>K I N O

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Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that Varg did nothing wrong and Euronymous was an edgy psychopath

Metal is for degenerates.

>/pol/tards actually believe this

Reminder that Varg is a parasite and Euronymous created a whole new genre of music.


Euronymous made necklaces out of his friend's skull after he committed suicide and only told the police after he stopped to rearrange shit and take pictures

That and he was planning on killing Varg

Snow niggers

>edgy teenage bullshit sound reason for murder in the first degree
you /pol/tards are a literal menace to society, worse than niggers in all respects

To its credit, the movie does give (((varg)))'s paranoid schizophrenia the benefit of the doubt and links the tazer/snuff film excuse to the actual murder.

>After a few Google searches of the band Mayhem you'll find out that Euronymous was a closet fag and a huge sociopath. There's a few documentaries that tell the facts of what happened along with first hand accounts from the actual members. varg also has a very active YouTube channel.

>a few google searches
kys poser

>worse than niggers in all respects
now let's not get ahead of ourselves here

de mysteriis>>>filosfoem
>soibois will debate this

Why does varg continue to shit on Euronymous in his videos? He already killed the guy.

is this that new Rob Zombie flick?

15 minutes of fame type of thing

If that whole thing had gone down in the US, Varg would never have gone to prison. It was clearly self-defense and Euronymous was seriously unhinged and a danger to himself and others. Varg was a hero for putting that dog down.

Never left the edgy phase.

>in the US
>15 years in prison for murder one

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>tfw Varg never blew up that cathedral
>tfw Varg never blew up that anarkiddie squat
feels bad man

>Euronymous created a whole new genre of music
you mean quorthon? fucking faggot

>stand your ground laws
>self-defense laws
>needed killin' laws

Taking photos of your dead friend's splattered brains is edgy teenage bullshit. Hang yourself, you slimy retard.

here's your varg bro

Attached: varg lords of shit movie.png (1845x805, 811K)

The trailer for this looks like absolute dogshit

Also burning down churches was never about "lul xd hail stan", it's more about paganism and a return to the natural world than it is about satanism

The trailer and clips I've seen made this film look like a hard yikes by all accounts
Does this flick also feature the Faust murder as well?

>stabs guy in pijamas 30 times at his house in the middle of the night
he a good boy he dindu nothing, our rede need mo moneyz fo them rune circles n shiet

>clearly hasn't watched the movie

'nuff said

yeah it implies that faust was a repressed homo and killed a faggot for tempting him

it does. the director was part of the early black metal scene and is clearly knowledgeable about the subject. the film paints a similar picture to the events i imagined when i was reading up on this stuff in the 90s


This clip already makes it look bad enough, why would I want to watch the movie?



that album is peak BM attila >>>>virgin dead

its shit
this is the only black metal kino

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because the film makes it clear that kristian/varg's obsession with >muh odin and >muh hitler is what started the church burnings and satanism was just a meme

Then why does the film show him trying to burn down the church? He didn't do it

Stop watching porn

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>those comfy sequences following Fenriz around


>blocks your path

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Under a Funeral Moon is better

it's an event i'm not sure actually happened, when supposedly varg dares euro to come along for a church burning after fantoft stave makes bm national news

bughuul the eater of children

Because it's become the only thing people know him for. Apart from the drones repeating everything he says in the comments, no one else wants to watch him rant about the jews locking him up for the 500th time.


did viking nazis create the 7th reich on the ancient thulean land of atlantis? LASS FAYN AWUT

Venom created black metal.

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Black metal is for basedboys.
Please go back into the park's woods to larp as vikings on shitty thrift store leather jackets studded by your sister.
Fucking pussy faggots lmao.

metal in general is the most onions of genres


he's not wrong

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Yep. Just look at this retard

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k*ke propaganda, hard pass

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cringus maximus

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Reminder this is the only good black metal album

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>swedish black metal musician director
>norwegian fedora reporter writer
>kike propaganda
back to your cuckshed varg

More faggotry

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where do you think they got all the money for the production dumbshit?

I liked it.

Soulside Journey is their best

Saw the movie in theaters. Up until Dead kills himself I thought it was a decent flick. After that it's just a bunch of edgelord kids doing edgelord kid things.

>le moneyz must come from le jooz
top aryan logic

A British movie studio

the guy who made this pile of shit Jesus you cannot make this shit up

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Nope. Only the name derived from Venom, you uncultured swine.

