
are you watching their preshow Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:



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The amount of low test in that room kek.

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>no felix
it hurts bros


More like Chapo BRAAAP House!

these the guys that love to spout edgy jokes, but the moment they do they have dozens of commies jump them for bigotry and they apologize profusely

got banned for typing "cucko crap house"

Their existence is the most defintive argument in favour of physiognomy.

Is Nick going to show up at some point?

"if you're watching an animated movie and it's not from Japan, you are watching a movie for children
reddit on suicide watch

>animated films are for children (unless they're japanese)
Is he our guy?

>literal whos
no, you have to go back

Most leftists are

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They hate Hillary and they also constantly shit talk the state of pop "culture" and how grown men are obsessed with superheroes and harry potter and shit (way more than anyone on this board).

Fuck off with these kike faggots. You should never respect men like these poofters they probably can’t even fight or catch and cook there own food. Pussys talking about politics on the internet. Love to punch these dickheads in their stupid fucking faces

you cant measure feebleness no matter how hard to justify it but yea these dudes look gross

who cares dude this shit is boring anyways



>they probably can’t even fight or catch and cook there own food.

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>these are the people calling you a gross neckbearded incel.


They also use terms like ableist, transphobic, and their retard fans say show me yer hog. Truly champions of the working class people.

They are all trained antifa supersoldiers ready to disassemble the U.S. government at a moments notice.

>They hate Hillary
but they love bernie and other brain damaged communists lol

>They also use terms like ableist, transphobic
Seriously? I didn't know they were that pathetic.

Such whiny faggots

He and Virgil should do this for next Game Awards

>also constantly shit talk the state of pop "culture" and how grown men are obsessed with superheroes and harry potter and shit (way more than anyone on this board).

And yet they're quite possibly the least masculine men to ever walk the face of the earth

Why the fuck didn't they advertise this shit on their Twitters?

they better keep matt away from the booze this time

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holy shit these losers need to kill themselves

the guy in the middle looks retarded

whens the daily shoah getting a twitch set up?

Will did.

they say show me your hog when people brigade just for the sake of shitposting. They know the person doesn't want "rational logical discussions"


I mean, they ARE communists, so...

Are you unironically a socialist though? lol

Why? Did you actually want to see it?

and everyone around them

hollywood handbook and cum town are the only good podcasts. chapo is fucking awful.

Their criticism isn't based on masculinity but immaturity.

shut up chud

Does Felix hate the show now?

>he unironically watches chapo trap house

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these mutt bugboys are so fucking ugly typical ugly, frumpy looking americans.

I'd let Felix and Will do anything they want to do to me sexually, tbqh.

eat shit

it's just a way to torpedo the discussion when they realize they're wrong

go back to discord

Show me ur hog xD im freaking dril
Weird twitter is epic ;3

but they're socialist brainlets, the most immature people on the planet

fuck off chud

when i saw people tweeting that one of them was having a drunken meltdown live you bet i tuned in

Every single one of these people deserves a free helicopter ride.

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Advertising is against the rules, janitor

Will they talk about Venezuela?

>unironically watching a bunch of unfunny drunken laughing hyena commies

Which is funny, because I can't think of anything less mature than sincerely believing that the government should take even more of certain people's money because they have more of it than you do.

No different than a child throwing a tantrum on Christmas morning because their sibling got more presents than they did, if you ask me.

libtards owned

Aren't these the fake commie neckbeards scam artists who claim they are working class but make a million a year on patreon to put them in or close to the 1%


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Fuck off ghoulie haha i referenced movie too

they're living in your head rent free b r o h XDDDD

These guys could be funny, but you can see how they have to neuter themselves hard cause of their audience is full of libshits with millions of pronouns in their bio

>their retard fans say show me yer hog
Don't chapo retards know it's a felony to expose one's genitals to a minor?

Of course they say that since they can't call people faggots or cunt cuz someone will call them sexist.

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>heh heh that'll show him

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Magatards annihilated by epic chapo irony

steal more jokes from nick and i might

I tried listening to these dudes a couple of times and I just couldn't stand how gay and cucked they were. Eric Striker is the only socialist worth listening to.

The Oscar special isn't on twitch user

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>no Felix
Hard pass. I don't really care about Amber, but why is Felix never involved with the show anymore?

lol these zombies in the chat

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chud is by far the gayest attempt by the "dirtbag left" to replicate the right-wing lexicon (i.e. "cuck").

I fucking hate Ch*po Tr*p House. I hate the stupid fucking name "chapo chapo chapo" it's all they say. Their fans are literal fucking children. "CHUD! CHUD! CHUD! EVERYONE I DON'T LIKE IS A CHUD!". when anyone says the name of their shitty excuse for a podcast I automatically picture a 27 year old numale with trendy reddit facial hair and trendy clothes saying "oh have you heard of Chapo? it's so HILARIOUS HAHAHAHAH!!!!" While he sips his onions

Pinochet did nothing wrong though lol

Why are they posting my man Jesse Farrar?

they're also gigantic upper-crust faggots who haven't ever worked an honest hour in their life, let alone a day


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>socialists coping this fucking hard that every single one of their experiment turns to absolute dogshit
Next you're going to use "b-buh most of their economy is privatized" excuse.

>hmm yes take down the capitalist system!
>just gonna need a small monthly fee goys...


