Oscars Thread #2

2019 Academy Awards Red Carpet Thread #2


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Ah, little lad, you're starin' at my fingers. Would you like me to tell you the little story of Right Hand-Left Hand - the story of good and evil? [He raises his left hand] H-A-T-E! It was with this left hand that old brother Cain struck the blow that laid his brother low. [He raises his right hand] L-O-V-E. You see these fingers, dear hearts? These fingers has veins that run straight to the soul of man. The right hand, friends! The hand of love! Now watch and I'll show you the story of life. These fingers, dear hearts, is always a-warrin' and a-tuggin', one agin the other. Now, watch 'em. Ol' brother Left Hand. Left hand, he's a-fightin'. And it looks like LOVE's a goner. But wait a minute, wait a minute! Hot dog! LOVE's a winnin'? Yes, siree. It's LOVE that won, and ol' Left Hand HATE is down for the count!

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holy fuck my sides

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Emilia most beautiful woman of the night, hands down.

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>this kino playing on TV during the Oscars again

Anybody got a good stream?


Powerful stuff.

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ffs, she's hot af

Stream where?

I got this reference. Good taste.

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That Roma lady is so fucking beautiful


the actual show starts at 7?

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Post yfw Black Panther wins Best Picture

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Who here is excited to see White People get BTFO tonight, I honestly cant wait

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I thought it was 8 EST.

It won't.

Here's what I added up from the picks of anonymous Oscar ballots posted in the media:

Roma - 50
Green Book - 47
The Favourite - 40
Black Panther - 37
BlacKkKlansman - 31

Who's this Manlet Squad?


>women get to wear all these fancy stuff
>men have to wear suits



do the right thing

also can't wait for all the zoomers to see this and not realize Spike's wearing the knuckle rings from Do The Right Thing as a fuck you to the Academy for snubbing him/that movie when it came out and giving Best Picture to fucking Driving Miss Daisy

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Where's Rami?

i betted 1k dollars on black panther to win best picture

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uff man (intensifies)

Men are too basic and boring to look at.

she looks like my cleaning lady that mom had me take to my prom

Where are the Marvel and DC capeshitters? Is Ezra there?

I cant wait for black panther to win and several white 18 year old female virgins to be brought to the stage to be interracially bred for the first time in front of the nation.

Finally racism will be dead.

>hair, dress, accessories all on point

The first one I've seen.

>guy who is not really important or famous trying to "stand out"

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who the fuck cares lmao.

no tits why

Roma should win and if you disagree you're stupid

Yuropoor here, how long til it airs? Will there be a stream?

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so, who's going to take a shot everytime a nigger wins an Oscar?

That would be fucking hilarious

And yet, she is the red carpet while you are probably just an incel loser

Because it was his best film and now he's being nominated for a shit film just to rectify that

Hopefully this self-important racist cunt gets btfo again and stop making shit movies.

The racists and Trump supporters?

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about 30 minutes

That was a very foolish thing to do.

No one in Mexico talked about her
While they were complaining about Yalitza's nomination as well

People fucking suck

the academy voters are like 90% old white guys, there's no chance they'd vote for Black Panther over fucking Green Book or whatever. It's pointless to even consider those Hollywood Reporter "anonymous Oscar voter" pieces since the type of person who would want to be interviewed for that piece is going to be younger/female and a small percentage of voters

>men have to wear suits
umm it's 2019 honey

No. The Favourite is the only BP nominee that deserves the win even though it's a decent flick at best.
Roma will win though.


None of these people are important.

Why is american television 90% commercials?


What did he mean by this

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they were reliable last years though

1. Shape of Water
2. Three Billboards

1. Moonlight
2. La La Land

1. Boyhood
2. Birdman

1. 12 Years a Slave
2. Gravity

>I love to Sneed-a, about the seed-a and the feed-a, and the Chuck-a. I love to Sneed-a. About a sky of blue-a, and a guy or two-a, Anything-a with a farm-a, or a ci-ty slick-a. I-a love-a to, I-a love-a to Sneeeeed!

