>Forgive them, Father. They know not what they do.
Forgive them, Father. They know not what they do
That part when the crow pecks out the guy's eye still haunts me to this day
so patronizing blech
>Eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani?
Why didn't he just use his powers to turn the Pharisees into red mist?
He had to die as a sacrifice for man's sins in order to give them a chance at redemption. Although very few Pharisees, Paul among them, actually did accept Jesus' gift of salvation, the opportunity was there.
My God, my God, why have you forgotten me?
>be jews
>wait for the messiah
>he comes and does literal miracles
>through your greed and sin, you deny and murder him
>2000 years later still waiting for your messiah
how do jews explain this
Their messiah will be the anti christ, unfortunately
thats a stupid rule
god is an asshole
I was more bothered by the fact that his mother could only watch in horror while this all happened. Made me think of my own mom.
Does Jesus really have to be a white male nowadays? How about a black woman up on that cross? Equality now!
Reminder that jews betrayed jesus and were ultimately responsible for this.
Quite Jewishly.
why did he have to die for that? if god is omnipotent couldnt he just have redeemed man without a sacrifice?
How do I learn religion through movies? I have a bible but don't know how to read.
You do not understand. But you will.
>but don't know how to read
Well, how are we supposed to answer you then?
But Jesus didn't get his eye pecked out by the crow. It was the prisoner
>thick black woman Jesus, J'sus LaSunaGod
Seven Last Words Power Ranking
1. My God, My God, why have you forsaken me
2. Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise
3. It is finished
4. Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
5. Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit
6. Woman, behold your son. Son, behold your mother
7. I thirst.
what am i looking at
Because that would remove our choice.
Things like this are why I always come back to Yea Forums.
Trannies will hate this
but god already knows what coices we are going to make
he could just as easily not create someone who he knows is destined to eventually go to hell
seems like he likes to watch some people suffer for fun
I didn't say he did. Just saying that that scene didn't bother me as much.
Is it really a betrayal if God planned it to happen all along? Judas was just following the script.
>but god already knows what coices we are going to make
But we don't.
What about that scene where those 2 little kids are taunting Judas and he ends up hanging himself. Also that scene where the last thing he sees is the face of a rotting donkey carcass....
I've heard people argue that God isn't totally omniscient or all powerful. He's just the most powerful being in the universe. So even he doesn't know what individual coaches we're going to make. I don't know and I don't claim to know, this is just a theory I've heard.
That line is so sad and human. Just shows how soul crushingly alone he felt right before death
Responsible for Jesus' sacrifice which caused the gates of heaven to reopen and give you eternal bliss?
Based jews
>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Has a retarded son
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor
>Now further trying to appease leftist hollywood by making a police brutality movie written and directed by a JEW. #BlackLivesMatter!
Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?
I've heard he doesn't exist, just a theory I've heard.
Kosh the Vorlon from Babylon 5. They're an ancient powerful race and the MC human browbeats him into having his people enter their war. Kosh then tells him that if they join now, he'll be on his own later, which the MC takes to mean that he'll refuse to help later. Kosh then says the line about not understanding. Later, Kosh gets killed (because by entering the war he revealed who his people really were and his ancient enemies kill him). That's what he meant by MC being on his own later.
Oh, fuck off, jew.
Murdering God-sent prophets was a Jewish national sport, it was no wonder they would do the same for the Messiah.
I know what you did, Jesus.
God is not omnipotent. God created the universe, earth, and life but he did not create men's souls. Basically our bodies are vessels that can receive God, our souls/sapience is God resonating with our bodies.
Our sin is God's sin. Jesus was special because his body more strongly resonated with God giving him some of God's power. By dying he cleansed his soul, which was God, which was our souls.
based incel slayer (him, not you)
>jidf samefag
Take your meds, schizo.
(oh shit, I stole your script!)
I'm pretty sure I remember him in one or two movies pre passion of the christ
This is heresy by the Catholic Church's teachings.
At least he made Braveheart, even if everything after has been pretty much shit.
