Here's your best edited movie of 2018, bro

Here's your best edited movie of 2018, bro.

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what's up with these long shots this is boring

Jesus fucking christ, how can they be so oblivious to the shitiness of the editing in this film?

Uhhh, you don't get to bring AIDS

anyone can vote for a nominated film, although how it got nominated Idk

Needs more cuts

I wonder how many times they made each of them fidget in a chair just to get this scene finished

why is CIA in fucking everything?

he has a big agent

ugh, she looks so groanworthy as freddy

Because Queen was like a really good band?

Malek looks like such a dorky little twink faggot. Sacha Baron Cohen would have been the perfect fucking choice.

he is

is this real? that many cuts for a fucking conversation?

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What the fuck is going on with the color gradient?

They're shooting green screen and the lighting people couldn't match the background 100% so they tried to fix it in digital. I can't believe they refuse to shoot such simple scenes on location anymore. They greenscreen way too much.

so this is the meaning of "death by a thousand cuts"

This is edited like a YouTube Poop


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Lel, and this won best editing. Un-fucking-real.

>edit movie so that each member has equal screen time
sounds like fantastic editing to me

the editing is amazing you just can't keep up with the evolution of film language. faster cutting = the eye can process more information.

Listen to me my man, this movie has won every award it has so far been nominated for
People will be angry about Black Panther but this is far worse


Is Howard Stern good in this?

In fairness, editing around the retarded demands of the band's lawyers was challenging.

The end result was a fucking schizo mess, but hey, it's a schizo mess that took time.

shalom user

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those quick cuts are making me ill