Why are they shilling her so hard?
>OP does it
is that supposed to be funny?
they aren't, though?
I wouldn't even know who she was if not for the constant threads on Yea Forums whining about her
>blacks love her
>whites love her
>asians love her
>only people who don't like her are mexicans
How can we get mexicans to like her?
Tits out, ass up
Pandering to the "New American" demographic. Remember that beaner midget in Star Wars? Fucker was in everything for the last 3 years.
Beaners hate her because she reminds them what they would look like without Spaniards raping the everloving SHIT out of them. She's LITERALLY the first thing Cortes would've inseminated after stepping off the boat.
>New American
You mean old right?
But the question was why do you love her?
>You mean old right?
It was whites who named this continent and yours for that matter.
What kind of white? White is a broad term for at least 10 different ethnicities
I don't love her, like most people I nothing her. But beaners literally go out of their way to tell us they're disgusted by her like they have something to prove. The same way Indians are always saying their Southern Dravidians or whatever are ugly and people should pay more attention to their "Northern Aryans" or some such bullshit.
When was the last time a goddamn non-nigger non-white was nominated for best actress?
I don't care for her either way and I doubt I'm the exception. But just like all whites aren't "nazis" all mexicans don't hate her. It's always the vocal few making shit bigger than what it really is.
Dunno, Salma Hayek?
trying to convince whites she's good looking and worth going to see.
because white people are the only ones that historically have bought tickets. especially white men, and they don't go see movies anymore.
except black people destroy theaters, and beaners take fifty kids to the movies and leave them there unattended destroying the experience.
but if we try and convince this cinder block with limbs is good maybe the whites who used to buy tickets will come back.
I've worked at a movie theater and can confirm. Blacks were the only ones to get into fights. Mexicans would change their kids diapers in the theater and leave the diapers. Blacks never cleaned up after themselves, always rude, always trying to steal food.
I work at a movie theater in San Antonio and I rarely have problems with mexicans. Blacks on the other hand are a different story.
i forget what the number used to be exactly, but white men used to buy like 75% of all movie tickets, because they would buy for their families and women, etc.
then in the mid 2000s, they started to go less and less, because of online, streaming, shit like TiVO, (not pirating).
then movies went to complete shit.
and now these retards in hollywood think they can just ignore men or they'll default and go anyway, and they can expand into reaching out to imaginary demographics that never buy tickets anyway because you can't with fucking food stamps and crack.
>Mexicans would change their kids diapers in the theater and leave the diapers.
Why didn't we build the wall sooner?
She is like the nigger of Precious, you will never see her again.
This. Spics can't cope with the fact that they are subhumans. Its the reason why spics import Spanish and Portuguese actors to star in their telenovels
No, Glenn Close fue a la que robaron.
Wide-headed nigga.
no we dont
I don't know man. Most stars in telenovelas are mainly fair skinned. Rarely see any indiginous looking people not too mention the actual treatment of indiginous people.
>Spics can't cope with the fact that they are subhumans.
Is that what 30 yr old virgins tell themselves to sleep at night? That's pretty sad, go get laid
theres one actore i remember whos portuguese here everybody else is brazilian
or you mean descent if so that is true because nobody really likes blacks just like in the USA
It's true though. Call anyone an indio and they begin to sperg out.
>all this overt racism
gonna be a big yikes from me
On MY 4channel?!?
More like only USA pretends to like blacks.
Yes you do. You niggers even import Italians sometimes.
Keep seething Paco. You better not be in my country.
How can they be subhumans if they were the native habitats of america before the europeans arrived?
Besides they descended from asia
They are technically chinks
Didn't win.
Back to cleaning hotel rooms, sweetie.
Why are you watching this shit?
Oh yeah, so who ended up hosting?
well id say 99% of the actors i can think of are brazilian
She's beautiful and exotic looking to me. Like her eyes and skin.
The Americas are namedby a German after a cartographer from the Italian peninsula who probably wouldn't have been considered "white" until hundreds of years later. Amerimutts were so retarded they were still lynching Italians until, what, 1910?
Virtue signaling. Also that movie had (((american))) funding and even at the end the narrator says something about equality
No, she can't act at all.
No, we hate her because she was memed too hard in Mexico.
>import Spanish and Portuguese
Lmao you really believe this? watch a telenovela and find out
>millions of them
>overwhelmingly vote democrat
So you don't have experience with them. Spic women come in two varieties
>Twofaced bitches who act timid until you walk away
>loud and belligerent who make trying to deal with a camel seem fun