2019 Academy Awards Red Carpet Thread #4

2019 Academy Awards Red Carpet Thread #4


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confirmed no host box is crossed off


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Was the red carpet always a literal freak show?
I feel like it used to be mostly beautiful young white celebrites wearing designer clothes.
Now it seems to be nothing but fags, niggers, and women over 30 dressing like side show freaks.

we have two thread again why

Live stream

the black panther guy's suit was pretty sweet looking not gonna lie

Breaking News: Fashion trends change

Take it easy there Cletus

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bros what if someone wore a kkk outfit ironically to the oscars

>its just a trend goy
>nothing different here


Is this the end of Yea Forums? No sticky yet, it's as if the mods have turned their back on this board.

It looks like a class-less mess.

It's always been full of fags desu


god I wish I was a famous actor

lol the Oscars is almost not worth the effort.

this but unironically

everyone, let's go to the real 4th thread

It literally looks like the Fifth Element. I don't know what kind of designer drugs these freaks are on.

Who Yea Forums here?

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Why do women think this is is beautiful ? Looks like something from the sunday market. Jesus. Keep it simple for fuck sake.

If they need a new elephant man I'll be sure to give them your number


>Be me in 2025
>My 6 hour kinography about the life of Fran Joseph and Ferdinand got nominated for every award
>Win best director
>Speech time
>*AHEM* Fuck Hollywood and fuck the Oscars
Just you wait

>ruin Yea Forums
>"w-why won't mods help us...?"
Big guy xd

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gibsmedat stream link whitey

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