Is Mexico the only hope to save this Oscars?

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fuck gooks

Mexico can't even save their heads from cartels.



Si senor

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>Mexicans get their first (and only) oscar because Black Panther wasnt in the list

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as a mexican i dont understand why they chose this aborrant subhuman remenant of the prehispanic race, fuck shes an ugly fucking india.

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Maybe after a rhinoplasty, a jaw reduction, a double-eyelid surgery and 5 pounds of make up a gook can look like that.
is this delayed? I'm seeing discussion 2-3 min before I see the thing..

>prehispanic race

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this won't age well

t. indio

>everyone one is a Mexican in the US

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She's supposed to look like your typical low class mexican

t. Sergio Goyri

WHERE can I find a girl like that who isn't under 5'7" because I don't want to throw my back out while I'm young.

Mexico is literally whiter than America now.

quien es este

this is what the average "los angelino" looks like

Because that's how Mexicans look like

True. Mexico has 3% nigger pop, American has like 20% lmao

>Because that's how Mexicans look like
shattered your world views?

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t. argentine

thats right, tacos got cucked now by a movie about a faggot.

t. Chuck

>thinks he's posting "hot" mexicans
>post three inbred jews

big round face like that you could slam like an ass

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please, tell us about how your grandparents were from Germany, and how it was your mothers fault you dont have pure aryan skin, whatever that means.

You’re a dumb ass

>bix noods muddafugga where da white wimmens @

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Para por amor de Dios.

She's definitely on the whiter side for a Mexican

>She's supposed to look like your typical low class mexican
you are the fucking racist and classist, only poor people look like indios? fuck you ive seen gueros begging for money on the streets whiter then all of you fucking jamals

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So you want a movie where the nanny is a blonde mexican?

who is she

>only poor people look like indios
No, just a large population of southern Mexicans belonging to indigenous tribes (over 40 different ethnic groups in the country).

cringe and yikes-pilled.

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a mexican cosplayer


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>So you want a movie where the nanny is a blonde mexican?
yes mother fucker, when are you fucking racist going to stop labeling people based on the color of their skin?


I'm one of 6 white guys living in New Mexico. I've dated Mexican girls. Worked with Mexicans. Lived with Mexicans. I've seen their culture, their habits, their traditions. There is no other group of people on this planet more worthy of genocide than Mexicans.

First and foremost, they're arrogant. More arrogant than any white person I've ever met. Even the scrawniest poorest drug riddled beanlord thinks that everyone should be sucking his cock because of how great he is. This is multiplied tenfold when they regard anyone of any other color. They're so arrogant they've destroyed an entire language for shit and giggles, and when the council that keeps the Spanish language comes calling to Mexico they get a big middle finger for their trouble.

Secondly, they're violent. Even excluding their murderous cartel/government, they tend to gravitate towards brutality for brutality's sake. Any social situation that confuses them or causes them to lose face, boom – fists or weapons are out. Which leads me to number three.

They're not smart. Statistics in this state show that 90% of all failing students are Hispanic. Why? Their parents don't care. In Mexican culture, education isn't "cool".

4thly, they're unclean. They don't wash their dishes properly, they throw used toilet paper in the trash instead of the toilet so it stinks up the house, and most of their food revolves around cheaply made edible paste. In short, they're a race of entitled, angry, violent, stinky, dumb rats who have the gall to pretend that they have some sort of right to American soil. Before any beanlord reply, make sure you check your abuelita's virgin Mary shrine for lit candles so your 67 cousins have sweet dreams in that tiny drugshack you call home.

Fucking mongrels.

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Deja de dejarnos en ridiculo puto. Also thats obviously a tourist.

its not but keep trying to appease these jotos as if it does you any good.

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>Also that's obviously a tourist.
regresate a guatemala pinche brayan, its your fault my mexico is turning browner

And yet I still would not eat food prepared by a low wage white person because there is between a 94% and 96% chance that some angry white teenager from the midwest has spit in it.

Bronks and beaners never do this. Ever.

Feel free to disagree. You are either delusional or just lying.

Only white people fuck with food. Period.

I unironically want to fuck a cute twink mexican boy but only the ones that aren't hispanic so he doesn't have man-chins and too much hair.