Try Quorthon.

>Makes money from music, RPG, merch and books
Kys, Christcuck. Euronymous was a faggot who created nothing.

How stupid are the people ITT? What the absolute fuck.


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It was okay. I thought the part of Euronymous missing Dead was kinda lame.

>Nope. Only the name derived from Venom, you uncultured swine.
Either you've never listened to venom or you're a retard.

Hi Varg

>clearly knowledgeable about the subject.
Hahaha oh wow, you actually believe this.

>20th Century Fox

Wait is this out? I read that book after I saw Until the Light Takes us. Kinda tame.

that's fine, don't watch it but then don't talk about it like you know what you are talking about

>Knows absolutely jackshit about Black Metal
>Feels the need to talk
Quorthon created the music. The name is what derived from Venom. Varg, Fenriz, Hellhammer and many others confirm what I'm saying and most of them didn't even listen to Venom.

I have listened to Venom, it's not Black Metal (1st or 2nd generation). Kys, uncultured swine.


Fuck off back to your country Varg you dirty leech.

I bet Varg was real happy with his portrayal as a tryhard pseud in this film

>After that it's just a bunch of edgelord kids doing edgelord kid things.
literally what black metal is

>Makes money from music, books, RPG and merch
Get a grip, NEET. Get laid, maybe you'll stop being so miserable.

He's been ranting about it pretty autistically for the past days on YT, so yeah.



when this in theaters in the states?

>I googled it so I know I'm right
God I fucking hate millennials.


*was this in theaters

it served its purpose by helping to solidify what a tryhard phony he was

Not at all Kino, They just wrote some bullshit about mayhem and varg.

>No rights to Burzum
>No rights to Dark Throne
>No rights to Mayhem

More like I listened to it for over a decade and a half now, did my research and know enough about music to know what's what.

You're an uncultured pleb, you're the kind of useless brainlet that thinks Iron Maiden is no different from Idk, Amon Amarth. Kys.

just a reminder that Euronymous never wrote a good song, while Varg has made the best black metal songs as well as pure kino pagan chants in recent years

Yeah I know. It's just an interesting change in perspective for me. Listening to the music and thinking these guys were the shit in my late teens. I slowly stopped listening to black metal or metal in general if only on occasion and I haven't even thought about these guys in years. As an adult now it's just funny that I liked these kids who were just a bunch of angsty fags. Still an interesting story, movie could have been better if they stuck closer to the facts and gave the side characters a little depth. Faust is just in the background the whole movie and suddenly gets a scene where he stabs a guy to death.

yes rights to mayhem; check the end credits

Di'Anno > Bruce

>literal fat kike portraying based varg

absolutely anti-kino

>kino tier pagan chants
kys snow nigger


Did it show when Varg was a schoolboy in Iraq getting molested by old arabs?

the similarity is striking tho, makes u wonder if nazi anthropometry is some sort of discredited pseudoscience

catchiest song I've heard in years

It's already out in a few locations. In Miami it's only playing at O Cinema in Wynwood.

he literally doesn't look like Varg though, he just looks like a typical american jew

He looked like he was trying to portray a young Nathan Explosion which made the movie hilarious for me.

>listening to metal
It's absolute trash.

now that is funny

Ok dude go listen to nigger rap or soft s/oy beats. You don't have to signal that you're above an entire genre of music that this is just a sub genre of. We get it you grew up and you're super smart now according to yourself very compelling story.

I can tell how shit your taste in music is.

sorry I don't listen to your nigbeats

>the sequences throughout the movie with Ulver's "Not Saved" in the background


Lmfao look how upset this kid got when that user implied his subgenre is for edgy manchildren.
Grow the fuck up.
Hahahahahahahahaha neckbeard

don't @ me


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absolutely seething

watch it on its own terms instead of being varg's cocksleeve, christ.


he's at least half right, all metalheads grow out of it, maybe they still listen to the music but get fed up with the tryhard subculture horseshit and stop keeping up with the musicians' sayings and doings.
that being said, i think most people who know a little about mayhem and aren't total sociopaths empathize with euronymous, whom even the movie depicts as having grown out of this shit (i.e. as most of us have).
vargfags are mostly entry level newfag /pol/tards or LARPagans who listened to ways of yore and think all metal is degenerate because it derives from african blues not muh glorious chants to oddie

>Ok dude go listen to nigger rap or soft s/oy beats. You don't have to signal that you're above an entire genre of music that this is just a sub genre of. We get it you grew up and you're super smart now according to yourself very compelling story.
>sorry I don't listen to your nigbeats
>n-no you

Butthurt incel basedboy

>empathize with euronymous

you mean the literal psycho commie?

majored in psychiatry at Pol U

Euronymous wasn't ever really a communist he just said edgy shit about wanting people to suffer living under an ironfisted communist regime.