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>tfw Annihilation didn't even get nominated

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>old white guys
Someone should tell him.

self-promoting and disgracing an entire race of people

the favourite should win
we already had an oscar bait movie that was black and white
anyone remember the artist?

I actually can't wait for Black Panther to NOT win best picture and then the whole cast and crew will take to twitter to blame the "white man" even though it was actually the hollywood jew elites who voted it down.


anyone know any chatrooms we could collectively discuss together?

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Only Black Panther niggers are there, no other capeshit actors

someone post a stream

the blonde one is hot the rest into the garbage it goes

>the academy voters are like 90% old white guys, there's no chance they'd vote for Black Panther over fucking Green Book or whatever.
lol you seriously think Black Panther is this game-changing movie that offends white sensibilities


thanks m8, is it actually the red carpet or just a group of niggers gossiping before the cermony begins?

Because no one watches TV anymore, so the networks need more and more advertisements to keep afloat. And this in turn makes even less people want to watch TV.

(((Old white guys)))

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hey /pol/, black panther is not nominated for best picture.
stop already.

>Oscar voting ended Tuesday afternoon, and Wanda Sykes made it in just under the wire. During an appearance on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on Friday (watch above), the comedian revealed that she was getting her nails done when she got a reminder text to vote from the academy 15 minutes before the deadline.

>“I thought the lady [doing my nails] was going to smack me because I was trying to get my phone and vote,” Sykes shared. “And by the time I log in and everything, it was like five minutes left.”

>Under such a tight time crunch, Sykes didn’t have time to dilly-dally or think over or research the nominees, so she knew what she had to do. “I just typed in ‘black’ and voted for everything black,” she said. “I was like, ‘Black Panther,’ ‘BlacKkKlansman.’ Then I went to the actresses — Regina King. All right. That was it. Submit it. Boom! Got outta there. I went black. It’s Black History Month, c’mon!”

>DeGeneres approved of Sykes’ strategy, noting that ‘BlacKkKlansman’ is a “great choice. “It’s a really good movie,” Sykes replied. (Sykes noticeably did not say anything when DeGeneres remarked that “Green Book” is also “really great.” Read into that what you will.)

am I gay if I don't think this looks that bad?

>muh european period piece
No thanks. Roma is literally flawless.

i was and still am...I got to touch her boobie and finger bang

Are capeshit actors even allowed to go there?

who the fuck cares lmao.

it's a comic book movie for millennials

>hidden nipples
I'm not pleased.

this but unironically

is this real?


dignity and class personified

Are you retarded

what for? it was mediocre at best

Imagine being such a massive sperg that you brag about getting a reference nobody gives a shit about and taking a joke seriously.

>muh black & white mexican movie

kek she knows the oscars don't mean shit


If anything wins with "black" as a title, I will have to lynch your cousins

Yea Forums still suppresses actress posting so much that the whole oscar thread is full of pictures of fucking men.

medicore bait

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She should lose her voting rights over this

>i love sucking cocks
I mean, you do you, user.

>this nigga is more red than the red carpet

That's happened countless times to other directors and actors. That's why the Oscars are a sham.

2019 real and you are not allowed to criticize a man wearing a dress

Why the fuck is Wanda Sykes allowed to vote in the Oscars?

You clearly haven't seen many movies.

The previous thread is full of aging women for you for gawk at, faggot.

Who is hosting this year?

>jews can't be white
Stop posting /int/ memes.

so, jews

I wouldn't agree with you normally but Black Panther and BlackKKLAnsmane were so yeah that sucks

Who do you think should win? (not who is actually going to, but who would you like to win)

>Best Picture:
The Favourite
>Best Director:
Alfonso Cuaron
>Best Actor:
Christian Bale
>Best Actress:
Olivia Golman / Glenn Close (both were amazing)
>Best Supporting Actor:
Mahershala Ali
>Best Supporting Actress:
Emma Stone
>Best Original Screenplay
The Favourite
>Best Adapted Screenplay
A Star is Born
>Best Cinematography
The Favourite

kill yourself waifu fag

White cuck squad

Amazing argument

stand up comedians

>He didn't see it

How many hours does it go on for?

