Captain Marvel genuine damage control confirmed and analysed!
These guys have been pretty reliable in the past with confirmed leaks about Star Trek Discovery, Star Wars and Ghostbusters.
Captain Marvel genuine damage control confirmed and analysed!
These guys have been pretty reliable in the past with confirmed leaks about Star Trek Discovery, Star Wars and Ghostbusters.
Get a life.
>Midnight's Edge
opinion discarded
Well the article happened
Why are you so threatened by a YouTube channel?
they use shitty sources and hearsay but report it dead straight like it's well researched journalism
they're "impotent neckbeard rage" the channel
Nothing comfier than Midnights edge on a sunday.
They preface any rumours with a disclaimer saying it's such. It sounds like you're just butthurt they're dead on all the time and have yet to be proven wrong, and enjoying success because of it.
s e e t h i n g
You first
It doesn't matter because it gets views, and it gets people to parrot the talking points as if fact.
"disclaimers" are as easily disregarded as the TOS / EULA / legal bullshit you click OK to when installing software, games, etc. Don't pretend like that's a sound argument
they just did a an hour long video where they claim proof that Star Trek Discovery was made using Paramount's Trek (not the main Trek) license, which means it's part of the Kelvin timeline and therefore non-canon and the upcoming Picard show is also non-canon
too bad you can't actually find anything that corroborates this, which invalidates the entire video and every other bit of "proof" they provide is reliant on extremely obtuse interpretations of off-hand quotes from production staff
that's not even covering the simple question - why the fuck would a show wholly owned and produced by CBS be made under a license that would reduce the amount of revenue going to THEMSELVES?
That foggy channel will take a tiny tidbit, strip away all context, and then autistically stretch the video out for ad-revenue
I fucking hated Discovery - I hated the fast and loose way the show plays with established designs and characters - but trying to invalidate it in such an autistic way (AND preemptively trying to invalidate the Picard show) makes them look like butthurt faggots
>literally quotes a guy who worked on the films who was told to differentiate the universes by 25% and site recorded documents.
> No proof.
Shut the fuck up and learn to absorb what the fuck you're watching before you sperg on this forum.
>has nothing beyond shut the fuck up you're a sperg
Whoa there pard'ner. Slide out of the saddle, because I am not fucking reading all that.
Can you give an example of when they've been wrong then?
>proves you wrong in greentext
>ignores it
fuck off faggot
>only hurling insults
>makes no argument over two posts
>proving wrong
An idiot who thinks he's convincing. What a surprising turn of events
I'm not even giving you a YOU.
that was surprisingly lucid, but bit too focused
incels... i don't feel so good...
Add Mister Metokur and you got some decent gossip kino
Captain marvelously smug strikes again. Even if a dude was pulling all this shit id be disgusted.
>all these echo chamber channels
>It was the RUSSIANS!
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was INCELS!
>It was /POL/!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was REDDIT!
>It was BOOMERS!
>It was ZOOMERS!
>"It emphasizes muh diversity/inclusiveness/feminist quota!"
>"It makes some people uncomfortable. GOOD!"
>"This is terrorism!"
This is the most damage controlled Marvel movie I've seen since Black Panther. The Disney shills are in desperation mode, and it's hilarious what lengths they'll go to. I haven't seen this much shilling since Hillary's failed campaign.
No amount of self-reassurance will EVER "fix" this movie. It is a complete abomination, and the defenders know that deep down in their hearts.
Disney's MCU was made to pander to SJWs, and it is this very pandering that will ultimately destroy the franchise at some point in the near future. Deal with it.
>It is a complete abomination
You've seen it? describe every scene in perfect detail please because I don't want to go see it.
Why are you guys so mad that some men don't want to see a movie starring a woman that hates them?
captain who?
>cites a document that no one has seen and even the video producers have to acknowledge might not exist
Captain Toe Fungus
Captain Potato
>Brie Larson clarifies that when she said "fuck all white people, especially men" she was quoted out of context and what she really meant was "I'll fuck all white people, especially men"
Wtf how did they get it wrong like that
I'll castrate myself before that happens.
White men and just males in general are the majority in terms of being comic book/movie consumers and Disney expects to make money on films that shit on them constantly? They're trying to force a demographic change when they don't even understand how their initial demographic was built in the first place and that strategic blunder is blowing up in their faces.
Fuck 'em.
>the mouse forces manchildren to give up on capeshit and actually grow up for a change
WTF I love Disney now.
Disney's whole strategy is built upon the idea that majority of their "core fans" will eat up literally anything they make no matter what they do, so they can afford to ignore their wants or even actively shame and belittle them while searching for new fans. As Star Wars has already proved, even the most uncritical fans won't take infinite abuse though.
This. Im assuming Disney put alot of money into future propaganda ur i mean progressiveness in marvel films.