Iv'e noticed they never shut the fuck, They literally cannot stop talking/making noises/singing everywhere they go

Brave. Powerful. Thank you for speaking your truth

because you look like that paco

I worked in a county park for a summer during college , we had to deal with "mexican fudge" they are so used to a bad septic system in Mexico that they do just wipe their asses and through it in the trash or worst ( in my experience ) just throw it on the bathroom floor. No Bueno

jajajajajajja no falta el pendejo que se cree blanco por que tiene la piel palida

It's an American culture thing. No where else do I see this even joked in foreign media.

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you might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

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>First and foremost

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number 15

Los nortenos valen verga

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Whatever makes you feel better Juanito.

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She's unironically hot and I don't understand what the big fuss is about.

>No vive en el norte donde las morras si están asi
>Su unica opción son puras oaxaquitas e indias


>wetback that can't read

Back to the strawberry fields with you.

Nigger detected

State enforced bleaching squads

i want to eat her taco if you catch my drift

>be little boy
>grow into teenage boy
>desire nanny titties
>40 years later make movie and get nanny prime titties

anything more based than this?

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lo unico que tienen las de el norte es cuerpo, todas tienen la cara bien culera
por eso se invento el culo que encanta cara que espanta

Just fuck my jaw up

Tbh I think that's more of a class thing than ethnicity, people mostly from the lower class are very loud and chatty. I live around a lot of poor immigrant types and they're all nice people but damn do they give me a headache in a crowd.

Fucking pasta

Roma is somehow more overrated than The Shape of Water.

It's one thing to experience an artsy-deep-poetry-like movie and another to watch an overrated, over-hyped, pretentious boring excuse of a film. Roma is the latter. Lame and basic emotional "hooks" (barely) and even the black and white cinematography looks too polished (it even looks like a Premiere Pro preset). Cuarón says he wanted a "digital" Black and White (huh?) sounds more like an excuse for an easy B&W; I guess he wanted all the credit (Didn't want Lubezki to steal the cinematography spotlight?); there are scenes where the whites are so saturated and bright. He also edited the movie and there are horrible cuts all over; for example at the start, the shot of the stairs inside the big house then cut to the second floor, those are two different interior shots where both pan from left to right, a definite no-no and considered amateurish in the editing world.

This is a movie that only the vanguard cinema intellectualoid hipsters will put on a pedestal. Then you have all these cinema snobs praising the poo of the dog and how the water drops from the clothesline... really?, give me a break.

Take away the Cuarón name and the mexican setting and this movie goes unnoticed and even considered bad. All this exaggerated acclaim and ovation is not justifiable, it only confirms for me what the Oscars have become: popularity, marketing, and of course, political correctness.

So you make a movie about 10/10 aryan mexican babes and stop whining you self hating retard.

Fuck off. You'd have what win over it, exactly?

"Firstly" isn't a word. Secondly is.

4thly is just a contraction of writing fourthly.

Stop being autistic. It's roughly consistent.

>brown shit stains arguing about which one is a lesser shade of shit color

never forget you are still an inferior human specimen and not white

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>never forget you are still an inferior human specimen and not white

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Stop using drugs fucking gringos

We are not arguing about that, obese cumface.

Mexicans only like films filled with explosions and guns. Only the libtards from Mexico City liked Roma because they are lgbt fags

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unironically on track to being whiter than the US at this point.

Look at those blue eyes, kek imagine having poop colored eyes

Yup, this guy is a Mexican, only a Mexican would put another Mexican down to look better in the eyes of the gueros.


Most mexicans are uneducated and ignorant, good thing we are flooding gringos with that scum.

nah. only if you go by the vague metric of "white hispanic" america is definitely getting filled with inferior brow shit skinned and eyed colored people though

Chequeados, this gringo speak the truth

*yeets your pasty ass into space*
Sorry, Plutonian. Earth is for the Terran only.

Based fellow mexiChad

Fuck that abomination of a woman

>*yeets your pasty ass into space*

no need, the white man can actually get themselves into space(an the Chinese too I guess). I imagine being inferior to chinks. also your eyes are still poop colored and so will your children

>this is a vague metric

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Imagine being afraid of poop, hahaha.
Go back to Pluto, alien. This my planet.

Me on the back right

>he isn't afraid of poop
holy shit you people really are subhuman monkeys. you are literally supposed to have evolved to be disgusted by feces you monkey.