Alright. And how do you know that this isn't just some convoluted story that people made up?
As the God of the Jews he felt it was necessary to make people feel guilty to get what he wanted
Well Braveheart was shit too
He was sent first to the Jews, who already understood things in terms of sacrifices, according to the old covenant. This demonstrates the consistency and wisdom of God's unfolding plan.
>forgive them, father, for they know not who they jew
paranoid incel
>everything after has been pretty much shit
>We Were Soldiers
>The Patriot
neck yourself
It is finished is bad ass but it really undercut the pain and sacrifice of the whole thing. Makes it sound like a homework assignment that wasn’t too hard but just time consuming
My Catholic education tells me everyone and his brother was claiming to be a messiah around Jesus's time, complete with miracles, complete with the "dont be fooled by those OTHER messiahs doing miracles" jargon
sounds like you're speaking from experience...
>be Jewish during the time of Jesus
>have only one crime punishable by death
>a non-Hebrew entering a Jewish Temple
>only one executionary method was in Jewish Law
>death by stoning (if a non-Jew entered temple without cause or invitation).
If you can't see past that bias, and the reality that Romans crucified thousands before Christ, just like Christ. But no, keep hating Jews because we are a convenient enemy based off rumor and false representation of our culture and religion.
Wow, you really must be schizo. What the fuck is posting a screenshot of my post, which is still clearly visible, supposed to even mean?
And did it take you that long to get a new insult from your supervisor because I stole your standard "schizo" line, Moishe?
He didn't direct either of those
So why the fuck would anyone worship him, then?
He is but he’s made of three people with different agendas making it seem confused
I need to find the source again, but in ancient Greek, it's basically way more profound than the English translation makes it sound.
Yes, I have a lot of experience dealing with mentally ill Israeli posters.
you claimed I was a samefag, note the lack of "you" there
you seem really excitable. Need to calm down m8
The same answer as to the question can God create a stone he could not carry? Technically, yes. But it's a logical paradox and logic, as a ruleset he himself created is good and following the ruleset is good. And as God is good, he will never do so.
In the same vein, if he were to redeem men as a man and become a symbol, he'd do it like a man. Or the closest he can get. Because following rules of being is good.
Why do you spend your whole life getting mad at shitposters on a malaysian weaving board?
I got it: ciu.edu
People don’t have souls they’re just dirt animated by Gods breath. That’s why he puts you in the ground when he is tired of you. If he liked you a lot he will take you directly to Heaven
Because God told me himself.
That, Yea Forumsirgins, is what we call moving the goalposts
It's not a rule it's how God chose to fulfill the Jewish prophecy, with some very heavy handed irony. He could have done it a different way but he chose whatever way felt most perfect to him. The Jews understood the symbolism (Google typology) they just didn't find it acceptable.
If you're hearing voices, I suggest you head immediately to your nearest mental health institute.
BTW it's Himself.
Interesting thank you user
>Actors make a movie
You're an idiot.
Yeah, erasing (You)s is hard. I guess that's what took so long to respond.
HMSLF actually
>IT...IT'S A TRICK!!!!!!
lol, imagine being this deranged and paranoid
Maybe you really SHOULD take your meds, schizo
>have only one crime punishable by death
>a non-Hebrew entering a Jewish Temple
That's so interesting because God told them of many crimes punishable by death and that wasn't one of them. I wonder when they chose to turn on God's word and follow their own.
It really is no wonder God used their hubris against them to save the rest of mankind.
based desperately damage controlling user
>your whole life
I'm on here for maybe a few hours a week.
Why are jews always on here with the same pasta and scripted responses (incel, schizo)?
I don't think he knows, why would he test Abraham with his sons then? I'm not sure. But I think he can predict. Don't know why he'd create souls knowing they're going to hell unless a souls isn't created by him. Not sure about alot of it.
My biggest reason for believing is the creation of everything and then life. Laws of physics colors and the ability to see them
>claims to only barely come on
>is somehow well-acquainted with these dastardly "Israeli trolls" that are terrorizing him to the point where he recognizes them based on posting pattern algorithms
I don't buy it m8
why are incels so afraid of being named?
