Would you name your child after a fictional character?

Would you name your child after a fictional character?

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a girl I went to high school with named her son Kylo

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My sisters' kindergarten teacher was named Arwen and I'm not going to lie, I don't hate it.

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why are amerisharts so obsessed with popculture?

they eat up whatever their masters are serving them like good goyim

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Anakin is a beautiful name tho

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I would name my daughter Arrietty.

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If it’s not a retarded name

No. Not something out of contemporary pop culture. People who name their children after a shallow liking of a movie or game are shallow, pitiful humans. There are thousands of names with meaning; picking a name from a TV shoe character shows how little purpose and belonging you have in this time in history.

After a genocidal space nazi nonetheless.

Imagine if WW2 was a fictional movie and Hitler a beloved character, loved across the globe from fans of all ages

Yeah, imagine that

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nice s.o.y boy comment

It really is.

You should really kill yourself for having that basedpic saved.

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Imagine the suffering they will have to endure when they start attending public school. I can tell you from personal experience that even having a name similar to that of a historical figure was hell when people brought up my name.
>oh your name is user?
>like Annon the [historic person]?
Now imagine about five, ten, fifteen years from now every single one of these kids is going to be annoyed by every onions-drinking homo they ever meet about their names.
I don't know what I would do.

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I did. That's why my kid is named "Doctor from Human Centipede Jr."

I don't know why you'd even complain about this unless you were Ivan the Terrible or something along those lines. Being Alexander the Great for example would be awesome

>Being Alexander the Great for example would be awesome

"What are you so great at Alexander? Being a dork?"

See how hurtful that is?

nothing beats the nigress that called out her daughter's name in mcdonalds i was in 10 years ago ..


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>"dude it's not a star wars reference it means 'cauldron of the gods' or 'divine cauldron'
>"ugh you guys just don't understand"

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How about naming a kid Reinhard?

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Naming children after people from antiquity is kino. A friend of my sister named her son Titus. My sister hates the name and insists the kid is going to be teased for having a weird foreigner name and will be called Titty-Ass and other embarrassing things.

>umm actually
the s.oy continues

Pretty much no one will remember the sequels in a decade

I'd name mine Raewyn or Evelyn

I'm not german, so no.

No because I don't want my child to murder me when he's old enough to hold a gun.

>imagine if Hitler was a beloved character
H-haha imagine

"What are you so HARD about Reinhard?" That's traumatizing for a kid.

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>Hitler a beloved character, loved across the globe from fans of all ages
Haha yeah just imagine haha

Andrew in Hawaiian (whatever their dialect is) is Anaki

There was a black girl on the Real World a while back named Irulan, which I thought was actually pretty cool (didn't know blacks were into Dune).

Dope. I would name my some Aragorn


I was named after a discliple of Christ. Feels good man

Mass produced popculture is their culture. American society (and basically the entire world) is all about consuming economic products that are (in most cases) specifically designed to make us addicted or to influence us to consume.

I dunno but spics name their kids Jesus all the time.

Every day I try to imagine that, man. Every day

>yfw you don't have a manly as fuck name like me
lmaoing at your lives desu

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>*I dunno but spics name their kids Goku all the time.

I'm from the UK and there's lots of niggers here with the name Titus. One of my old drug dealers that I used to be weed from was called Titus.

>Killing niggers, such as yourself


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I know right? Why would Mexicans name their kids Jesus

In my country the government keeps a list of babies given unusual names because there is a direct link between having an unusual name and serious child abuse.

>yfw you realize that Jesus, Christopher, Christian, Christine and Christina are the white Mohammeds

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Do they really?

>tfw they all become school shooters

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That's funny but I'm not surprised

That's why I'm going to name my son Cincinnatus.

I would think that most boys being called "Annie" would become school shooters.

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Or sissy twink subs for boys with actual boy names

I did

I wonder if there is some poor kid called Jar Jar or General Grievous

Yes, there is an entire list of prohibited names for babies in mexico because some are quite popular and dumb. There are also names that have a double meaning.

