What does Yea Forums think of 2x Oscar-winner Mahershala Ali?

What does Yea Forums think of 2x Oscar-winner Mahershala Ali?

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A true detective

a true nigger

He cute, but he ain't no Idris Elba. I'd still let him fuck my gf tho.


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I can't hate on Ali, desu

of the three big race relation movies, this was the most worthy of the oscars, if there had to be a political theater with this, glad he won over the others

He was the only good thing in Moonshite.

>2x Oscar-winner
I've literally never seen him in anything

He's a good actor.

is this individual b&r

For you

I like him
he cool

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Fuck off /pol/ baiters, Mahershala is /ourguy/

>What does Yea Forums think

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i hate niggers and the sjw shit but ali is a based actor, i would cast him in more films

literally who?

He was actually really good in Alita and seemed like a bit of a nervous autist in his acceptance speech. I think he's based.

If I took away his two Oscars, would he die?

He's like a nigger with class, so he is ok

Delivered a good performance in Alita. He's alright.

I didn't even know he was nominated

>blacks win both supporting actor awards
Seriously? And people claims Oscars are too white?

I watched 4400 for him, not knowing who he was back then. Can't say anything bad about him.

>hasn't seen The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Place Beyond the Pines Moonlight Green Book Treme House of Cards True Detective

Shame he didn't get to do shit in Predators, even then he clearly had good screen presence

Another case of Hollywood affirmative action

He's based

he's a based black man

Poor man's Lance Reddick

based and nigpilled.

He legit. In this era of token prizes that nibba actually earned his awards.

I saw The Place Beyond The Pines but don't remember him so clearly his performance wasn't anything special

Lance is better but unfortunately Lance is the poor man's Ali.

He deserved his wins

I first saw him in House of Cards and then in Luke Cage. I thinks he's good.

Lance is the poor man's Levar Burton

Nah, Naomie Harris was great.

that may be the character, crying or yelling doesnt make someone a good perfomrance

I wish I were Levar Burton.

He's great in True Detective.

Moonlight wasn't good, but he was good in it. After the first third you can pretty much turn it off.

He was in Benjamin Button? As what, black guy #3?

best part of luke cage

yellow eyes

Was he Winston in the show New Girl?

No he played Brad Pitt in it

He's just Michael K Williams without the scar. Fuck him

Guy is great. Probably two oscars are excessive but considering the competence wasn't that high I can't say it was unearned.

unironically who is this?


How about Bill Mahershala Ali

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I’m apathetic

He's grown on me. Didn't think his Moonlight performance was anything special. Grown to respect his portrayal in True Detective after the first episode. I'm gonna have to check out Green Book and assess its quality. I can't hate. Btw the supporting actor nominations are always so damn good. Arguably the most consistent and competitive award in the Academy.

Hes a nigger

Absolutely based
I want to see him in more

they complained and the oscars said they'd bring in affirmative action for future oscars

He seems to only have one expression.

He's fucking great. I want him to play Blade, not in a remake, a direct sequel set modern day.

he's too lanky to play Blade

He can bulk up. He's black, should be easy as fuck

ol' shay sharpe

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blade is a vampire just make some excuse like he got vampire aids anyways wasn't the next blade supposed to go into werewolf territory?