Who will play Him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play Him in the inevitable biopic?

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Who is that?

literally who?


He was the creator of the famous MEME's that u know so much

Jesse Eisenberg

thanks to this gentleman and a scholar

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But he didn't create any of those

>t. newfag

Christopher who?

Micheal Cera or Jesse Eisenberg.


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>mfw I believed this picture when I saw it on faceberg back in 2011

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That guy who played Zuckerberg

Or to really insult him, Michael Cera

Newfriend get out

Tilda Swinton


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the least this faggot can do is update his blog. did google kill him?


I was wondering the same
Three years and he hasn't even tweeted

He's alive.

He went in to fix Google+ and Google+ got shut the fuck down.

So he fucked up.

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What the fuck is a meme?

You know he's probably been secretly recruited by the FBI or something to teach them to better police the dark webz or some shit, but he probably just spends all day shitposting and looking up loli hentai on their computers.

This would actually make a really good premise for a show.

Moot? Is that you?

is this really what the working conditions are like at jewgle?

why did that woman bring a whole tray of pastries there? is that her lunch?



>wearing a scarf indoors
why do "people" do this?

Based moot destroying Google from the inside

>please master, may we have some coal for the fire

hipster faggots

The posture of moot and the guy next to him is bugging me

the little nigga what played that little nigga in halloween 2018

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So this is the power of the white man...

>He could kill G+ but not 4chinz
fuck him

im sorry but ur the newfag, oldfags know that he only created trollface and pepe le frog. think before you post next time, retard.

luggage lad

Sigourney Weaver

>I'm putting together a chan, you in?
What would you answer?

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It felt that after based Garrison started mocking Moot is when Moot finally made the decision to step away

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>You'll need muscle

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moot looks like such a limp wristed faggot kek

what is snacks up to these days?

he transitioned into a woman

You're going to need a hacker. I'm ready for one last job.

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He still has his radio show.

Its like Brendan Fraser, Rich Evans, and a gay cowboy stripper stepped into "the fly" teleportation machine

He has his internet radio thing

He might of gotten a biopic if he didn't decide to become a generic cog in the Google machine

moot was actually pretty fucking clueless irl about that type of shit. his technical skill was around that off the average 70 year old while he was admin. look no further than the call of him and Ang on the phone after Yea Forums was hijacked. he made ted stevens look like big kev mitnick

This is depressing for so many reasons


snacks was such a insufferable faggot and the only reason people like him is because of the catchy name

that and he was a creepy ip stalker

>he made ted stevens look like big kev mitnick
the zoomers ITT wont recognize either of these names

Garrison was a faggot who deserved everything that happened to him up to that point. It's a shame that the boomers on t_d gave him a platform to hock his awful art during and after the election, and pol stopped bullying him because they found themselves ideologically aligned.

>Creator of Yea Forums doesn't even get his own cubicle

T-Thanks moot

I imagine it's in so small part also the otakon 2007 video

Troll face was actually a great meme, it used to infuriate people.

to be fair, when he started the site back in 2003 I doubt he ever thought it might be parlayed into an actual job (even if they have him stowed away doing fuckall)

>this website is now holder than half its user base


>tfw you've spent half your life here

For free?

Just FYI this picture wasn't taken at Google, it's back from when he was doing CANVAS at a coworking space

I'm in

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Hiro is doing a surprisingly good job at destroying the site.

It's too slow, Hiroshima needs to speed up

This. He was hilarious inept.

Martin Random used to be the site legal council.

Martin Random was shortchanged from his law firm for doing nothing all day but posting on somethingawful

We have to save him!

A lot of offices keep their place uncomfortably cold, especially open concept shitholes that are just glorified warehouses. Notice the guy is wearing gloves too. Notice the brick wall that probably has shit insulation.

I mean everyone else has already said it, and its brilliant

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Wish I saved the pic from a few weeks ago where he was begging for donations to replace his stolen laptop, but he's basically an internet panhandler now.

Spouting out liberal bullshit and hating on Chan culture

What's the title?
"Moot"? Or pic related?

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"The Imageboard"

"You don't get to 1,000,000 post without meeting a few pedophiles"

the guy that played cuckerberg in Social Network
but only if the biopic is filmed in the next decade; he's getting on in years

title would be "4channel: The Movie"


Babies in their 20s or younger who have been posting on this webesite post 2010 making them all insufferable newfags.

Sup Snacks

i started posting here in 2007 when i was 11

Now THIS is an oldfag *nods approvingly in your direction*
Much respect, old timer

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they look like actual children
this must be a joke


His smile and optimism: gone.

It's literally cult programming. By making initiates do embarrassing shit, they are less likely to leave because they will try to justify doing the embarrassing shit.

A lesbian, mexican, mulatto, woman. And it will win an oscar!

>no posts of Sigourney Weaver
son, I am disappoint

What 2009 deathcore band is this?

noogs gonna noog

Rami Malek

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