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If this is real it's one of the funniest things I've seen in a while

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No but I think Ava is a beautiful name.

That looks pretty cool but there's to much shit on the vest for it to be funtional also that lower carbine hook clips through that pouch.

I wonder how USNAVY made it on that list. Lots of navy men getting their ends wet in Mexico one assumes.

>Christmas Day
>Harry Potter

Are Mexicans autistic?

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But those could be based if applied correctly

>without kin, there was no father

Might be more relevant to modern society than I first thought.

sweet jesus americans are autistic

the fact that you guys are the worlds most powerful nation really says a lot about how objectively shit the entirety of the human race truly is

Email Kolar

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The ones with double meaning are funny but one would have to know spanish to understand them.

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Imagine your name being divine cauldron and actually having no significance to your life or your birth

>when you name your son Terminator
man I wish I knew that feel

There is literally a comedy in which one of the major "arcs" is that a couple say that they will call their son Adolf

You fag, this paper literally says that this is a list the government forbids people from using.

Just like the Bible names?

>his girlfriend’s daughter isn’t named Khaleesi

Not exactly Yea Forums but
>Dovahkiin is 8 years old now
Does he now that his parents traded his dignity before he even knew what it was for a fucking copy of Skyrim yet?

who are you quoting

I saw a new episode of Maury the other day where the baby whose father they were trying to find was named Anakin.

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These are fucking gold. But should have put Kevin Costner de Jesus as well

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Why would it be titty ass and not tight-ass?

I think people who get pop culture tattoos are mindless consumer drones so... no. Fuck no.

I'm still not sure what exactly the war crimes were that The Empire committed. Without focusing on supplemental material, what did The Empire do wrong? They went to war to preserve the state. They defended their political structure from a secessionary group of "freedom fighters" that engaged in guerrilla warfare. Literally the same reason that General Sherman did nothing wrong.

Anakin is a nice name tho

I would name my son Kamille.

Blowing up Alderaan just because Leia was being a cunt was pretty bad.

>ywn eat $1,000 hotdogs

>General Sherman did nothing wrong
bless your heart

Thats honestly a really pretty name for a girl. Also her parents must be based as hell.

its probably venezuela or some other place with really devalued currency.

anonkun :3

my what now?

That's bullshit

Qué tienen de malo Petronilo y Telésforo?

I named my girl Pandora. Now I'm dreading about all the opening Pandora box jokes for her future

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>be Filipino
>there is a famous actress here in the Philippines known as Judy Ann Santos
>she is nicknamed Juday (pronounced Jud-ai)
>somehow get the idea to turn this into Julay (pronounced Jule-ayy) and name my daughter Julay
>me and her mother call out her name as JULAAAY
I regret nothing.

Someone post the guy who named his kid after a meme and the wife found out.

>be Filipino

Go away.

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Isn't JULAAAY a real person, though?
Or at least, BlueSpike is?

>be Filipino
Nigga, elaborate. I want to know more about being filipino.

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>>be Filipino
do you eat chicken feet?

It's nigger dumb fuck

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>naming your child after a sith lord

mind explaining some of these

Should've been called Zecora

>That one kid that was named Futashy

It's pretty kino in the Philippines, at least if you're in the big city.
It looks like something out of a cyberpunk film.
Huge advertisements and lights everywhere but there are also slums.
People depending and hooked to social media so much.
And on top of that, our language sounds like a mishmash of other languages such as Malay, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and English, among others (just like Cityspeak), and we have cops that hunt down drug addicts and dealers (just like how Replicants are retired).
So, Philippines is pretty much an IRL version of Blade Runner.

Americans fill the voids in their lives with consumerism and popular media.

Merry Christmas in Hawaiian is Mele Kalikimaka.
Whats your point?
None of the soys who give their children these names are Hawaiian
But honestly that fact should be more well known so they avoid the name because of potential cultural appropriation

If I ever have a son he will be named James, just like 1/2 the male family tree that I know of.


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depends if the fictional character had a normal name or not

naming your kid ben or luke is fine

naming your kid anakin or obi-wan is retarded