Right. You're fooling everyone. There's no coordinated jewish posting on this board, with the same pictures, pasta and scripted insults every day.
Stay scared. You're right to be.
you seem really, really butthurt about these mean ol shitposters making fun of you
It's okay user it's just the internet, words can't hurt you.
I'm not trying to be legalistic or anything like that. But this is just depressing. I know things like this can be funny. it's Yea Forums afterall. I'm first in line with dark and disgusting humor, no boundaries and nothing is sacred. I'm with all that.
What's sad is this.
There will come a day this is going to be brought to your attention. What sucks is, there will be no one laughing.
I'll pray for you, brother.
The only formerly son of sneed
When God speaks, it's not in a voice. It's like your mind is being caressed, like you're being granted all your senses for the first time. When he grants you knowledge, it's not like learning, it's like remembering the secrets of the universe as if you'd known all along and it had simply slipped your mind.
>being this butthurt over shitposters in his safespace
Sure, the JIDF is most concerned with what a few fat virgins on Yea Forums think of Israel.
They're on 24/7. If they're always on when I'm here, it's not hard to extrapolate.
Ah, that classic jew projection. I'm sure you fragile cucks are trying get me banned, as is your standard MO. I really don't care because it takes me 2 minutes to reset my IP.
no wonder you're so paranoid over being called a schizo, you sound exactly like that
I'm on all the time and I never see this mean bullies of yours or w/e they are. Sounds like you're just paranoid to me desu.
Well, I see that the jews have invaded this thread in force. Later, faggots.
This doesn't answer my question about why incels are so afraid of being named. You brought it up, not me.
Again, during the time of Christ, death by stoning by Jews was the only sanctioned method of execution, for the specific crime of a non-Jews entering a Jewish Temple.
That is a simple fact, that does not change.
I honestly don't know why you idiots are so obsessed with Jews, as if you see them in your Cheerios.
Bye incel
>this tinfoil-tier screaming /pol/cuck ITT
>be jesus
>die a virgin
I can finally use this pic
>implying Jesus wasnt a cult leader with a massive dick having insane orgies all day
It wasn't a script, people have free will.
God knew what would happen because he can see everything, understands all chemical reactions inside our brains, and could anticipate what would happen the same way we can anticipate that a man walking in the direction of an abyss will fall if he keeps going that direction.
>muh reddit boogeyman
my pops has a theory that god's a scientist and the universe is just a petri dish. he hypothesizes, or predicts, but we have free will, and he just watches to see what we'll do
Weak. /pol/ posters spam the board with off topic shit nonstop, theyre a boogeyman here simply because this is Yea Forums and /pol/s autism is insanely cancerous to the point where it even fucks up slow boards like /an/ and /trv/. You wouldnt know this though, being a tourist/plant/faggot
t. godlet
based jesus christ
Based Savior
>Judas had free will, even if Jesus already knew what he was going to do before he did it
You literally used the /pol/ boogeyman first.
Yes. Like, when someone post a Simpsons thread on Yea Forums, the OP knows that someone will say "Sneed XD", but that doesn't mean that OP is meddling with the free will of anybody.
It just means that OP can see where things are going.
>people have free will
In order to have free will you must be able to:
>Think what youre going to think before you think it (you have zero control over the origination of thoughts in consciousness)
Explaining how God sees and knows everything is like trying to explain how King Crimson works.
It just does nigga.
that's not the right one
Someone should replace Jesus' face with Jussie Smollett's face. The power of victim hood.
It was a symbolic lesson to mankind
>he worships a dead kike on a stick
No one baneposts anymore, this is how you know this shithole is truly dead.
>random insignificant cult leader gets executed
>no one cares for around a century
>guys get together and decide to make this baby blow up
>write a bunch of books
>throw em all together
>2000 years later this retard is still buying it
They literally call Him a sorcerer in their scriptures. they literally acknowledge that He walked around doing miracles while insulting Him. The fucking sheer amount of pride to do that kind of thing is mind-boggling.