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the amount of soi in this post

easily the best moment in the history of twitch

>it wasn't real socialism
This is why you people need to be killed.

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>hey lets watch the oscars LMAO ITLL BE IRONIC THO
CTH is a revolution

They like to say that the USA obviously ruined their socialism and are couping despite not interfering at all when the country was collapsing
>Hides that it's a failed country with edgy npc meme
Epic bro


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Why is this still up? Gavin McInnes is having one of these too
does that mean we can have a thread about him?

>champions of the working class!

>don't actually work or have ever worked

>in fact they are elite coastal rich kids who literally live in a bubble

yes, cringy leftist attention whoring is the best moment in the history of twitch

There are actual Chapo fags in on 4channel? The fuck

Not seen people this triggered in a long time. Why is /pol/ so delicate?

>"You should kill your loved ones and then turn the gun on yourself!"
>[We are experiencing technical difficulties]

>These are the guys that call other people grifters

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How did an open terrorist-sympathizer become head of a major party in the UK?

How the fuck did that happen?

I can't believe these people exist.
People actively fighting for their own enslavement and poverty.
and they're taking everyone else down with them


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jesse is a faggot who tried and failed to shit on nick mullen. fuck him

so these are the people who call me an incel

Wow, the /pol/faggots and Gamergators sure do not like the Trap House! I should greywolf post more often!

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*watches CTH*

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This is actually pretty socialist
Take's everyone's money and distributes it among a few of the leaders without anything in return


Lol really? When did he try that?

>Whats this
>Click link
>Some neckbeard is making a long string of cringy Trump jokes
Jesus christ. This is ironic right?

i sense that he does. he looks embarassed at the live shows. he just needs to man up, become a cokehead & start doing standup

Careful there hon, you might get eaten alive by your leftist peers.

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there's... a lot of people posting on this threat. TIL Yea Forums is infested

how much do you think these guys fucking despise their retard audience?

welcome to nu-Yea Forums


Isn't that bad praxis, comrade?

>Jesus christ. This is ironic right?
No they're actually serious.
They actually think "POOPY DOOPY DURMPFFOPHHH" jokes are absolutely hilarious.

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The entire thread is filled with /pol/ crying, dude.

Rich jewish sons of investment bankers complaining about capitalism. They could not be any more stereotypical if they tried.

But aren't they the DIRTBAG Left, unafraid to go where other lefties won't?

he unironically called him a nazi and tried to get other people to agree on stream but they wouldnt and it got awkward

I don't believe you, far too on the nose to be anything but ironic. That said this new guy is just a cringy. So maybe not.

Nothing more hip and Cool than making sure you use the proper pronouns to show respect and driving your long distance girlfriend to the abortion clinic after she got "raped" at that frat party that you weren't invited too

The best way to smash the corrupt capitalist system is to be the perfect little cog in it, right fellow chapo boys?

Post hog xddd

>The entire thread is filled with /pol/ crying, dude.

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The virgin CTH

The chad Louder with Crowder

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Holy shit this is terrible.

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Fuck this unfunny jew lover.

For those of you are NOT on a steady diet of söy and reddit, come on and join us over for our anti Oscars viewing party. It's Crowder time.

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>But aren't they the DIRTBAG Left, unafraid to go where other lefties won't?

The seething redditor award goes to....

Fun fact: communism is a extremist form of politics and people who hate it aren't from /pol/'s form of extremism


Is this what Americans consider 'comedy'?

yeah these CHUDS are so pathetic lmao.... show me ur hog maga chudS!

I had to shut it off after like 30 seconds.

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>if you don't like communism you're from /pol/
literally the same fringe political tactics that the president you hate so much uses

Crowder is kind of cringy in a boomer conservative kind of way but he's a million times better than CTH

More like 5 Gay Men

holy shit this is gay

woah they got haley joel osment?

There is NO way this is not meant to be cringe comedy. Its far too on the nose and pathetic. The comedy is incredibly bad and they are just using every anti-Trump buzzword possible.

>There are people that watch the academy awards
>There are people that watch chapo traphouse
>There are people that watch chapo traphouse watcH the academy awards

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Stop watching neo-conservatives who are fine with the west turning brown.

Can't wait for Nick Mullen to come out as alt right

he's not though

can't wait for nick mullen to come out

Listen guys, we're Ironically watching hollywood propaganda that just coincidentally aligns with every political opinion we hold, despite the fact we're supposedly socialists

Protect Trans Kids!

/pol/cucks btfo

Imagine leaving up this off-topic thread

We're rebellious badasses!

As long as they're christian conservatives it's fine. Also, Israel is great!



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they're making fun of mainstream democrats who think if they can just impeach trump all of americas problems will be magically solved

Why are you pretending to have heard even a single episode of CTH?

It's sad, it's like no matter the attempt at edgy humor, I can still feel the smell of seasoned sweat of an unwashed person

>Show me ur dick
These are the only 3 jokes these faggots can tell without accidentally insulting a troon or a asian jew or some shit.

really? fuck chapo tranny house then

they're making these cringy jokes unironically

>Be terrible cringe leftists
>T-They are just making fun of lefties!

Tracked it down. Jesse actually called Weev a nazi, and said that Nick is an ass for siding with him.

JF is still my thot leader and a pawg.