>all metalheads grow out of it
ok name me the superior genre that you grew out of metal to, i'm waiting lol

>incel and soi in the same sentence
BASED right wing liberal retard


how is being an actual nazi skinhead affiliated with actual white supremacist terrorist orgs, hoarding explosives to carry out actual nazi terrorist acts better than being a stated "commie" at a time when all communist regimes fell and had no discernible liaison with any communist groups?

>s-stop looking down at my music pwease Im so metal and manly in my xxxxl greasy shirt

there's many but it's besides the point. mature people diversify their tastes, don't act like monomaniac soccer fans

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i'm waiting faggot name your genre pussy

why is it one or the other? do you really have to feel sympathetic to one just because he was the slower to act on their plans to kill one another?

he didn't say they stopped listening to the music just that they stopped being a part of the cancerous subculture.

embarrassing desu

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wrong person retard

synth pop

just to name a few

people always think their shit is superior and yet are too much of a bitch to actually say what it is in an anonymous discussion it just annoys me

wow Yea Forums would laugh at you for being so petty

Lol dude. Music really isn't that big of a deal

what are you talking about? that's not what his post was about


Stop listening to music for 12 year olds.
Then, maybe, everybody would stop laughing at you manchild. Throw another tantrum.

Classical music was is and will always be the one true European form of music.

Too bad it hasn't been popular in about 200 years.

imagine taking something as dumb as music seriously lmao

literally the lowest form of art lmao

it's popular with patricians

you stupid faggot do you not realize there's only like 3 of us talking in this thread right now? utterly pathetic how you let the anonymity get to your head, can tell you don't use this site much

>posters 36

>200 years




>can tell you don't use this site much
LMAO Like that's a bad thing.

You are a little bitch. Go cry in your corner while you listen to Transylvanian Hunger

to say any of those subjective and very broad genres is superior or inferior to metal nobody would honestly agree so to say someone would grow out of metal to those makes no sense objectively

All you do is insult in the most generic direct ways it's actually pretty funny. You honestly think this is getting to me?


You keep thinking it's just 1 person insulting you

This thread is awful

Black metal is gay

I actually know it was just one person because you type the same low iq sentences.

That's because metal is.

Fedora boy has a high IQ now. He must, in order to enjoy metal.

Post-progressive eurobeat shoegaze with Mongolian throat singing

Keep trying, you'll eventually make me mad i'm sure of it.

This. It's literally escapism dialed to 11. Pure unadulterated sewer garbage that attracts nothing but social outcasts and misfits.

>Varg did nothing wrong

Stopped reading there, /pol/tard

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>Euronymous made necklaces out of his friend's skull after he committed suicide and only told the police after he stopped to rearrange shit and take pictures

whats wrong with whites?

Based and Black Metal pilled

This guy got you fuming, babygirl.
You've been hurt ever since lol

do you even know how to check IPs? absolute newfag

Euronymous was planning to kill him, it was self defense

>Sami Mongoloid

Pick one and only one (1)

You damn sure don't if you think these are the same person. Btfo retard.

>muh planning
>muh tazer
>muh self defense

Nice try, Varg. No one cares, you are a fucking killer and a poser. KYS faggot

who you think I am???

How about you fuckers move on to progressive and post-rock
It's where you'll end up anyway in a few years
Also Jazz

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ok i pick white

Boomer music. Dad rock.

Even Varg grew out of black metal. At some point you should too.

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It's possible to listen to more than one genre of music at a time

Not to distract everybody from the bickering about black metal, but I thought it was good. Much better than expected. They humanized both Varg and Euronymous. Even though it probably (definitely) wasn't all accurate, it was a fun movie for a black metal fan to watch. Loved all the first wave shit on the soundtrack. The dream sequences were shitty though.

