This is terrorism

This is terrorism.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wow is this real? It looks like all the recent mcu movies that have come out. Why is this so different?

Fucking christ; we need more actual bombings to remind people wtf "terrorism" actually is. More actual violence to remind stupid fuckers what "violence" is.
More actual rape to remind stupid whores what "rape" ACTUALLY is.

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Jesus it's gonna go down to 10% before RT removes user ratings

>This is terrorism.
Honestly, I don't think the movie will be that bad.

>This is terrorism.
its worse then terrorism, its oppression.

bruh look at this dude

Reminder that a bunch of worthless slugs who look like this brigaded and now count this as...I don't know, a victory against SJWs? They haven't had a lot of wins in their lives. They lost Gamergate hard, after all.

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Rotten Tomatoes themselves is on damage control to try and maintain relevance. They have stated all these are legitimate and that after The Last Jedi they have made sure no bots/trolls can do the ratings.

If they back peddle the legitimacy of the user reviews falls apart completely - so they have to stay the course.

Disney is doing this so they can later say "the evil white men that tried to sabotage this powerful and important movie have been defeated. We won!"

Go back

>make a movie that looks so boring, redundant, and uninteresting
>get a market response of widespread disinterest

Yeah shut the fuck up. There's nothing monumental about this movie.

You're dealing with the same people who believe Muslims plowing planes into skyscrapers and vans into European Christmas markets are "refugees and insurgents," and bakers who won't make a cake with two dudes on it is worst than Hitler.

When does the embargo drops?

>This is terrorism.
The black jewess that is cast to play the Black Canary (a blond haired, blue eyed character) is Jussie Smolett's sister (the guy that lied about Trump supporters trying to lynch him) and both are good friends of Brie Larson.

What a coincidence.

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is slug the new chud? faggot

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Wait till you see the- ohohohoho

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Rotten Tomatoes confirmed these are all individual accounts and not duplicate accounts, troll accounts or bot accounts.

They have stated clearly that they have increased security after The Last Jedi and that all user ratings are legitimate individuals.

Can't wait for the 9.7/10 critic score regardless of how good it actually is. Fuck the MOUSE, if Walt could've see the future of his company being kiked into the ground, he woulve destroyed it right there and then

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Shut up bitch

is marvel finally dying?

kill yourself, tranny

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>They lost Gamergate hard
>Yaaasssssss, we showed them we can fuck whoever we want to get our shitty games to be reviewed as good ones
Truly the "right side".

Welcome to Shills vs Trolls where the scores are made up and the numbers don't matter

Critic score does not matter. If the character is not likeable then everyone will hate her in Endgame and avoid seeing her in future MCU movies - which could be the end of the MCU given they want Brie to be the replacement for both RDJ and Chris Evans.

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So now that Disney has ruined another franchise, what other franchises can they ruin now ?

The salt this is causing on social media is fantastic.

based Chadzam poster

Until Shazam BTFO's Captain Marvel.

Detective Pikachu will also weaken the box office of Endgame, which could suffer massively from critic reviews if Brie Larson is a deus ex machina.

Ooo that’s hot. That’s hot.

This was already known since the 1970s...they didn't just do this because it's a female lead.

They're getting a whole shitload from FOX.

>is marvel finally dying?
by suicide, a sacrifice to leftism gods, same as star wars

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Lol the manbabies must really be triggered.

When will they backpedal?

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Jesus I’m surprised they didn’t create a black hole with their collective lack of talent.

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>stupid cunt won't stfu about how terrible she thinks the majority of the fanbase for the genre is
Gee, I wonder why?

>tfw this movie is actually going to make 1b

Frozen, Tangled etc

the fucking e-gestapo known as /pol/ must be behind this, the same cybernazis that got James Gunn unjustly fired!

Why does she look terrible in every fucking shot

> they didn’t create a black hole
I bet they created a lot of black cock between them though, amirite?

Based and DCpilled

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"The Unfuckables", coming soon

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She's right, most movie reviewers are Jews. Let's kick them out with a little help from Brie Larson

WTF are they doing?

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Black Panther 2 will perform worse than the first movie.

Captain Marvel could turn many MCU fans away from the film series.