>one posting of a color is enough to trigger the entirelly of you bigots

*shits and flings it at you*
Haha, go cry me a river little baby.
*farts on your face*
Hahahaha, whoospie. I guess aliens aren't familiar with Terran pathogens, hahaha!

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this is like that scene in LOTR when the orcs and uruk-hai are fighting among themselves

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stop projecting indio

>Pedro in the background

Post your blue eyes with a time stamp poop eye colored subhuman. you are not white

just like the rest of your shithole country
We Argentinos are truly white

it's already Brown

I'm amused by the buthurt this causes.

where the fuck did i imply i was white you low iq imbecile?

jajaja estos mejimonos hablando boludeces cuando ellos están igual de monos que ella en promedio dejate de joder

She isn't asian.

El Nargentino..

It feels so good to live eternally rent free on your heads, hambrientino lmao

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Callate vos tambien tenes tu historia


Imagine owning a language and debasing it this horribly.

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as a black guy i laughed, also their women are useless sluts, stay white my guys

Worst Spanish iterations: Spaniard, Chilean and Argentinian.
You cannot refute this.

>Post your blue eyes with a time stamp poop eye colored subhuman. you are not white

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Fun fact: he never typed any of that.
Some faggot edited the text since he was probably ran out out pictures of kekistani cringe.

>Worst Spanish iterations: Spaniard, Chilean and Argentinian.
couldnt agree more, shitleans and argieniggers are the worst things to come out of sudacaland

>afraid of revealing his shit colored eyes, imagine your children inheriting your shit colored genes along with your ugly skull shape

Based, fuck indios and fuck mestizos as well, good thing we send these retards to US.

And they're the future of America. As America brown's, so will its politicians. We'll just end up like Venezuela, Brazil, or Mexico.

>mejimonos pretending they are human
how cute

>We'll just end up like Venezuela, Brazil, or Mexico.

Good, we deserve it for turning our backs on God.

>groid thinks he's any better
That's really cute

Blacks are better than beaners.

>Blacks are better than beaners.
only a nigger would think that

I've grown up with both. No way in hell is that true
At least hispanic women are sexy and can cook, and hispanics actually have jobs

t. indio bajado del cerro a tamborazos

John Deere made you obsolete.

You'd rather be here with blacks than in Mexico with beaners

In what ways? Sports?

Flipao joder

Would you marry them?

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You mean in Africa/majority black nation with blacks than in Mexico with beaners? No, I definitely wouldn't

Also, they know their place is in the kitchen and raise the kids

That's because blacks are only 10% here and beaners are 100% there. But I'd rather live in Mexico with beaners than in Nigeria with niggers.

Whites dont shower and when they do they use the same soap for their body and face lmao.

based wh*Tey working beaners into a seething shoot


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>that one /pol/ schizo who spends half the thread asking for pictures of brown arms or hands

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>Mexicans and blacks are winning all the Oscars

What happened to whites?

They're going extinct.

based and latinamericanpilled

You mean Jews LARPing as whites?

I've been to jalisco, where you beaners claim all the "white ones" live. All you shit skins look the same. Most of you look like pic related and have the audacity to call yourselves white

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Dios mio....

Wanting to live in a nigger majority country rather than a spic majority country is like saying you want to be shit on rather than pissed on.

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>I've been to jalisco, where you beaners claim all the "white ones" live. All you shit skins look the same. Most of you look like pic related and have the audacity to call yourselves white

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Zoom zoom. Boom boom

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Stop posting my profile pics, pls. Thanks

Nice cherry picking faggot. You have to look pretty hard to find an ugly white person. In contrast you have to look hard to find a spics who looks even slightly attractive. Hell most "attractive" hispanics are 99% European with only a drop of shit skin

>You have to look pretty hard to find an ugly white person
I see them everywhere here in Texas, what the fuck are you smoking


>Hell most "attractive" hispanics are 99% European with only a drop of shit skin
Thank you for admitting hispanic people count as white.


Dont ever use twitch lingo here again you fucking teenager

Yet they treat you white people like shit and rape your white women

>Blacks are better than beaners.
THIS, atleast some niggers are smart all spics are fucking braindead specially mexicans

>Yet they treat you white people like shit and rape your white women

Niggers and beaners truly are one and the same.

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Ahuevoooo Alfonso Cuarón !!