Any livestream link?

If the film was nominated or they were in any way related to a project nominated I'm sure they're invited or allowed to go (for example Jared Leto attending when Suicide Squad got nominated for Best Makeup), but nobody from DC or capeshit in general was really nominated for anything.

fuck me

>Roma is literally flawless
I know this is bait, but there are people who actually think this.

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i love wanda

if capeshit wins, hollywood is dead.


Me, I'm posting from the Dolby Theatre

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i think it looks cool, just wanted to make sure




Ah the last minute prom suit.

payapl me tree fifty for the hookup

cmon man. Dafoe should win best actor and if not him, Viggo.

Post your predictions

Picture: Roma

Director: Alfonso Cuarón, Roma

Actor: Rami Malek, Bohemian Rhapsody

Actress: Glenn Close, The Wife

Supporting Actor: Mahershala Ali, Green Book

Supporting Actress: Regina King, If Beale Street Could Talk

Original Screenplay: The Favourite

Adapted Screenplay: BlacKkKlansman

Cinematography: Roma

Editing: Vice (Even if I hated the editing in this movie, I think it will win, although I think BlackkKlansman should win)

Original Score: If Beale Street Could Talk

Original Song: "Shallow", A Star Is Born

Costume Design: The Favourite

Production Design: Black Panther

Makeup/Hairstyling: Vice (although I would love it if Border wins)

Sound Editing: First Man

Sound Mixing: Bohemian Rhapsody (although it should be Roma, if you haven't already, watch Roma with headphones on)

Visual Effects: First Man

Animated Film: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Foreign Language Film: Roma

Documentary Film: Free Solo (although I want Minding The Gap to win)

Animated Short: Bao (although I want Late Afternoon to win)

Live-Action Short: Marguerite

Documentary Short: Period: End Of Sentence

what was being said on stage when this happened anyhow?

literally whos, the white boy edition

Wow cool...

Melissa McMommy!

Buster Scruggs for adapted screenplay though

MY BOOTHANG...i love you boo

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If you're a woman you have to reply to this post

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someone edit the brass with dog frat


Want this bitch to sit on me.

Despite her size she's actually kind of cute. She knows what hairstyle and dresses work for her.

Based Withnail

its not cool its comical and disturbing

do americans actually enjoy so many ads during this kind of events?

Bless you based user

basically. cant wait to see them drink their own tears.

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Does she have a tattoo on her foot?


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Open toe shoe Regina if youre gonna show legs

Oscars 2019 Drinking Game
>Black man, white woman presenters
>Civil Rights era is mentioned
>any time a trannie is on screen
>award winner goes on sjw rant
>"female representation"
>"people of color"
>Donald Trump is mention and/or mocked

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What is presented without argument ("Roma is a flawless movie") can be dismissed without argument ("you haven't watched many movies"). If you want to watch a 2018 black-and-white pseudo-arthouse movie that's actually decent, go watch Cold War. It's not great but still better than the faked-authenticity Oscar-bait "muh mexicans" schlock from a mexican that probably doesn't even know what a taco is.

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hi :3

because its about time bihhhh



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Why? That's how literally all of them vote. Most of them don't even watch 90% of the films.

Welcome to the party

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That colour is awful

Oh fuck melisa McCarthy and her milkies

make a bingo card now

>no one mentions jussie smollet but mentions something Trump said years ago

Life is nothing more than waiting to be blindsided by yet another misfortune.

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Gorgeous dress

>this shit is literally live on youtube rn
>everybody asking for livestreams
Are you really that retarded Yea Forums?

