>favorite medieval films
Favorite medieval films
the adventures of robin hood
The only good medieval movies I’ve seen are Henry V and Outlaw King
Dear God that movie was bad
Kingdom of Heaven: threatrical cut or director's cut? Which should I watch?
Nothing captures bleak medieval times like this timeless classic
Pick the director’s cut, though it doesn’t matter much because the movie is shit anyways
Only directors cut. It’s historical kino
directors cut explains much more and adds a lot of story
Well, he said medieval films, not necessarily "(pretending to be) historical medieval films".
Director's cut if you like stories that make sense
>It’s historical kino
It’s almost braveheart levels of inaccuracy
>You will never fight and die for God
>A knight is sworn to Valor
>his heart knows only virtue
>his blade defends the helpless
>his might upholds the weak
>his words speak only virtue
>his wrath undoes the wicked
Beep beep pleb filter coming through
I loved the legend of King Arthur. Is this kino?
This was not without it's charms.
There is at best one or two movies that have anything even resembling combining human warfare, cinema and accuracy.
Like the Spanish-funded movie with tercio massacres, or Battle at Waterloo (even then, exploding cannon balls...) by the USSR and Italy.
Historical cinema is about nothing else but deceiving the viewer into thinking what he's looking at isn't as made up as it actually is.
heh heh I watched that a week ago
Catolic Kino
but not medieval
I miss these
I want a movie based on this battle
Most epic scene. They should've made a prequel and a sequel to KoH
The 1st-2nd crusades and the 5th crusade
It would be Kingdom of Heaven 2 no?
possibly. I really like that sections of the wall were defended by knights based on what language they spoke. Has some potential of a diverse cast
Where the FUCK is my HBO series of the 30 Years War?
>movie is shit anyways
It was a great movie. The director's cut is pure kino
You're more likely to get an anime adaptation of 1632
No it wasn’t. It has bad acting, poorly written characters and plot, historical inaccuracy, and it clearly pushes an agenda.
>he can't finance his own historical films
In the Name of the Rose is good too, it's medieval Seven.
Kingdom of Heaven (Director's Cut)
Black Death
Robin Hood with Russell Crowe is a guilty pleasure. The songs are too comfy.
Seven samurai
Historically inaccurate and anti-Christian. Fuck Ridley Scott
If anything it’s anti religion. Not clicking that link.
>anons actually don't like Kingdom of Heaven
shit taste forever
seriously fuck you
you lost your fucking way
literally one of the best Hollywood movies ever made
I am so mad right now
>Black Death
I've been wanting to see a film about the bubonic plague. Will check this out
Fuck off Reddit
my fav
imo he criticizes man's interpretation of religion.
Ey. Fuck your opinion nu-male. Movie plot was retarded but it was enjoyable movie and music was top tier. Also it is one of guy ritchie movies which isnt reddit becuuse of full whi
never been
suck a dick you fucking piece of shit faggot retard
It’s not, the movie only makes the Christians out to be the bad guys while the Muslims are all tolerant and just want peace
this, Giamatti as the king was kino
>I know the plot was retarded and it has almost nothing to do with actual Arthurian legend, and the characters were shit. But dude it was fun!!!
Yeah I don’t like it because it’s a bad movie
the first 2 films are super comfy.
you're a shithead, half-satan
You’re angry because you know it’s true.
what does Yea Forums think of Outlaw King?
I know it's >Netflix, but the depiction of rituals and the battle of Loudon Hll (minus the retarded "duel") really put it one step above a typical action flick
One of the few good medieval movies. And it’s historically accurate (for the most part)
i'm angry because you're a shithead who is dissing one of the greatest Hollywood movies ever made
what the FUCK more do you want from it???
>what the FUCK more do you want from it???
Actors who can actually act, decent plot and characters, an neutral view of the Muslims and Christians rather than blatant anti-Christian propaganda, but most importantly I would like some actually historical accuracy in a historical film
>Neeson and Bloom can's act
>decent plot
it's historical kino
both Hospitaller guys were based, to say the least
>neutral view
>historical accuracy
oh wait, you're serious, expecting accuracy from a Hollywood movie
fucking GREAT movie, go fuck yourself you fucking autistic nigger
Better than most medieval films. I want to see the extended cut
Cringe at this post
cringe at your life
as a matter of fact, cringe at anyone who says "cringe"
it's the most basic way to dismiss a post and it means nothing
>In your path
Aaron Taylor-Johnson was pretty based as the Black Douglas. Absolute fury in his battle scenes
>Neeson and Bloom can's act
Neeson is fine, but Orlando Bloom’s acting sucks. Completely bland
>it's historical kino
Just because you say it is, doesn’t mean it is. The plot doesn’t make much sense. To give an example: When Balian arrives in the holy land, king Baldwin almost without hesitation gives him command of an army and suggests that he should marry his sister despite Balian being a bastard blacksmith with no military experience. And later in the movie, Balian sets up canals and ditches for irrigation on his land even though he would not know how to do that. And finally he can later defend a city from a siege even though he has no experience doing such a thing. Of course the *real* Balian of Ibelin would be able to do all this stuff because he was a nobleman born and raised in the kingdom of Jerusalem, but of course this movie doesn’t care the slightest about portraying real events accurately does it? This is just one issue out of many in this movie.
Huh? I was suggesting that the movie have not so blatantly an anti-Christian bias to it
>oh wait, you're serious, expecting accuracy from a Hollywood movie
I am expecting historical accuracy from a movie telling historical events, yes. Do you just accept anything that Hollywood gives you even though it’s poorly made?
they didnt surendered in 1099
jews sided with muslims during the siege so they got what they were looking for
a city that has to be stormed will be subjected to looting for atleast 3 days.
a city that surrenders will not
that was basicly law for centuries and everybody followed it.
