Why is the media so mean to /ourguy/ Jim Carrey?

Why is the media so mean to /ourguy/ Jim Carrey?

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he gave his girlfriend aids and made her kill herself

Why is Jim Carrey so mean to /ourguy/ Donald J. Trump?

was this pic taken 25 years ago?

>There are some fine looking pussy in this room tonight, I'll tell you that

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Best bros for life. But jokes aside was there anyone as big in the 90s as these two? I think not.

He is literally crazy.
Shame, he used to be funny

wrong, he was cleared of all charges, she faked her medical record

Was he roleplaying as Jerry Garcia?

I'm still waiting for The Mask 2, Ace Ventura 3 or Liar Liar 2

haha but seriously we can't let Jim Carrey get hold of the STD results

remember when he ruined his podcast with Norm?

the media constantly sucks his dick

Women make men kill themselves all the fucking time, but they never have to take any responsibility.
>inb4 that ONE time recently

isnt he rabidly anti-vaccination?

Jim Carrey has never been funny

>he doesn't appreciate dark satire
lol, go back to /r/knockknockjokes

Pfft, this guy
>dude, enlightenment, I'm above all of this, I'm not Jim Carrey anymore, I never was, none of this is important respect the universe, but I still need a ton of money and want to live in my mansion so i'll keep towing the Hollywood line.

doubt about The Mask 2 and Liar Liar 2
but Ace Ventura 3 seems a posibility.

>The Mask 2

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The father of Jayden Smith can't tell someone is crazy? Shocking!

I loved this movie as a kid
then i find out everyone hated it
Not an isolated phenomena

I still haven't seen The Mask

sup jim, stay of the drugs

as some redditor once said, "he's not anti vaccine, he's just vaccine skeptical and against the use of them"

so yes

i wouldnt mention this to anyone in person. at least make an attempt to see the original.

There is a difference between crazy and brain dead.

>be Jim
>made an angry tweet about Trump 2 years ago
>loved by the left and considered a hero

>meanwhile Ron roasts Trump every day and nobody takes him seriously
not fair man, not fair

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>as some redditor once said
I keked real good at that

i loved the original mask film, then saw this film as a kid when it came out. i initially liked it but thought "damn that was fucking weird"

I was there. Carrey was chasing her around the room yelling "somebody stop me!" and she was like, oh my god stop his AIDS dick!

I was going to help, but Carrey was doing that face that he does that's really funny, and I didn't want him to stop.

More like a scient*logist telling someone is cray

Jim Carrey was always crazy. He took every movie he did deadly seriously. Seems like a dickhead that can't take responsibility for his actions and hides behind his "mask"

Is that Floop?

It looks from the Bad Boys 2 era