are you ready Yea Forums?
Are you ready Yea Forums?
>Oh No No No No No: A Star Wars Story
Sneed Wars: A Formerly Story
>New reports suggest Disney has the latter actually already has a production name.
Star Snores lmao that's good right I know your welcome
Can't wait for it to btfo Yea Forums buttheads
I thought he wasn't getting a trilogy anymore?
Wait, there are two new nu wars trilogies coming out?
When will they stop milking Star Wars?
this is what i am trying to understand too
are the game of thrones faggots making one while rian is making another, or are they collaborating on one giant subversive three-part clusterfuck?
It's two trilogies
It's like the ultimate showdown of hackery. I genuinely have no idea who's gonna do a shittier job of it.
Any info on the settings?
They'll just keep pushing it back and pretending they're still working on it until enough time passes so they can quietly shove it under the rug and memory hole it.
that's going to be kind of confusing for audiences tho, isn't it?
>benioff and weiss release movie 1 of their trilogy
>rian releases movie 1 of his trilogy
>fans have no idea what is going on and it becomes harder to follow the continuity of this already shitty series
either that or:
>benioff and weiss release all three of their movies
>this takes for fucking ever and almost a decade later rian's movies are released one-at-a-time next
I guess you shouldn't always listen to Yea Forums, huh
They should probably stop talking about it and keeping it in production then
People don't think Ant Man is a sequel to Thor. I'm sure it will be fine
If IX underperforms or bombs, what are the chances that their trilogies will get canceled?
Nah, they'll just name it differently. Like New Super Star Wars: Episode 1
Depends on the stage of production
Rian is supposed to have his own corner of the universe to play in. The GoT duo will get the next mainline series.
can't wait for this
Disney operates a "always do the opposite of what Yea Forums says" strategy.
So either;
> Rian makes a new trilogy, it further drives the franchise into the ground
> Rian does not make a new trilogy, the franchise is dead with Episode 9
Win Win scenario.
Disney seems to be happy with him for some reason. Maybe the merch sold really well?
I'm not even mad, this is going to be funny as fuck
Star Wars is dead already anyway, you can't kill what is already dead
He did what he was told and is cheap. That's like the entire checklist they have for directors. They only pay JJ when they can't afford to fail.
I'm going to get a ton of replies for this but:
I think the reason is likely because they recognize Johnson had passion to do something interesting with the series and at the end of the day is still a competent director.
I doubt they blame the hatred toward TLJ entirely on him when he was just working with the hand JJ delt him.
Now if the first film in his trilogy comes out and it's awful and bombs, then I'm sure he will be done for good.
>Maybe the merch sold really well?
Well yeah, most people tend to like fruit and vegetables.
Basically what I'm trying to say is just because he did a debatably awful job handling beloved Star Wars characters like Luke, that doesn't mean an original idea of his would be received anywhere near as poorly
Merch sells terribly, I think they decided to keep Rian because they thought TLJ was a financial success.
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
He's a yes-man, an "ally", and probably cheap to hire. All the things needed to show just how feminine the force really is.
>Solo bombs
>cancel the only movies fans might actually want, Boba fett and Obi Wan
>The Last Jedi is almost universally loathed by SW fans but makes money (albeit less than expected)
>Full steam ahead on ruin-wars
Its like these hollywood kikes who are in the movie industry no nothing about making a good movie
Its just all so short sighted. When Disney bought Sw the prevailing logic was that they were buying a fanbase, a customer base that was built in to the property at purchase.
It was basically a well known meme that SW made all its money in toys, games, and merch, not the movies.
Did they really believe they were going to get a brand new audience of girls and wokecels?
It was an easy game winning breakaway layup and they tried for the windmill dunk.
The level of fail on this truly fascinates me to the point where as a life long SW fan I actually think i enjoy hating nu-wars almost as much as i used to love star wars.
I want these new movies to fail terribly and be so laughably bad that Disney will be forced to alter course and get some people that actually understand the property to run it.
I'm guessing they were looking at the overwhelmingly positive response from the critics, and the movie still did well all things considered
something significant has been broken with a good chunk of the fans though, and I don't think they realize that just yet
Mom, mooom, mooooooooooooom, can we have some Kylo salad?
No son, you've had four salads today already.
Yea Forums incels and capeshit marveldrones on suicide watch
>not starting with Episode 4
why? We get to watch them lose more money and fail harder.
This is really odd considering Iger has stated multiple times they don't have anything currently planned beyond IX.
Which is it? Are two trilogies in development or is the CEO lying?
That was a hoax
If this is really happening Star Wars is officially over.