Incredisnubbed 2
Incredisnubbed 2
This movie was trash
I wouldn't say it was trash, but it was very forgettable
Just watched this on Fri night, it was pretty bad. I don’t remember the first one being so cheesy or feeling so forced (especially the ham fisted stronk wymyn theme) but haven’t seen it in a while. Major disappointment.
Shut up bitch
Sure is "I saw Nitpiks vid on incredibles 2 so it MUST be bad!" in here
Elasti-Girl is T H I C C
This movie is a genuine 2/10
Not setting it 10-15 years later so I could fap to big titted goth Violet is a crime.
no it was an sjw rehash to ruin something great from childhood. the animation is too far in the uncanny valley. the pacing was on crack and i cant even remember the plot. it was trash
so little fan service, she wasnt nearly as T H I C C or shown in any *ahem* compromised positions because that would ruin MUH STRONG WAHMEN narrative
Does ANYONE think this movie deserved to win?
It was trash.
I thought it was a joke when I hear rumors it was going to have a sequel.
Haven’t watched it, can i get a quick rundown?
Bad girl villain angry her dad wanted to save his family and has a vendetta against superheroes so she helps make super heroes legal again and then brainwashes them so they appear bad so they're not legal again.
It was much better than I feared it would be. Doesn't hold a candle to the first, but I still liked it. But I've seen most of the big snimated films last year, ans if Spider-Man doesn't win best animated, the Oscars can suck it. It's by far and away one of the best animated movies to come out in a decade.
This movie was fucking formulaic and dull. Why did they even make a sequel if they had no new ideas? Incredibles was incredible because it was unique and had a story to tell, this had nothing.
You're incredibly stupid
It's ok, I've just accepted that all the porn of her is going to be shit.
It was an extremely mediocre movie, especially considering how good the original was. Sorry but Spider-Man deserves the nod, it's literally better in every way except for having more colored people in it.
It was fine, but Spider-verse was a better movie. The animation was more interesting, the soundtrack was better and the story was more engaging too. Considering the Disney bias the Oscars tend to have it honestly speaks for the quality of Spider-verse and the mediocrity of what Disney put out last year.
It did like a billion even though it was just OK at best, fucking mouse already had all the money can't they let someone else have the spotlight
not sure what was more disappointing
this rushed movie or shad not continuing incestibles
What the fuck where you talking about? It was just the first movie but Elastigirl was the one being played the whole time instead of Mr. Incredible. In the end it was the same and the rest of the family came to save them both. It looks like that at first until you realize that Elastigirl didn't really save anybody, and every situation she was in was controlled. Mr. Incredible did way cooler shit in the first one. It isn't an SJW rehash, just a rehash.
Also, I was fully erect the entire time, so you're wrong there too.
>The scene where shes on the bike
>The scene where shes in the plane
>The scenes where there's close ups and she's breathing and there's physics
>The scene where she's just sitting on the bike
Why the fuck aren't you fapping to sticc teen Violet?
Violet is a nudist