>that part where he says not to weep for him weep for your children
>like he knew the world would forever hate jews after that
Exactly what did this kike dying accomplish again? The world is still shit and people kill each other and commit sins.
And yet evangelical retards still suck Israel's dick like there's no tomorrow.
>appeal to incredulity
Classic, keep them coming. Btw, how is the weather in Tel Aviv?
His kingdom is not of this world user
Yeah that part annoyed me because it wasn't actually in scripture. Mel Gibson added that in.
>how is the weather in Tel Aviv?
Typical /pol/tard virgin paranoia.
We're just dicussing movies in here.
But God created this world, how is it not part of his kingdom?
the laws of redemption and sacrifice, it was about sin, not about this fallen world.
Deflection and doubling down. Yawn.
>because we are a convenient enemy
Fuck off Jew schlomo shelekburgstein
Absolutely prototypical whitepill in fact
The Jews are the Edomites who are the seed of Cain. There masters know this and hide it from them. The Israelites accepted Jesus and formed many nations fulfilling prophesy. The Edomites fulfil their own prophesy by being ever vagabonds and fugitives from God who can only do ill.
Look up from Cain to Cannan and read the book of Obadiah, the day of the Lord and the punishment of Edom draws near.
Hold your serpent tongue Edomite
I agree with the second part.
>>Punish them, Father.
I can't wait for the devil and his ilks to get their due.
The Romans didn't kill Christ you fucking moronic kike, they LITERALLY washed their hands of it. And there were dozens of capital crimes from failing to observe religious rituals to robbery, fuck off and spout your subversive lies somewhere electric.
>torture and murder Jesus
>kill thousands more christians and mostly early popes and saints for years to come
>it doesn’t count because someone asked you to this one time
Stay mad incel. Jews rule the world for a reason
>no we didn't kill him, we just imprisoned him, set up the execution area, nailed him to the cross, pierced him with a spear, and denied him food and water
>it was totally the jews fault for asking us to arrest him, because they had so much power compared to the entire roman empire
>it’s not my fault i killed this kid some guy asked me to
Why did God take human form and call himself his own son?
>Christian thread
>jews SEETHING and shitting up the place
Ecclesiastes 1:9
>That which hath been is that which shall be; and that which hath been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
>arguing against the Word of God
Jews confirmed
Matthew 27:24-5
>When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. "I am innocent of this man's blood," he said. "It is your responsibility!" All the people answered, "His blood is on us and on our children!"
Truly der ewige Jude, repugnant as always.
Define God
Their end will come soon, brother. Have faith. For all their power the Jews are not as clever as they think they are.
Prime mover/uncaused cause
So if someone asks me to I can just murder someone and be blameless? Cool ideology brah
seething incel insects
these 2 pics aren't even similar. In the left he's offering her to buy stuff and in the right he's moving her away from paparazzi
ummm, Nazi's were very progressive for trannies. So many of them were trannies in fact
Why are western nerds so obsessed with Jews?
Seriously, I live in Hong Kong and came to the US. During school and among people with jobs and etc. I never heard about Jews or had people going on about them constantly. In China Jews are just viewed as richer/smarter white people
Then I get into warhammer 40,000 because I'm a weirdo with lots of money, and all of the fat shutins at the gaming stores are constantly yelling "oi vay!" and are obsessed with Hitler and blame Jews for everything. It's so bad that simply bringing up money has them all rubbing their hands and arching their backs because I guess that's something Jews do? Recently they've started wearing kakistani flags on their shirts and drink milk because it "triggers libtards". It's fucking repulsive and cringey and I am embarrassed and worried someone will find out I hang around with these people sometimes
It's like 2 different worlds. Go to work and nobody cares about Jews and are clean shaven, go to gaming store or the like and all of these fat man-children congregate and start raging about how the jews stole their girlfriends.
I am in awe before the mighty Israeli soldiers, who cannot face Palestinian civilians without pissing themselves.
The kike is truly the most worthless race to ever live on this Earth.