He grew out of being sane at a young age. When he got raped by islamicock.
Why do you think he lives where he does now. To be cucked on a regular basis. By his wife and daughter.

I felt like both characters were a little off. A lot of the portrayals of Varg seemed inaccurate. Like I doubt Varg was slaying pussy all the time and Euronymous is definitely more of a dickhead than portrayed, but I get that they need someone as a protagonist.

Don't expect people who don't like metal taking positivliy about it.They can hate whatever they want just like you.
Fuck cRap

Did Varg bully you as a kid or something? Did he call you a non-european in his Youtube comments?

Actually the slaying pussy thing is accurate but I definitely think Euronymous needed to seem a little more weird and assholeish than he did. He was kind of a sperg.

yes, i just listed more than one

Burzum is unique i don't like bm very much but Burzum is just great Dark ambient albums are really good too

you can listen to more than one genre right ?
Depends on the mood

Mom those rappers are making fun of me again!

>Actually the slaying pussy thing is accurate
Are there any sources on that? Everything I read about Varg including his own interviews made him seem like a guy who only cared about the scene and burning down churches

God I want to watch this now.

fucking poser

varg absolutely seething


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No he didn't he merely helped precipitate the Norwegian black metal scene. Consider that Bathory did black metal 10 fucking years before Mayhem's first LP and then you have Darkthrone and Immortal (and of course Varg) who also did it before him.


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Why can't I enjoy both prog rock and black metal?

Well at least he did have a child out of wedlock with one girl. Might even be that finn girl, dunno. He made her put a knife on some musicians door and lay a fire, lmao.
Also in some prison interview he claimed to have regular female visits in prison.

Norwegian bm isn't even that great. France and Finland both produce better bands.

because you're a poser


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Euronymous didn't create shit. Varg music on the other hand created and inspired new types of BM sub genre. Ambient, dungeon synth, some faggy music like DSBM and blackgaze

fuck you you're the poser and probably also masturbate to tranny porn

black metal is a meme
swedish death metal and finnish folk metal are vastly superior

This. If you're a homosexual.

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this. if you watch porn

I bet you drink craft beer, faggot

i haven't grown out of metal but my favorite band unironically is children of bodom. i have tickets to see them on their new tour though i haven't bought their cds since blooddrunk. the only other band i listen to is windir and i don't listen to music otherwise

his punishment must be more severe

>then again...people like to dress up

black metal doesn't even compare to folk metal. sorry that y'all are all fags

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it's good but it's not really black metal

Post your personal favorite black metal album faggots, we Yea Forums now.

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I can tell you know absolutely nothing since you think lawfully shooting an intruder is the same as stabbing your unarmed band mate 20+ times to his death in his own house.

Could you be more of a 20 year old boomer if you tried?

El Vargo Tiene Mas Familia

>folk metal
fag metal

ya but all the folk metal you listen to is shit so it's a moot point

>a return to the natural world

then these satanic beasts should have stopped playing that demonic 'metal' """music""" it's a disgrace to God's acoustics

If you liked it there is a funny finnish death metal comedy called Heavy Trip

t. Eduardo De los Reyes proud white christian

>Heavy Trip
trve kvult kino

>Could you be more of a 20 year old boomer
how about you kill yourself before you pollute the thread with more buzzwords

>dungeon synth

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looks comfy af
thx user

That's a documentary though and my favourite. All the Fenris parts are kino

My noogie

12 year olds listen to nigger music.

when you figure out "genre" is a tshirt selling jew scheme

Varg was an idiot poser until he met Euronymous and then he was just an idiot

A majority of black metal and extreme metal fans are craft beer drinking numales, stupid ass.

imagine liking scorions hahaha what a fag

did they purposely made count gorishkanack look bad in this film to stir shit up? that part where he is interviewed is fucking KeK, full on. i can't stop keking and my girlfriend is keking out loud re-watching it.

blue eyes to see in the snow

No. he was an actual idiot. He spent two weeks in prison after this before he killed Euronymous

I'm only gonna watch this because of how much it triggers Varg and his retarded youtube followers.

so that part is true? rofl.
my gf is just keking at the guy coming into room asking if they want tea, and when they leave stating how stupid the count is. she keeps replaying it.

>/pol/ is pro-Varg
You have to go back.