Congratulations for being black awards 2019
Congratulations for being black awards 2019
Incels eternally btfo
Congratulation for being black
Here, your pity award
Regina King is awesome.
Some of these others that they keep shoehorning into movies on the other hand...
Literally equivalent
pack it up /pol/tards, times are changing
Doesn´t matter.
Evedybody will say she has won just for being black
This is what happens when shit like BP is nominated because of "muh racism"
She is underrated and I glad she won.
>t. a Proud Boy
>pack it up /pol/tards, times are changing
I´m not american.
Thanks God!!!
>stolen most bikes award
Regina King is good tho. Same with Nia Long and Angela Bassett
Will a white person win the "Best" supporting actor or actress award again?
Or is it a blacks only zone now?
Yea Forums is now /tmz/
It's still not going to be black enough for the negroids.
>Yea Forums doesn't get mad when mexico kept winning the big awards
>gets mad that niggers win
Seriosuly, they let all the nigs into the Academy, add the cuck and jew votes and the Academy is finished,.
isnt that every award show?
you seem upset. Whitey always has to win or else your self-esteem goes down the shitter, huh?
Because mexican directors and movies are really good.
This shit is just a pity award
tons of people were mocking the spics
Regina King is talented as fuck. She did Riley and Huey Freeman. That shit is crazy.
>t. nigger
They both sounded the same. :/
Black Panther isn't going to win. Screencap this.
why do you keep implying that people who recluse themselves away from society care about what that society does
are Birdman and Shape of Water on the same level as fucking Black Panther and Black Klansman?
>She is underrated and I glad she won.
she was great as the death row prisoner in The Green Mile
it wont because the fags are more powerful in hollywood.
>same level as fucking Black Panther and Black Klansman
How much better would movies be next year if they air striked this awards show?
they're all shit
Did not know I found shapely delts hot
There's a lot of things she did that were award worthy.
the son's face embodies the experiential regret of being born black, i understand
Agreed! Regina King is actually a great actress.
You dont get it. Black Panther is OBVIOUSLY not Oscar worthy. By doing this they are lowering the bar of expectation by giving participation trophies. Which is what Liberals are known for. Make them feel like victims which actually makes them weaker mentally.
Case in point....when Blade came out there was no hype behind it because it wasnt even on Liberals radar...and Blade is a way better movie than Black Panther. I saw BP because of the hype and was honestly underwhelmed. I didnt even know who Blade was and just tagged along with friends and it ended up being a bad ass movie.
They know that BP is winning pity awards.
But they think they are trolling someone
To be real..Angela Bassett should have won an Oscar for her role as Tina Turner. But Holly Hunter won for The Piano. Thats whats bullshit about this whole Participation Oscar for BP. They give it when its not even Oscar worthy.
Or how about Denzel not winning for Malcom X but Pacino winning for Scent of a Woman? Denzel in Malcom X is one of the greatest performances of all time.
based. i cant wait for poltards to crawl back to pol or preferably t_d after this humiliation
Not even close, Amerimutt anime dubber.
it's a discord tranny don't even bother trying to argue a point it's just going to spurt some ad hominem when you poke it
>lowering the bar of expectation
we are talking about the oscars here.
Nobody sane believes it's legit oscars, and we have to thank bohemian rhapsody for that. Better luck next time.
This event summed up
THE LIBERATORS, narrated by Denzel Washington.
this but unironically
Fit girls and tank tops, my man. You can't go back after that.
Of course not, Roma is going to win, just to spite Trump's wall
Yeah, and now they're below rock bottom.
>I saw BP because of the hype
pig fuck
>They give it when its not even Oscar worthy.
It deserved best costume design
How long until trannies start getting participation awards.
2021- Ladies and gentleman the Oscar for Best Actress goes too...........
You don't feel sad when things that were once meaningful and good are destroyed because of people who unironically masturbate to interracial porn? I do.
Indeed, Pity Awards are meaningless
No you retard. Its the fact that Liberals are giving them an award they dont deserve because of their skin color.
Simple question, do you think Black Panther was nominated for Best Picture because its that good?
To be honest..'A Star is Born' wasnt all that either. In fact BP was more entertaining than that.
Blacks have never amounted to much...
Let them enjoy this user... its all they have
All she's done is The Boondocks tho
t. incel pretending to not be an incel
She ugly
She's amazing in 7 Seconds. She's one of those actresses thats great in everything but never got her big break.
The white race is finished
If Im a Producer I would hire Edris Elba to play Donald Trump in white face. Instant Oscar!
Bretty sure this is just an awardd show, they're not kicking whypipo out of their homes and giving them to the blacks
Dumbass nig did us all a favor tbqhwyfam
but Roma is good
that nigga just want to go home and do homework while listening to 2pac lmao
>7 acknowledged children
Jesus Christ, nigs.
No fuck you OP. Won't have anyone tarnishing how great an actress Regina King is.
Get cancer and aids and raped by 1 billion niggers and spics you faggot fuckhead eat shit and die I pray you get fucked up and your whole family is raped
>Regina King
Regina KANG you mean
>They need a law suite
Every movie will have black people as a majority in it now and it will be about how racist whitey is and that is a bloody good thing, pic very related. Thank you oscars.
This is like when adults clap at babies when they do little things like mumbling, it's not a big deal but we do it anyways to make them feel good.
I wonder if they don't feel bad knowing that none of their oscars were earned by actual talent but because of the oscars trying to enforce diversity. What the fuck am i thinking? their brain capacity is too low to even compute the most obvious things... they will do something hood instead like "flexing" about it on social media
Who is this? She made my pants a bit tighter in the crotch region.
>Black Panther wins
>BlacKKKlansman doesn't
They weren't even being an acceptable amount of pandering to blacks.