>REEEEing about muh palestine
shitskin confirmed. Good job outing yourself ahmed
It's a fight to the death between the Aryan human beings and the kike rats.
They started it, we'll end it.
Reminder to get saved before you die and go to hell
who rules the world? If you go on /pol/ you'll find the answer
it's clear who the master race is
reminder that "palestinians" are literally EATING their own land. It's why they get btfo so much
none of you goblinos are remotely white nevermind aryan
have done a great job so far.
I mean they rule the world...and you cry about it on a indonesian pingpong board before mods come and delete your posts
Jesus = God, Kill God = ....what?
Why would he have to ask God to forgive them when everything that happened needed to happen to redeem everyone and it was all part of God's plan?
Why say that anyway when God already knows what they are doing and why?
So much of this is just poorly thought out low IQ dunecoon nonsense.
With that definition, I can see why you'd be confused. God the Son came in human form to be the savior of mankind. He's called the Son, in large part, to be distinguished from God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Specifically the Son because he is of the natural world, a creation of God.
Problem is (unless I'm mistaken) that St. Augustine and the like precisely tried to prove God's existence by defining it as this Prime Mover.
what's the difference between God the Father and the Holy Spirit?
Two different persons of the Trinity, yet one same being (God).
Why is he talking to himself, is he autistic?
The Jews didn't kill Jesus.
There's no problem with defining God as the prime mover. It's just that that's not all God is.
They absolutely did. They had the choice between Jesus and the other murderer whose name I forget. The Romans soldiers were just the tool to carry out His murder.
There's a fairly recent classical piece that portrays Mary's pain hauntingly. It's called O Magnum Mysterium.
Pontius Pilate purposefully washed his hands in front of the Jews. Jesus Christ was not crucified under Roman law, but Jewish law.
The Vatican stopped claiming that Jews killed him many years ago. So did most Protestant denominations.
Sounds like capeshit or anime
There's a difference between not giving a pardon and murder
>the president is murdering dozens of people right now by not pardoning them
Wonder (((why))) that is...
Jewish law didn't inflict crucifixion as a method of execution. They preferred stoning or strangulation.
Why in the age of cellphone cameras miracles don't happen?
>The Vatican said so so it must be true!
Kill yourself
>epic (((meme)))
Typical pilpul. Christ's blood will forever be on the kikes's hands.
And the many other denominations...
Because there was a specific list of things the messiah needed to do
>among them restoring the kingdom of David to its former glory, achieving victory in battle against Israel’s enemies, rebuilding the temple (which the Romans destroyed in 70 CE) and ingathering the exiles to the land of Israel.
They got a little touchy when he declared himself king of the Jews and tried to be a smartass about it
>Are you the king of the Jews?
>you have said it, not I
>nigger I'm asking you a question not making a statement
Tbh I don’t even think God thought humanity would get this fuckin bad.
He’s left us. He’s moved on to a better world. Or we all died in 2012 and this is hell.
According to Christians because our great ^ 1000 ancestor ate an apple he wasn't supposed all of us were condemned except Jesus died for our sins by being crucified and this somehow lets some of us go to heaven
It is a confusing system of justice
>Aryan human beings
>sex dolls are human beings
Friendly reminder that JUDAISM FELL WITH THE FALL OF JERUSALEM IN 70 AD! Modern Jews aren't even real Jews, they can't trace their lineage back to the 12 tribes of Israel as all the records where destroyed with the Temple.
Ok. So, specifically, Jesus was found guilty at the Jewish trial of sanhedrin. But Roman law forbid the Jews of capital punishment. They looked for political loopholes with king herod and Pontius Pilate to actually carry out the execution. Both of which found Christ innocent at their respective trials. It was the Jews, and only the Jews, that found Him guilty and demanded his execution.
Reminder that christians don't follow jesus teachings. They follow the writings of St. Paul, the eternal jew.
>Pilate, either you crucify Jesus or we'll instigate the bloodiest riot in the history of Jerusalem
>wtf we dindu nuffin it was the Romans