Bad movie recommendations

like pic related. I don't mean "fateful findings" and low-budget schlock, but films with zillion-dollar budgets and big name actors that are one bad decision after the other.
inb4 bad suggestions like "john carter".

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Mars Needs Moms

Attached: Mar Sneed Smoms.jpg (177x176, 33K)

Kate Beckinsale is ridiculously sexy.

Do Sheen+ Whoopi have enough pull to put this movie on the list? I haven't seen it, but can't see how it could be good.

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will check

entertaining as fuck trainwreck from a couple years ago

Attached: The-Book-Of-Henry-poster.jpg (1382x2048, 665K)

ty. nice poster

>Dean Norris

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Gary Oldman in the role of a lifetime

user, the movie you posted IS low budget schlock. I don't know what kind of answers you're expecting.

the pacific rim sequel

Bonfire of the Vanities

I don't know what they were thinking.

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what's this meme? i don't find that movie bein real anywhere

with two oscar winners a hot mama + a professional crew

>no five star armond white rating praising the film for having the courage to give the boy a peach


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that's a bingo, thanks

i'm a sucker for charlotte. merci

this is a stupid thread

Not till you arrived, welcome we were expecting you to start.

Didn't the director miss out on making Star Wars 9 because of how awful that film was?

yup. also did it fresh off of directing the second highest grossing movie of 2015.

Seen this with my family, It was weird watching porno dwarfs acting while sitting next to my grandma.

wasn't he kicked out of SW because of "artistic differences", so he ended doing that movie? He's going back to JW3 anyways.

Watched the trailer for this

Can anyone explain me what's going on?

i mean artistic differences is what they said when lord and miller, josh trank, and trevorrow all left. the last two directed pretty high profile bombs in between being announced for a SW movie and them leaving.

dude just watch it. it's one of those sublimely awful movies that just makes all the wrong narrative choices but is otherwise a competent movie and the end product is straight up surreal.

Disney is pure evil.