Is it me or did the directors really have it out for Chris Pratt? The whole movie his character is being shat on by his friends, getting cucked, and in the end he's the one that fumbles the plan to get the gauntlet off Thanos.

Did Pratt piss off Marvel or something?

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He's not a real avenger, and not everyone can be "Tony Stark" leader, so he needs to fit some sort of role.

Ever since his peers realized he is a straight white Christian father, he is getting pushed out slowly. Remember his meteoric rise to super stardom aftee Guardians? How he was thrust into the Jurassic franchise and fans were demanding he be cast as Indiana Jones? Yeah that was his peak. If you see any media articles on him now it alludes to Christian faith negatively, I doubt he will ever be a lead actor in a major film again. Gay lobby runs Hollywood.

Everything was in line with GOTG 1 and 2. I don't understand how people don't get this. He's always been the butt of a joke that people rarely take seriously and an impulsive idiot. When he learned Ego killed his mother he immediately fired into him without hesitation, and he did the exact same thing with Thanos upon learning he killed Gamora, but this time no one clapped because it didn't save the day despite being in character.

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He is a hot blooded half human/half god thing. He will redeem himself in some stupid way in the next film. He had to fuck up badly in this iteration to make his comeback arc better.

I don't watch capeshit.

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Dude he died.

>directors and Marvel/Disney execs are liberal Jews
>Pratt is a straight white anti-LGBTBRAAP Christian conservative
figure it out user

>Everything was in line with GOTG 1 and 2.

Not really. The broad strokes were there, but most of the Guardians got slightly flanderized. Quill was never as much of a whiner as he was around Thor or as cocksure as he acted around Stark (Hell, in the first movie he was the straight man most of the time), and Rocket went right back to being an asshole despite going through character development at least twice.

Drax and Mantis remained the same since they're already one-note archetypes, and Gamora actually got way more characterization than in any of the GotG movies.

so did Spider-man but the trailer for his new movie just came out

They just wanted an excuse for Thanos to win.

Even 4 years ago I've seen Marvel fangirls discuss how Pratt is a "fucking white Christian (prob) Republican male!" and I wondered when it would blow up into the mainstream.
That Jesus line was 100% given to Chris on purpose.

yeah, ok, same as everyone else who evaporated

that is what I am saying, they all get to come back and do something to beat thanos, after captain cunt makes her appearance. the entire thing is stupid and useless.
They all come back from nothingness.

>Quill was never as much of a whiner as he was around Thor
Quill has always been cocksure about himself and making himself to be bigger then he really is. Giving himself a cool raider nickname and claiming his absent dad was David Hasselhoff. When Thor came on board and the other members were enamored by him he acted that way to cement his place as the heroic leader of the group, but no one was buying it except him.
>or as cocksure as he acted around Stark
As he had every right to be. The GOTG has saved the entire galaxy twice including Earth and stopping an all powerful being isn't such a big deal anymore essentially considering IW takes place 4 years after 2 and who knows what they've done during then. He was there to save his girl and a couple of rookie heroes from Earth calling themselves the Avengers who have saved a Planet at most (except DS) come in and talk down to you when you've handled yourself before.

They're dead, user. Do you really think the people who evaporated will come back? That would be a complete mess and a "and then they realized it was all a dream" bullshit that there's no way it's going to happen.

It's already confirmed, bro. They'll be back.

There's no way man. All those characters are gone for good. It's a shame too because I would have liked more Spider Man.


Eh, the character and IP is way over-used, that's probably why Marvel-Disney decided to write him off.

shut up nerd
I saw them die with my own eyes

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either bad bait or you have no idea how death and comic book characters work

This. He's mostly above the degeneracy and Hollywood can't be seen promoting that type of clean healthy living.

Strange let him do that on purpose.

yeah, totally a permanent death...

Pratt hasn't even said anything homophobic; he attended a church. He's not even in a leadership position in said church.
It's like saying someone works for big tobacco because they visited a smoker's house once

t. 'Loves Marvel!' but never read a comic book in her life

>visited a smoker's house once
More like he's a chainsmoker. It doesn't matter whether he's ever said anything homophobic, being a smoker (attending church) is disgusting enough.

Fuck off kike


I found Infinity War really boring


>philosophy is boring i want only action scenes hurr durr cuz im retarded

>straight white Christian father
>abdanoned his family to fuck JLaw

Does JLaw seem like the girl who would fuck a married man?

More like Infinity Snore lmao

Sounds like you've never seen a movie before if you can't tell whats going on.

Imagine seeing these movies as high art despite having zero subtlety

Either way, Skinny Fat will no doubt be fucking ladyboys in 10 years.

it pretended to be smart but it really wasnt. it didnt present anything new or different. i guess you have to be invested in the characters from the other movies to really like it, onky character i really liked was Thor. the fox is kind of cool but ehhh i dunno. maybe ill give it another chance cause i really want to like it before watching endgame

>even responding to a tripfag
you should be ashamed of yourself

It was technically his plan to get the gauntlet off Thanos to begin with, so he at least got some time to show that he's a competent leader. His freakout borders on a contrivance, but his first instinct upon learning of his mother's death was to shoot to kill with zero questions, so it's not exactly out of character.

