De Niro
CONFIRMED FOR THEATERS (thank god I genuinely feared I'd be watching this on a goddamn television screen)
The Irishman trailer released
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>Jim Norton as Don Rickles
That's not a fucking trailer
shut up, shill. Scoresese has been shit since Cape Fear
Silence was kino.
Good to know it's in theaters. I'll go see it.
>The irishman
>about a bunch of Americans
why do amerimutts do this?
>The Departed
>not kino
Shit taste, my man.
>mfw I instantly recognised those trousers
And by mfw I mean "my feet when"
I'm sorry to all involved but you will never convince me this isn't dead on arrival with the CGI de-aging shit. I'd love to be wrong but come the fuck on.
>The Departed
Shitty Hollywood remake of a superior Hong Kong film. Many such cases!
America was built and policed by the Irish
This. Silence was so fucking good. I actually attended the Vatican screening and it was insane. The reverence the Cardinals, state officials and even the Pope showed Martin for making it was insane too.
Why did they like it? It takes a rather skeptical view of religion.
De niro cant act.
Pacino cant act.
Pesci is a walking Surgeon's General warning label
Keitel is respectable.
Shit flick with out of touch retards who should have retired in the 90s
>all wop eye-talian guiny guido shits
>the irishman
>Pacino cant act.
what a faggot; I bet she's got a GREAT ASS
Hmm. So great.
His faith never died. Are you kidding?
Yeah but it shows a lot of religious barbarism. Violence carried out in the name of God.
>movie called the Irishman
>not a single ginger in sight
>no weird accent or the word m8
de niro is actually straight up irish tho
It's certainly dour and violent but he never lost his faith. I can't wait to see how much The Catholics back Mel Gibson when he does the Passion of the Christ 2 where he covers the harrowing of hell.
Gonna top Star Wars Ep7/Return of the King and The Avengers Infinity War at the box office COMBINED
So would it better to hide the historical facts?
Will only watch this for Pesci
Silence was excellent tbqh senpai
Melkino will break box office records
Not at all, I'm just pleasantly surprised to see the Vatican not being horrible for once.
Wow a bunch of old washed up manlets who can't act anymore. This might make some money only because of the pathetic attempt to put a bunch of "big names" together and trick wannabe movie buffs into going. 40% Rotten Tomato score tops.
>People come over on a boat from various parts of the world and typically settle in areas with others of a similar origin
>They don't magically lose their accent, language, cultural traditions, or attitudes
>These get passed on to their children growing up in these ethnic enclaves
>These backgrounds begin to clash and define individuals within the greater population in a nation with a relatively recent history with little ethnic ties
Wow, it's like, Americans, am I right???
WIll Di-Niro be caught jackin off to BBC porn in this one too?
I noticed too, gud broast
Oh nice a new Scorsese x De Niro movie? Might be ok-
Jews and Italians are bloodthirsty criminals. Wow. Here's my $19.
You sir, and I don't say this usually, are a gay nigger from outer space
a fucking travesty imo
silence and wolf of wall street are both incredible movies
Wait what's this a reference to?
They're the only ones that would give him $130 million to deage all the actors.
trailer looks like dogshit
Only Jews are
*poster looks like dogshit
It's a fan edit based on a pap photo
checked and keked