Why does Mexico dominate American cinema to such degree? Anyone into arthouse and film in general knows Mexican film is nothing special.

>atleast some niggers are smart
lmao, no

hollywood is complete shit thanks to producer culture.

Only about 1% of Mexicans resemble Europeans. Odds are you probably look like this

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Hollywood stopped learning how to make movies in the mid 2000s.

keep seething monkey

Isn't California a spic majority state now? hollywood in california so it makes since.

The US already counts as a Spanish/English country just like Canada is a French/English country.

its just these 3 ass holes. in the 90s there was a kino scene in mexico but after it died the top talent moved to the US, del toro is in canada though. Imagine if all the top directors that emerged in the 90s, tarantion, spike lee, nolan etc fled to another country.

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Honestly, at this point it's either live with spic or niggers. I'll take spics anyday.

>You have to look pretty hard to find an ugly white person

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Mexicans have good food at least. What do blacks have, gumbo?

this haircut is made for someone prematurely balding I like it

They look mixed.

Shouldn't Canada be a Chinese/French/English country?

That was created by Puerto Ricans actually.

Does texmex count as "Mexican" food? because the best voted "mexican"restaurant in the US was Taco Bell.

>because the best voted "mexican"restaurant in the US was Taco Bell.
If you had read that article you'd know they didn't count any local mexican restaurants, only the national branded restaurants. And texmex literally has mex in its name.

Maybe in Scandinavia or Eastern Europe.
The US is riddled with inbred ogres.

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>Lo dice un pinche chilango.

No. Fuck no.

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>texmex literally has mex in its name.
american "Chinese food" has chinese in its name but a lot of mexicans seem to not consider texmex authentic mexican.

Hasta acá te olemos lo oaxaco

Behead our druggies, no one will fault you.

>mexicans seem to not consider texmex authentic mexican
All the "texmex" food I eat in my city are made by actual mexican males, it doesn't get more authentic than that in the US.


>Ese norteñito tratando de impresionar a los gringos

Lo que es ser patético banda

Based Mexico delivers kino while the US only produces race baiting and feminist shit

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I dunno, but Mexico definitely makes kino gore.

meant for

>tfw a legendary white Mexican works at my workplace
>we casually talk but that's it
>she's so cute, I unironically get massive boners when I'm around her

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>mexicans are gooks

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the mule, glass, creed 2?

Based. Virtue signaling, indios are noble and good.

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>She's definitely on the whiter side for a Mexican
Pic related is Mexican and white.
Checa el instgram de mi foto.

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Reminder that Yea Forums is a Hispanic board. Let's cool it with the xenophobia, guys.

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Honestly would not surprise me if at least 20% of dudes on Yea Forums are Mexican.

Most are American and an a good portion of them are mex.

To be fair, mostly yes. Really humble and completely native groups tend to be very welcoming hard-working and friendly. At the hospital, they always give us gifts crafts/produce as thanks for the attention received, even when it's already covered.
They only go to shit when they get constant free gibs or get pulled in by political parties and criminal groups.

>That jupiter poster in the background.

Yea Forums as a whole is very diverse and whenever there are meetups, or leaks like the mods, or twitter/facebook/ig/etc... fags posting Yea Forums memes, it's always very very diverse. Those memes of people posting dios mio, goblina, etc.. are often latin americans, capeshit posters are brazilians and pajeets, and /pol/ is more mixed than a Netflix original series.

Can you fit more talent into one picture?

That's what makes trump posting all the more hilarious.

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>not racially political and feminist driven


Man up and make Lynda Carter babies with her

She is so fucking cute


if I fucked her would she go ¡Ay ¡Ay ¡Ay instead of ah ah ah?

>I'm not indio I swear!
ok pedro

>>everyone one is a Mexican in the US
Not yet, last I heard the US will be bilingual by 2040, and most homes will speak Spanish by about 2045.

So this is the power of Mexico...?


>t. argentine
Yeah, I can confirm that's the average Argentinian thinks a Mexican looks like.
Pardon our ignorance.

Niggers won.

They're cute until they hit 25-30. Then their diet of high carb flatbread catches up to them and they become as wide as they are tall.

The average Argentines are shitskins tho

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This is a dude right? Look at that arm hair, that jaw, those giant hands...

t. faggot

t. Jamal

viva mexico