He's a fuck-up in the comics too who can't do anything right. That's just his character. He's not exactly Captain America.

I dunno man it just wasnt his movie, everything kinda went his way for two other movies so I think its fair. He also beat up Spider man and called him a clown

>>philosophy is boring
Hurr durr I have infinity power
How do I save the Universe? By killing half!!

No one was stopping him from shooting Ego at that time.

Literally no other way to include them in the plot effectively.

> 30 minute video essay on capeshit

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to be fair, he's annoying and mentally ill. you can see it in his soulless eyes.


based pratt

He rec'd the gift of Disney paying for him to get in shape... only to completely waste that within a few years.

I actually thought this the first time I watched it.. It's almost like they went out of their way to make Star Lord look like shit.

his kids are unironically jewish

Andy was a blessing
>when he befriended Ron with Mexican food and they both started playing football like father and son while giggling like schoolgirls
>Burt Macklin FBI
>Johnny Karate
>Kim Kardashian's "cumback" story

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>Marvel fangirls discuss how Pratt is a "fucking white Christian (prob) Republican male!"

And every single one would bow down to suck his cock.. The only difference is they'll never get that chance, and that makes them feel like shit, so they have to find an excuse to make him a nondesirable, aka, christian republican.

Make no mistake.. Every single one of these girls would drop down. And suck.. His cock.

Without hesitation.

>That Jesus line was 100% given to Chris on purpose.
Oh shit, didn't even realise that.

>Work for Disney as an intern in 2013
>Have movie evaluation sessions to find where to tone down the violence, among other things
>Avengers: Ultron is released
>Cap tells Tony not to swear in the first few seconds
>They laugh about it
>Was an in-joke about how Disney was policing the series

It was except for scenes with Thanos

Actually they made him even better


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Doctor Strange is the real fuck up in that movie.

>That Jesus line was 100% given to Chris on purpose.
>Oh shit, didn't even realise that.

That stuck out to me.. And not even Chris saying that line but Stark immediately recognizing he's from earth because of it.

>He also beat up Spider man and called him a clown

Who hasn't beaten MCU Spider-Man, though? He doesn't even punch.

I watched 'Wandering Earth' today, I'll have to say it was the most insane big budget disaster movie I've ever witnessed. It's way out there, with Pluto and Sedna, no, actually it's out there with Jupiter from the beaten path in regards to film making.

Are you new or just American?

>Marvel Character: I'm going to do this: Fails to do this

>Marvel Character: I'm not going to do that: Does just that

>Nebula I'm a Stronk Wahmen I'ma kill Gamora and Thanos: Proceeds to SistaPowah with Gamora

>StarLord: Ima fulfill my promise to Gamora and shoot the woman I love rather than let Thanos get her: Proceeds to fulfill his promise and pull trigger (only to be thwarted by Thanos' power)

So, yeah, they did cuck him and treat him like a little bitch, but when you really look at it, Pratt's character still had more balls than any other character in the film, and actually kept his word and tried to go through with an actual difficult decision.

Hollywood is dead anyway. He'll transition into politics and win the presidency in 2024 after having his second Kennedy baby.

Aside from beating up Thanos basically every decision he postulates is both ignored and the correct one. Iron Man is a complete retard for thinking that dropping debris would kill Thanos, but Quill made an intricate plan that actually almost worked.

No he didn’t

What Jesus line did he say? There's no way I'm sitting through this movie again


He is the only one who went with his head instead of the heart, unfortunately Thanos had the plot armor this time around, not the heroes.

Strange: What master do you serve?
Starlord: What am I supposed to say, Jesus?
Stark: ...You're from Earth.

Yup. Doctor Strange cut off Cull Obsidian's hand with his portal, but lacked the balls to do it to Thanos, either to remove the gauntlet or his head.

StarLord's balls at attempting to shoot Gamora as she begged him to promise was the only thing that truly impressed me with IW. Otherwise it was just FULL of plot armor and deus ex machinas.

I'm happy to end my MCU experience on Thanos winning.

>I'm happy to end
I will be happy when you end too

I finished inside your mom's mouth, glad you're happy about it

>your mom
incest is bad

I still haven´t seen it and I won´t until 2 is out, but the more I hear of it the more it just annoys me.
Fuck at this point the original comic version of his high-school type love story with Lady Death sounds better.
It´s clear they will just "reboot" what they need.
So sadly Trump ahhh THANOS winning will be obviously corrected too.

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>your mom
>incest is bad

Can't tell the difference between (your) and (mine). Do you even Engrish?

Also, please tell your father to stop stalking me, I'm not into dudes. He keeps begging to gargle my balls, he says he still tastes yours in his mouth and can't wait until you get out of the asylum.

>pretending he didn't get it

He got it every night when his daddy creeped into his room when he was little.

Strange: What master do you serve?
Starlord: What am I supposed to say, Jesus?
Stark: ...You're from Earth.
Drax: Actually, Jesus Christ the Messiah is the Lord of all creation and His majesty has been made known to all creatures in this universe. His sacrifice on the cross was atonement for our sins and paved the way for us to enter the gates of Heaven and spend eternity with God the Father.

Holy shit, Stark BTFO. I didn’t know Drax was so redpilled