget this?

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based image

>tfw there wouldn't be Marvel capeshit without Mel

i still haven't watched it. I feel like an asshole.

it's shit. another over the top action war movie with unrealistic depictions of battle.

Fuck yeah.

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>What did they mean by this?

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Nice looks like I'll have to see it

>called me a oven-dodger
That will never be not funny

Gibson is making the sequel to the very anti-semitic Jesus movie. Of course (((hollywood))) is gunning for him again.

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Literally the only good joke in the whole show, no one even dared make a Jussie Smollet joke, it was too safe

Kek, I will forever love Mel Gibson.

Attached: To Learn Who Rules Over You.jpg (960x720, 188K)

Feuded against Lee Daniels and Oprah after Precious and blackballed because of it.

>that fucking clap emoji
Absolutely enrages me

can someone explain the joke to me?

>Don't most of Hollywood lefties types want to dissolve Israel
>Hollywood lefties types want to dissolve Israel

Jews want to disolve israel? I think you meant to say liberals want to dissolve Israel, but they are not the ones running Hollywood. Hollywood are staunch zionists, though they hide it well.

>shitting on based Mel
niggers everytime

Yeah it really isn't that great.

do they stop to clap after every word in real life?

These queers probably do

Why does that one guy have his name like (((this)))? Is it ironic?

I agree, probably my favorite joke of the night. Could tell it made the audience uncomfortable even

>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Has a retarded son
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor
>Now further trying to appease leftist hollywood by making a police brutality movie written and directed by a JEW. #BlackLivesMatter!
Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?

Attached: JUST.jpg (550x320, 73K)

Nobody's upset about it, this is one of those things where they go "YAAAAS KWEEN SLAY" even though nobody cares

this but unironically. Stay mad incels.

He's surviving. I'm surprised he still has a career.

>realistic depictions of battle
i really really wanna watch people sitting down and staring at a spot for 12 hours straight

I mean if you suck enough jewish dick I guess they'll throw him a bone, which is what he's doing

jews have really done a number on you lol

Damn all this salt over an Actor

You seem to have some hurt feelings friendo


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So predictable

>Stating the truth that hes apologized multipletimes and is casting jews in his movies directed and written by jews
>this means I'm mad

setting up your butthurt doesn't make you any less butthurt. It actually probably makes you MORE butthurt.

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No. It just shows that the jewish playbook is lazy and predictable.

what did he mean by this

>according to twitter
didn't you know? everything is the pinnacle of everything according to twitter

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you seem to be really upset about this, you patrol around and look for shitposts that dare mock mel gibs-son

rly makes me think

>what really happened backstage

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Winona Horowitz is best jew

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Fuck off. The invasion of Okinawa/Hacksaw was not just people peeking around corners and shooting at each other.

I saw it with my uncle who is a Desert Storm vet and my grandfather who fought in WWII. They thought it was the most realistic depiction of war they've seen on film

Hacksaw Ridge is the GOAT war movie

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*The purging of semitism is ALWAYS timeless
there, much better

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Top fucking kek

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The liberal stance is that once you do something even slightly racist/sexist/whateverist, you're always and forever will be guilty of it and it defines everything about who you are. You and any memory of you should be erased off the face of this earth.

It's just weird that people still act as if his rant happened yesterday

>Mel apologized like 50 times

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WTF? I never saw any ads or heard about this movie at all. Fucking Jews hold the longest of grudges.

wtf i love trevor noah now

Like most niggers we see one TV. He's part white, and he should be fucking reminded of it every single fucking time he race baits.

So did he SAY it?

Go look at his apologies. Lip service at best, and not to save his career, just to shut people up. He got tired of hearing about it.

Three movies of broship with Danny Glover, who is no Uncle Tom by any means, tells me what I need to know.

It was nigger


Sure, well as an Italian, I think Spike Lee is a clown who presented the broadest stereotype of American Italians, who have contributed way more than his tribe, so he can eat a dick.

says the one that looks for mel gibson threads to post his same copypasta

>cries in one of them
>"lip service"
and even if it was, if he was so mighty he wouldn't have folded

It's a shame they didn't. It would publicly expose the farce that is Hollywood virtue signaling.

Arabs gonna fuck Israel when USA can't protect them anymore

Formerly Never

Trevor Noah has never been, and never will be, funny.

I laughed harder at 1 minute of Charles Barkley making fun of Jussie Smollett than all of the clips of Noah I've seen combined.

That's it I'm calling isabella you fucking jew, not even the king of poland will save you this time

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>Mel said the word while throwing up the Wakanda sign

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cuz that worked out so well the first 10 times

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cry more mohammad

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I like how it panned to Amy Pohler who didn't find it funny at all

>when USA can't protect

Ayy good stuff, Tony. Oh!!!

During that war was literally the biggest airlift in history btw.

We weren't in the war, stupid

No US forces involved

tho there were soviets flying missions for the arabs

I wanna see that new cop movie he's directing

directed by a Jew*

Mel Gibson is just starring in it.

die kike

also jews never forget transgressions against them so ol' mel is never going to be forgiven.

>you seem to be really upset about this, you patrol around and look for shitposts that dare mock mel gibs-son
says the dumb nigger that patrols Yea Forums for a chance to post his cringy mel gibson copy+paste

It's literally a joke my man
A decent one too

Well fuck, guess I'll torrent it

salty milk and coins

incels usually kill themselves before 30 you don't have much time left

>says the neckbeard still REEEEing about shit jews supposedly did 2,000 years ago

This guy is a loon not many take seriously.imagine alex jones in a political party,ive sat down with him for a chat several times.

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