Shazam has potential to be more profitable than Captain Marvel, on a lower budget and being much more fun looking without alienating its fanbase.

Many view Endgame as a finale and will not see another Marvel movie afterwards.

Sony is preparing to BTFO Marvel as Venom performed financially better on a lower budget than Homecoming - and after Spider-man 3 (2021) they will regain complete control of Spider-man.

Detective Pikachu could start a new trend of live action anime adaptations - as a sequel and 'red/blue' adaptation are also planned. Pokemon could easily become the rival to the MCU.

This is all happening because you’ve let Drumpf win.

You are a terrorist

It looks like it's actually YouTube, and it's likely every vote is real.

IMAX forehead

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>its worse then terrorism, its oppression.
its worse then oppression, its systematic oppression.

Don't worry, trolls won't stop this from smashing records (and the patriarchy)

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It's worse than that, it's those evil white males!

>DC will save us from the mouse
I don't even mind anymore

I don’t even watch capeshit but I’m unironically hyped for Shazam!

>flosses on the MCU

honestly if this makes only as much money as something like Strange I'll be happy. I don't have hope for it actually flopping

>bitch who stars in this garbage runs her mouth for fucking months about how much she hates the white males who make up the vast majority of ticket sales for any capeshit but Black Panther
>movie tanks, tanks the whole MCU with it since they're making her the centrepiece
>somehow this will be all the fault of white males & their prejudices, not this one stupid fucking cunt

Honestly, i will watch the movie eventually (that is what matters for them right?) Im just not interested to see it in theaters. Still, i love the salt from those morons who think that not watching a generic capeshit movie when they like defines you as a bad person lol.

It's release is at the dumbest time possible, as it's box office will be cut off by Endgame. Let alone the competition from Shazam riding on the Aquaman hype train.

Absolute Chad

She literally never said that

I know getting pissed off at shit that doesn't affect you is twitter/reddit tiered, but its just so stupid how blatantly the left violate their own rules. How can they claim to be tolerant, how can they claim to be on the 'right side', how could they be so self hating?


This is necessary.

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>Larson's preparation for the stunt-heavy role included an intensive, four-hour daily gym routine with trainer Jason Walsh that eventually saw the 5-foot-7 actress dead-lifting 225 pounds, hip-thrusting 400 pounds and pushing Walsh's Jeep up a hill. There were days when the intensity of the training reduced her to tears and days when she got irritated by men at Walsh's West Hollywood gym who doubted her strength. "This guy watched me lift something really heavy, and he went, 'Wow, I can't even lift that!' As if he were the epitome of health," Larson says. "I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "

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okay Sero

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Does anyone actually care about her being stronger than the others? I'm pretty sure people like the characters, not their power levels. Captain America is a buff dude among magicians, radiation monsters and gods, and he's still the favorite of many.

but but.. they told us we're just incels.

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How old were you when you realized that Disney/Marvel are the real villains and DC are on a mission to save capeshit?

Reddit is just the Mordor of the internet

i was satisfied reading the pic and the things that i wanted to believe

>yfw when Captain Marvel single handily destroys Thanos in Endgame after saying a line like "no man can beat you but I'm no man, I am a wo-man hear me roar!"

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holy friggin based

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as someone who isnt into capeshit, what even is her superpower? what makes her strong?

It matters in a social narrative. Yeah I know it's fucking stupid.

>DC are on a mission to save capeshit?
They must've been taking the Rian Johnson route of saving it by making such terrible garbage it murdered it up until recently.

It's funny that this is what the average tranny actually looks like

Biology is a social construct.

she's strong and can fly and can fire energy blasts

I cannot believe Marvel would give her the killing blow. That would be beyond retarted.

> what even is her superpower? what makes her strong?
third wave feminism powered by the tears of incels

> The Red Pill is that they are both bad
> The Black Pill is that they are both actually owned via the same board of shareholders who intentionally pit side against side in order to make a profit regardless of how well the movies perform, sometimes intentionally engineering a movie to be a box office bomb, other times spending hundreds of millions to boost box office to give the impression people watched it.

Lasers I guess

is this the new "Jared Leto method acting as the Joker" meme?

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B-b-but Alita is in FOX's hands?
They are not going to butcher and hurt it? Aren't they?

