Warhammer Movie

Holy shit. Get HYPE Yea Forums. Warhammer movie is being made.
Dark Elves are gonna play a central part.

Letita Wright is gonna be a one of the mains. She's playing a Dark Elf leader.

Attached: warhammer.jpg (986x555, 105K)

Apparently humans are going to be evil or at least partly evil and there are going to be modern day references

Oh, and Boyega is also going to be a male Dark Elf according to rumors

>warhammer movie
Awful idea


>Warhammer movie is being made.
source faget

>Dark Elf is bein treated literally
el ay mao

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those movie theatres will smell so bad

But dark elves are white.

No, but Hermione is said to have a dark expression in one scene, so that means she's black

It's bait.
There's been a lot of "could 40k work as a movie?" threads recently though and they're generally popular threads, so it makes sense that someone would cash in on the Warhammer theme to get some (You)'s, even if it's not 40k.

You 40k nerds don't know how lucky you are that Hollywood won't touch your property. You're insulated from all the shit they would try to pull.

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>You're insulated from all the shit they would try to pull.
The main game is.
There's a lot of periphery shit that's been infected.
It's hardly immune, and you're being willfully naive if you think it's safe from that SJW bullshit.

>Dark Elf is literal
Oh fuck, I'm dyin

From what I can tell, it's mostly just that kids' game and a few novels written by Bioware-tier writers. As long as it's primarily by and for neckbeards, the IP as a whole is secure.

Why won't they though?

They did The Chronicles of Riddick.

Seems legit

you forgot to mention, with a human love interest

>official games workshop comic on their community site

Ayo. Hol up. You saying we wuz Chaos n shit?

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Wrong warhammer

Also shit choices

Yeah, that's what I meant by 'periphery stuff'. Movies would fall under that category, though I do concede that something as large and influential as a motion picture would be a long way down the road if ever.

Incels btfo eternally

>warhammer movie
>starting with dark elves
Unlikely. It will follow the story of Franz and his battle against Chaos.
Mallybabby doesn't start until movie 3 or 4.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Here is the love interest for Boyega. He steals her from a White Human commander called Victor D.T Schultz

Fuck. Forgot my image. Humans are being referenced as Nazi's if you didn't get it.

I wonder what D.T stands for?

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At least we get the new animated series Angels Of Death sometime this year,

I don't get it

big e?

no Kubrick no watch

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Dark Elder doesnt mean they're Black...

40k wouldnt fit Kubrick
he would have to make a full blown action film, and that just not his element

wrong warhammer, but yeah

An Inquisitor film would be in his wheelhouse. It would have mild amounts of action, likely at the culmination of whatever investigation the Inquisitor was conducting.
t. not that guy

Dark Elves, not Eldar you faggotker. This is fantasy.

Newfag. They're always posted and they're always popular.

Paul Verhoeven at peak 90s would have been best 40k choice


>they're always popular.
No they're not, gayfag. They only are when it's Euro/tv/ hours.
Also, there's been more recently than there has in the past.

holy reddit

I don't see the problem. Dark Elves are DARK by nature. What's the problem making them black. You have a dozen other races to be white

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Yes they are. Fuck off with your newfaggery. Everyone is laughing at you right now.

tok posts out of his containment

>Yes they are.
No they fucking aren't. Your confirmation bias is showing. You don't pay attention to the unpopular ones because your a page-1 dwelling faggot.
Bet you don't even know what the catalog is, retard.

>sheboon is named "Brightheart"
>Straight White Sigmarite Male is named Nhillus
>nigger is ultracompetent
>White male is a buffoon
Tiresome Levels: CRITICAL

It doesn't have to be an action flick. In fact I think a space inquisitor mystery story on some creepy chaos-tainted ruin or genestealer infested backwater planet be kino.

Attached: Genestealer_Cultists.jpg (2294x1144, 603K)

Warhammer 40k movie would be better, like Starship Troopers but more devotion and less satire

I'd actually prefer Strong as Rowboat.
Like it's probably just me, but the image you have there of Rowboat looks a fuck load like Titus from the video game, who looks like a super beefed up Mark Strong (because Mark voiced him).
Also, Leo as Lemon because he had a beard in The Reverent. If we're going by superficial bullshit like that, you might as well go with Travis Fimmel because he played Ragnar in Vikings.


t. incel

>Brave Phalanx of misunderstood Strong Independent female Dark Elves somehow manage to overpower regiment of the Sons of Sigmar with a warcry of "YASSS KWEENS, SLAY DEM WYTE BOIS FER CHAOS N' SHIT"

>all of the sudden Kharn the Betrayer warps into the middle of them, flicks off the Dark Elf leader before yelling "I'm on vacation" and bounding off. 10 seconds later a company of Grey Knight Terminators drop in on top of the Dark Elf KWEENS.