On youtube now


sorry too poor


i love this edge of her...very classy and sophisticated

kill yourself chicano

only the red carper ever gets streamed for free.
actual awards you have to look harder

Any leaked winners, lads? Trying to place a few wagers.

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easy on the racist comments user

Why was her golden globe dress criticized?

give me one reason to watch this degenerate political sjw nigger filled event

i hope she's wearing her butt plugs

I loved Viggo but so many critics are praising Bale. Also couldn't watch At Eternity's Gate but 2bh I'd love any of them winning

So many ugly women on the red carpet.

Are Yea Forums chads Romabros or are they soibois too deep inside /pol/'s ass?

Amazing argument :^)

It’s a great dress but it would be better on a woman

shooting the shit with your friends at Yea Forums.

Where is the ace stream

we will see


>>Black man, white woman presenters

what´s the deal with this? not even the porn awards do this shit

>my retarded assumption is justified because of your opinion
Wrong, retard.
>hurr pseudo arthouse
>hurr mexicans so its bad
>hurr cuaron isn't even a mexican because i say so
Do you know how to talk without meaningless buzzwords?


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Romachads unite!

What's with the truckload of niggers this year?

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>actual awards you have to look harder
>the channel with the oscar rights in my country is open signal and also streams it on its website
Feels good.

memes + developing a sharp pointed hatred inside of you

which supreme leader does he speak of

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Grow up.

you need help with the rope faggot :^)

Powerful indeed.

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Doesn't matter because spicbros will hold them down for us.

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within 5 years it will be impossible for a movie with white people in it to win any award

>no arguments
Embarassing, Cuaron.

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la goblina de oscars

>tfw staying up and missing classes tomorrow to shitpost with my Yea Forums bros

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Yea Forums is a /pol/ colony, sweatie.


Tv azteca?

>Tfw gotta get up at 5am tomorrow but I'll shitpost anyways tonight

focus on school

stop shitposting and go to school, boy. Education is the future. YOUR future.

Same here

your brothers are very fukken boring so far...the motherfuckers need to step up their game or else

The Hobbit is going to win Best Film and Best Original Screenplay.

Yea Forums is /pol/ step brother

Shhhhh you are gonna out me out hermano.

I unironically hope Bohemian Rhapsody wins just for the salt from all the blue checkmark critics who deem it unworthy of an oscar while at the same time pretending that Black Panther deserves one

why is Yea Forums talking about an award show about movies?
we should be talking about jussie smollett in the 100th thread

>he has classes on mondays

Kacey Musgraves and Maya Rudolph in a dead heat for worst dressed.

Arguments about what...? Just because you don't get the appeal of Roma it doesn't mean it's bad, dumbass. Cinematography, the obsessively methiculous recreation of Mexico City, the themes within the film, the sound mixing, I could go on, but if the retard I'm going to be arguing with it's just going to pull out a 'mexicans = bad', why should I bother? Keep seething, faggot.

lol its literally impossible now, you need to have at least one POC to qualify

same, but Green Book is more likely to win

Ask someone to sign in for you, so you don't get in trouble at least.

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Lel perdon

>gay man biopic

its crazy a movie that green is getting a nomination for best picture
sacha baron cohen was right to drop out of the movie


One day won't make much difference just don't forget to keep the slack to a minimum and regularly attend to your classes.

Go to bed, Cuaron. Your flick was garbage.

i envy you for not encountering Film Twitter users on a regular basis

omg meee

There is no evidence that they will not pull the plug once the actual Oscars start.

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I just hope it wins because it got me further into Queen's music. And the movie itself was actually entertaining.

pls cold war do it pls

No thanks, amigo. I've got a couple of awards to pick up before getting home to fuck your wife.

The Architect blessed us again.

Is Green Book decent? I like Viggo and I like buddy flicks.

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it feels good knowing that while others go to their miserable jobs or classes I will go straight to bed

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I want to bury my face in her tits.

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Yeah it's decent, though pedestrian.

How gay is Billy exactly?