Charlton Heston movies ”The Warlord” and ”El Cid”
Bloom acts even better than Neeson in that movie
>not historical kino
just because it's not accurate doesn't mean it isn't
this is fucking Hollywood we're talking about, go watch some gay documentary if you want accuracy you faggot, I'd rather watch something engaging and exciting instead of thinking about why the MC wouldn't know fucking agriculture, are you listening to yourself?
>anti-Christian bias
fuck off, not only is it anti-religion in general, but who gives a flying fuck about the Crusades?
I'm more offended by the Pope than I am by Kingdom of Heaven, and that's just in regards to the sexual abuse, nevermind the "let's wash the feet of invading "refugees" bullshit
then don't watch Hollywood movies you bitch
go read a book you boring cunt
btw I'm not an Aussie so I mean that as an actual insult
*it isn't good
fuck how did I forget that word
you right
Saladin isn’t religious in the movie though. He literally says allah didn’t do shit and he liberated the muzzles.
someone already posted this lol
>name of the rose
>kingdom of heaven
>robin hood
>marketa lazaroka
>seventh seal
>scotish king vs englishmen by netflix
>henry v
>andrei rublev
>hard to be god
>joana darc with mila jojovick
>lancelot du lac
>joana darc silent movie from 30s
season of the witch - comfy movie with nic cage travelling through europe
the pilgrimage - tom holland, jon bernthal, richard armitage travelling across ireland, celts, normans, english, mythical backdrop
black death movie showing sean bean and a few other knights going across europe
soloman kane - goofy but comfy movie about some cursed christian trying to save his soul
>just because it's not accurate doesn't mean it isn't
this is fucking Hollywood we're talking about, go watch some gay documentary if you want accuracy you faggot, I'd rather watch something engaging and exciting instead of thinking about why the MC wouldn't know fucking agriculture, are you listening to yourself?
Historical accuracy was only part of my point when talking about the plot of the movie. I’ve also pointed out flaws that have nothing to do with accuracy, which you haven’t responded too at all, quite telling that is. Balian is blacksmith yet he can lead armies and defend cities from sieges. He is a bastard who has no experience in government or military whatsoever yet Baldwin promotes him and offers him his sister in marriage. These things do not make sense and there are more.
>fuck off, not only is it anti-religion in general,
No, it is quite clearly anti-Christian. Show me a single scene in the movie where the Muslims are portrayed as bad because their religious piety.
>then don't watch Hollywood movies you bitch go read a book you boring cunt
Okay user, I have a movie pitch for you. It’s a movie about George Washington. In this movie George is black slave who rebels against his master and blows up his house with a hand grenade. He then rallies the entire American population and defeats the British without taking a single casualty. He then boards a ship, sails to England and burns down London and defeats George III in a duel. He goes back home, writes the consitiution all by himself and makes himself president for life.
Now, surely you wouldn’t have a problem with this movie at all right? It’s not a comedy after all, it’s depicting real events.
Everything I've seen of it seems like a strange combination of good and bad ideas, but with exceptionally bad editing
barely read but ur an idiot lol
anyone who dislikes KoH is such
Guess how I know you are a poser and a pleb
Incredible argument. If you are , I’ll just take that as an admission of defeat
Most of the complaints about Balians competency are explain in the directors cut btw.
How so?
take it as an admission of fuck off
Too much ground to cover.
There should be a 1453 from the Latin's perspective.
fuck off retard
suck me faggot
I sucked your mom last night you queer
>all these epics
Pic related is a masterpiece. Nonstop bantz from start to finish.
>did a thing so gay even the gays are less gay
>calls others gay
Why is it that they never made a 1453 movie until 2012?
does no one in west care about Constantinople?
>Medieval films written by Jews
>does no one in west care about Constantinople?
>eating pussy is gay
don't enjoy throat cancer, dick-a-lick
They expand upon his past a shit ton in the director's cut.
For example, he was an engineer in the lord of the town he lives in's army, where he participated in many sieges and built their siege equipment. The town also relies on him to build new buildings.
So just with those few scenes at the beginning they already establish he is a skilled engineer, builder, and experienced in sieges...
>>eating pussy is gay
No one knows shit about what happened in the west. That's why I would have the film be from the Latin's perspective. You get to dump a bunch of exposition on a Genoan main character because conceivably he isn't totally privy to what's been going on the last 50 years either.
>Romans are equal to modern Westerners
Romans also wiped their ass with community sponges and drank lead water
That would be amusing
>get off boat to defend city
>walk through the docks
>get up on one of the sea towers
>look out
>Constantinople is a fucking village and farms and all but a ruin
Imagine their and the audiences surprise. Stuff like that is perfect.
This, you also find out the priest played by Michael Sheen is his brother and their relationship is expanded. Neeson also visits the Lord of the town in his castle too (I forget what else is revealed there but some shit goes down), but it also explains why the Lord sends men after Neeson etc.
And were still superior to you.
It sucked
low effort & low energy
Agreed. This was really well written. It's an obvious stage adapation so if you like acting, it is good
like, how can you watch this scene and not think this is a kickass movie
you guys have some serious fucking problems
>how can you care about narrative coherence in a movie that relies upon its narrative to make you care?
That art work is amazing
fyi, KOH is good (in the DC) but you talk like a teenage youtube commenter
is this the greatest isekai?
it...doesn't rely on cohesive narrative to make you care tho?
once Bloom makes his way to the Holy Land, Neeson's character doesn't matter, it's all about the conflict between Saladin and the crusaders
Kingdom of Heaven is an action movie at its heart