Kek, you faggots always say the same tired old shit. And every time, you’re proven wrong.

Can travel in between dimensions, fly, shoot energy from her hands, and be way super-strong

Alita was already mediocre, shill

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based and redpilled

>Just say the word

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No, it's going to be worse than that.

Tony will be the true villain, he'll be trying to undo the snap via Time Travel and end up losing control of the Infinity Stones threatening all of reality.

Captain Marvel will beat Thanos in combat, get him to join the Avengers in a final battle against a warped version of Tony Stark and eventually wield the Gauntlet to undo the snap.

>so amazed black people are reading she thinks it needs to go viral
Racist as fuck.

This is unacceptable. We can't let those racists bigots win. We need to stand up for women and go see this film. I myself am planning on going at least 7 times.

>yfw they actually have to redo final blow in Endgame due to Larson movie flop

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>actors work 4 hours a day!!!

Personally aware of several schools who are going to see Shazam for an educational trip - so we'll see how well your '7 times' stacks up against classes of 30+ students at a time.

>they actually have to stick in the "Hulk beats the fuck out of CM" scene to appease the fanbase so it doesn't turn into another Star Wars level fiasco

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Fuck, that sounds possible.

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I don't know what that is, but it's somehow more interesting than the CM trailer is.

They just keep on alienating the core fan base for capeshit. And then they blame sabotage for low interest?

>thinks she's actually captain marvel
i think she might be unstable

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>rethink you're gender norms!

Imagine thinking like this every second of every day. Ideology is pure mind poison.

Also thank god I can deadlift more than her lol. Not by enough though. Guess it's time to do more.

If they hurt Alita, they get the chlorophyta

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Why does womankind need saving exactly

I knew it would eventually come to this the moment they chose Captain Marvel to stop Thanos instead of Adam Warlock.

Her pics are priceless

Every time

Pokemon is the largest media franchise in history. It earned more than Star Wars and MCU combined.

What a legend.

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Black people reading is so amazing that an image of it deserves to go viral? Jesus, what happened?

They need saving from her type of womerns.
You know it's bad when your version of feminism makes the originators of feminism go "hey, wait, this is retarded now".

please restrict images of her fugal feet to gore or rekt threads on Yea Forums. Thx

It's pretty much telegraphed that Tony Stark will fuck up again. He has done so in every single movie and he's now poised to do the same thing, he's pushed to his limits almost dying in space, ofcourse he's going to try to do something heroic and fuck up.

His vision of the team defeated/dead in Avengers will be caused by him, Captain Marvel will break through to him and he'll realise what he has done and allow one of the Avengers to end him - most likely Captain America.

He'll die in Spider-man's arms, apologising for what he has done and then the movie will end with his funeral with Stan Lee doing the eulogy.

Exactly, and soon it will beat the MCU and become the highest grossing live action series in history.

Because blacks are slaves unless you see BP, and woman are chained to the kitchen unless you see CM.

That's literally the narrative. Only profit for Disney can set them free!

Yeah I know; it's a pretty sleazy way of promoting movies, but that's how they do things now.

Anyone half the screencap of her Twitter post defending Jussie

basedson and redcostumed

worth it for the butthurt

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Nah.. what this guy did is terrorism.
These are just shitty movies.

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>This needs to go viral
What did she mean by this? Is she surprised they are reading? kek

>No Brie we need you to SMILE
>Brie...please we need you to smile a wide grin

How many takes you think they had to do for this scene?

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It was above mediocre clearly and better than any marvel capeshit in years. And despite the fact there was stronk wamen lead - they didn't use this as bullshit weapon on social media.

If disney gets their filthy hand on this they are surely going to pander the shit out of it and kill all the interest.

>Thanos destroyed half the universe, but the ultimate villian will be an old rich white guy

If that shit's legit, then I'm out!

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everyone in hollywood is on roids, trt and hgh this isnt impressive

wtf is a capeshit movie not fucking the civil rights movement, wtf you dumb bimbo

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>implying the entire filming experience wasn't "Yassssss queen slay" over and over after every shot"

I watched Skull Island recently and it was pretty shit, but she did smile quite a bit in it. I don't know why she won't fucking smile in this role


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no you tell yourselves you're incels. Everyone else just calls you virgins.

