She’s dead, wrapped in plastic.
She’s dead, wrapped in plastic
The naked black beauty was the only redeeming part of the new series.
that's wrong but jade gave me two faps
expectations: subverted
david l
Oh man, Diane was ruined the nanosecond she appeared on screen.
biggest letdown of the whole series
God, how awful. S3 isn't canon.
Reminder that the only reason Cooper went into the Black Lodge was to save Heather Graham and then he just forgets about her in season 3.
Get. Fucked. You. L Y N C H E D. Fuck.
My only complaint is that we never got to see Coop and Harry's bromance continue
Apart from that it was kino of the highest order
candie = annie
pleb status: filtered
Why do Lynchfags defend S3 when it's objectively bad and the second worst thing to happen to TP?
awful casting as diane
lynch most likely films her interracial breeding ground porn
very avant garde
>I don’t like it therefor it’s bad
>how dare people enjoy things I don’t like
Other minds exist that aren’t contingent on yours. You aren’t the center of the universe and your opinions are not objective. Sorry.
I know inferior minds exist. Doesn't mean I'm not entitled to feel dumbfounded at their awful taste for television.
Season 3 is a televized pathetic wankery of an overrated hack trying to maintain his relevance by doubling down on his fame for confusing obtuse garbage.
>how dare other people exist
Go read some more Ayn Rand.
>confusing obtuse garbage
watch it again, first time I didn't "get it", watched it again 6 mo later and it was excellent
>trying this hard on an anonymous Somilian basket weaving forum
y'our obtuse garbage
Her spirit was never far away.
yeah but how's Annie?
His speech fucking up for a sec is really good in that scene
It's better than everything that came after the pilot quite honestly.
>this is the average woman in buckhorn, sd
Shovel your way out of the shit.
David Lynch is shit
I don't gave that chrysta bell, webm, /tpg/
No. Balls.