There are too many unanswered questions. Tonights episode is gonna be a let down, prove me wrong

There are too many unanswered questions. Tonights episode is gonna be a let down, prove me wrong

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The moral of the story will be that some question will always remain unanswered and that one must let the past rest. Final scene will be Hays and West making amends and enjoying their rekinled friendship for the time they have left.

How long is tonights eppy?

I don't even think they'll solve the whole mystery.

I've heard it's like 1 hr 20 mins

what time?
and no burger time, just tell me in how many hours/minutes

I'm actually kind of ok with that, there are just some things I wanna see.

How did Julie get kidnapped?

How did Will die?

How did Dan OBrien die?

What the fuck is the Pink Room?

How did Tom die?

What happened when Hays got in the car? What kind of deal did they reach?

There's no way they can show all of that in one episode, and it's all stuff I feel they're kind of obligated to tell us.

At any rate, this has been a 1000x more pleasant a conversation than the one I'm having on Reddit currently, buncha fucking pricks on that site.


Can't remember if it comes on at 8 or 9 local, but it comes on in either 2 hours and 20 mins or 3 hours and 20 mins.

fuck it'll be 3 am and I have classes at 7

Mfw you guys are more civil and polite than Plebbit fags

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You have to go back.

Take a nap now, go to sleep when you do, wake up and watch it, continue sleeping. Just a thought

I hope it answers nothing and pisses everyone off. Nothing would make me happier

wish I could sleep like that, but might as well try
stream link?
is it acceptable (video,audio)?
I like to watch my kino in highest quality possible (torrents)

Yeah, easier said than done for me too, just a thought if you are bound and determined.

No idea, we have HBO, I'm a dumb fuck when it comes to that stuff

I don't have burger channel, is there a stream everyone on Yea Forums is watching or is every man for himself

Just gotta learn to let the mystery be and learn to live with ambiguity, bros

It’s what pizzaman has been trying to tell us this whole time.

I like your spacing.

A lot of those questions, you should already at least have some idea of what happened, so I don't see why it would be so time consuming for the show to give answers if it wants to, although I wouldn't necessarily expect it to show them in flashbacks. Hoping the episode is over the normal 55-60mins like said

and as far as what happens when Hays gets in the car... it's almost certain to focus on and reveal what ensues after that moment considering the sinister fucking cliff hangar it left off on last episode

there really arent that many unanswered questions.

>The season ends with it unfinished, massive cliff hangers everywhere.
>They announce the next season where Hayes' son takes over.

didn't you catch on by season 1, you fucking brainlet? That's what the show is - a big cocktease. They introduce mystery after mystery without ever resolving any of them in a satisfying or convincing way.

Will we find out what Caspere knew?

not really, story could be wrapped up easily at this point

Get a load of this guy