Would you forgive Marvel if they give us a movie for the REAL infinity stones saga MVP?

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endgame spoilers

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Yes, because it wasn't pozzed shit.

so she's iron man without a suit?

If she really is a major part of Endgame then Marvel has made a big mistake

Unironically yes, same power tier too. Hulk tosses her around like a ragdoll, Thor would rip her to shreds.

Believable to be honest

No! She's better! She's powered by girl-power! And that makes her way stronger than Iron Man (and Hulk and the rest of the rape-penis squad)!

>she did smile quite a bit in it
Yes. Yes she did.

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>Iron Ma'am

Why is she so fucking greasy and WRINKLY, I thought celebs had special cream/ surgery/ expensive makeup to avoid this at all costs?

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>mean white boys wah wah
>gurl powah fistfighting is for gurls right? Right?
so there is literally 0% of people who will enjoy it

old white guys account for a significant amount of the population though. And in terms of the types of people in positions of power to be "bad guys," they're generally all white dudes.

Like if we want "proportional representation" and "realistic" casting choices, it generally would be "old white guys."

And why the fuck do you feel so triggered by the idea that "old white guys" play badguys in kid's movies? How well trained are you? Why the fuck are you a shill for "old white guys?"

Did you see her infected toes? I bet she doesn't even change her underwear on a daily basis. How do you expect that trashy woman to groom herself like a star?

she will take the Gauntlet and use it to end the Patriarchy

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this is actually accurate.

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The gasses released from the foot fungus will inflate her shoes during filming and rupture, causing pic related to happen

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>Marvel Comic fan
> liked Mar'Vel
>Loved the original Ms Marvel
> liked Photon from next wave
> New Ms Marvel actually was a likeable character despite Marvel Comics going full diversity

This films is the worst possible scenario.

women need someone to save them from themselves

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>It was the RUSSIANS!
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was INCELS!
>It was /POL/!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was REDDIT!
>It was BOOMERS!
>It was ZOOMERS!
>"It emphasizes muh diversity/inclusiveness/feminist quota!"
>"It makes some people uncomfortable. GOOD!"
>"This is terrorism!"
This is the most damage controlled Marvel movie I've seen since Black Panther. The Disney shills are in desperation mode, and it's hilarious what lengths they'll go to. I haven't seen this much shilling since Hillary's failed campaign.
No amount of self-reassurance will EVER "fix" this movie. It is a complete abomination, and the defenders know that deep down in their hearts.
Disney's MCU was made to pander to SJWs, and it is this very pandering that will ultimately destroy the franchise at some point in the near future. Deal with it.

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Nationalism doesn't protect you from those things. Christianity does.

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National Socialism does, actually.
Christianity, not anymore. It's as good as dead in the Current Year.

>doesn't even put the effort to shave
I dont fucking get it

You don't need to look like a woman to be a woman in 2019. Isn't progress wonderful?

Tbh she looked like a pornstar or a baywatch girl in the Ms Marvel comics, it was unrealistic from the beginning to expect a hot Carol Danvers with all the metoo shit.

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National Socialism never worked. It was a ploy that murdered a record number of Europeans.
Christianity formed Europe and conquered the world.
The moment Europe fell for the secularism meme it got flooded.

I refuse to believe that is actually a tranny. It's just some retarded spic dressed like a female superhero.

this can't be real
I knew women were stupid, short sighted and solipsistic, but this is a whole new level of stupid.

white cis male tears

There's been no marketing on why I should see this movie. No information on Carol's character, just that you "have" to see this movie for the next Avengers movie to make sense or some shit. When did marketing become "see our movie or else you're racist and want your mom to die"

>National Socialism never worked.
Germany went from being in deep debt to a record level of unemployement in less than 5 years. Weimar degenracy stopped. Germans became healthy and hopeful again for the future.
Just because the rest of the world allied against
it doesn't mean Natsoc failed.

And Europe existed before Christians came in and murdered every pagan in sight.

But user, don't your want to "DISCOVER HER"?

i havent seen a single film that didn thave 99% ratings for want to see

Dude, the marketing is literally "I'm with her - The Movie".

33% boys!

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I’m unironically hyped for this movie

Yeah but that's because they had a massive foreign infusion of funds.