NO NO NO NO...from the hair down to the weird pants

Amy Shoemer

Imagine winning best actress and worst actress,

>tfw sincerely jealous
I miss being a NEET...

no, he actually looks good like a final fantasy character

So brave.

Whoever chose her outfit fucked up hard and made her look like a deformed midget on top of fat.


maria menounous is bae

fuck off with this faglord facebook nonsense.

It has a good chance to win because Fox movies always tend to win in recent years for some reason

Why is Spike dressed like Liberace's chauffer?

for awkwafina it said "is also a rapper" under her name kek

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I don't think so, they are hiding her massive belly making it look like she has a thicc ass instead.
The cape is there to hide part of it.
Obviously the overall result isn't that good, but it's as good as it gets with that body.

New game. Drink everytime you see a minority/gay.

Dave Navarro looks fat but still good.

>Kevin Hart mention

But they won.

adam driver was legit in blackkklansman

who's president lol
i'l wait

What kind of woman's name is Glenn??

I have not that much booze

It will win because it will generate interest and ratings. No one watches these shitty award shows anymore. If a Blockbuster wins they might check them out.

>But they won.
Looks like you don't understand a thing, silly user.
If you lose to your opponents, you win.
As they won, they lost.

>trump can't pass any laws and just makes rightwingers look like the biggest retards of all time
Also obviously it's not the election if it says 2017, not 2016.

why is everyone dress in superman capes

>Timothee Chalamet isn’t showing up
Pack it up, boys

Any chance Ali doesnt win supporting?

Where is kingjew Adam

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Who's hosting?



what is his skin color and what is the skin color of his opponents?

Where’s Ryan Seacrest?

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Sandra Bullock did

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capekino is on the menu

fuck niggers

If any of the voters actually saw Richard. E Grant then yes but I doubt anyone even knows this movie came out.

classic, paul dano trembles in fear

the menounos cleavage is cray rn

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post angela bassest dress


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Billy Christall

I used to do this every oscars back when I was in uni
worth it everytime

you mean the cleaning lady your mom forced to be your date with threats of deportation

Could someone be kind and tell me what's happening right now on the screen to make sure I'm in the right stream?

Should I empty my bank betting on roma winning foreign language?


>passing laws through Congress in the current year
Lol, it's all about stuffing the courts like Obama did.

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>Nineteenth century Anglo-American secessionist unrecognized State = twentieth century German imperial movement = twenty first century dissatisfied voters in a constitutional republic.
The Left can't into history and can't meme

no thats Yea Forums

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i saw the trailer for that gay book movie a million times in theaters its too bad melissa mccarthy was the lead or i might have watched it

the salt comes from being directed by Bryan Singer, the paedophile who somehow manages to stay out of the spotlight despite having non-stop shit thrown at him


what a faggot

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light skin mexicans hate brown native mexicans?

why not just let them fuck you?

Shame. Shame on Yea Forums for not giving /ourmanlet/ his proper dues.

that too

>haha look at me I\m being dumb on purpose!

what if the person telling you is in the wrong stream



Other boards check in.

Yea Forums here, Yea Forumss oldest and greatest ally

I think Roma will win Best Picture, so I'd say no.

i work with hispanics from all different countries and they all hate mexicans

i like the way this guy thinks

/pol/ here

Mexicans are racist hypocrites. There's a reason the rest of latam makes fun of them.

Because she's rather unattractive and fat resembling most of the population.
So she gets the overachiever indio of the family treatment from everybody else.

Cuz she woke. Get with the times, gramps.

Love that Steve Urkel look

Then at least we'd be wrong together.

Spike Lee's a fucking Jiminy Cricket looking faggot. FACT!

Why is he dressed normally?
Didn't he get the memo?

>Maya Rudolph

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/r/movies here



So there's no host? Is that confirmed now? Are they going to just introduce the winners in a quick succession and then call it quits?

Acestream anyone?

lots of presenters, no host

where is her bag tho

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the absolute state of American commercials

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