Does this count as rape?

honestly this is probably true, beaners do some weird shit

damn that ass looks nice as fuck in that outfit

But why would anyone want to be with Carol


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>top box office is Alita

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Dude, 2016 was literally 2 years and 2 months ago.

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>they dindu nuffin it was the world that fucked it over
>s-so what if we slaughtered poles
Again, you're defending a failed system. A system funded by literal Jewish bankers and implemented to provoke war and destabilize Europe. A system that uprooted Christianity even more as well as advocated for the Muslims on European soil. No better than a commie.

You're just a useful, murderous idiot.

>And Europe existed before Christians came in and murdered every pagan in sight.
Yet it shined brightest through Christianity and it literally conquered the world with it. Larp a victimized wehraboo all you want but you're doing nothing but spinning your wheels the way (((they))) want you to.

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better than current no ass

that was last weekend, HTTYD3 is number one this weekend

Honestly I I would have been happy as long as they kept the lightning bolt design, hip slash and mask. But maybe that's just because of a subconscious armpit and thigh association

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Dude when you make a bold claim at least try. Terrorism is when something is done to hurt society but saying you don't want to see an average movie right in the middle of better movies coming out is an opinion.

>I am powerful

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this, imagine unironically thinking thousands of people got together and decided to boycott this turd
lmao only in a mentally ill lefty brain

Dc just wants to become the new capeshit.

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Has Brie studied the ways of the blade?

Interesting. By your own definition, refusing to see this movie is literally terrorism. Think of all the poor actors, writers, directors, lighters. Think of the corporation. Disney is a part of the world that we must preserve, user.

To be fair, all TSA members are literal subhumans.

>there’s someone right now being paid thousands of dollars by celebrities for fitness advice who gets outlifted by Brie Asslet Larson while I’m stuck in my parents house posting on Yea Forums and sneaking out at night to go to the gym
feels fuckin bad man

>mentally ill lefty brain

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Prove to me she's a good person.

And then everybody clapped.

So they was a leak here a while ago saying that tony is the bad guy and captain marvel kills thanos. It got removed by the mods and the leak was posted in late August. The saddest thing is that there was stuff in the leak that was confirmed in the past few months like the new tv shows

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you know this is hilarious and all but when you realize she's saying it literally it changes

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>jewish boomer who pretends to be a christian man pretending to be a jewish boomer said you're a nazi for doing that

>Prove to me she's a good person.

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What if the movie is randomly good? I'm shilling against it now like everyone else but marvel has yet to release a complete shit film (by their own set capeshit standards), so statistically it shouldn't be bad.
Probably not though

But they got paid already. The only one who doesn't profit from the movie if it flops is disney. A majority of the people who work at marvel are on contract so they won't loose money in the base pay if the movie fails they just loose a bonus which is only 100-200 usd.

They're all 7.5/10 films except for Winter Soldier.

I mean, the MCU is about to start a steady decline with RDJ and Evans retiring and the 20 movies long Thanos overreaching storyline coming to an end, so this is an excellent idea from a damage control point of view. It allows them to use the "misogyny" and "viewers refuse to adapt to the times" argument to explain reduced ticket sales and interest from movie goes.

Yeah, he's definitely jewish otherwise liberals would murder him for larping as a jew.

He said good person, not a useful idiot.

>Brie stands with Gavin
She's definitely a terrorist, no doubt

But if Disney fails, all those people lose their jobs. By not seeing the movie, you are attacking society. Which, going by that previous definition, is terrorism.

I'm trying to imagine the mind that thinks
>Review bombing is good use of my time

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It's to artificially give her some worth when she has nothing else to show.

If the CM turns to complete shit, they will probably try and put Doctor Strange and Black Panther in the focus (maybe even if Vision if it's decided to bring him back).

All 3 of them are played by solid actors, and can see them pull it off.

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More than likely it will be a typical cookie cutter marvel movie. Most of the feminist shit is in the marketing and shit that brie says. That being said whatever little feminist jabs they put in will be amplified by all the outside negativity (ie let's show the boys how its done line in the movie)

Still seething I see. Beautiful.

Monkey Island.

Actual terrorism is surprinsingly hard when the local secret police doesn´t organize it.
Also save an actual foreign army invasion there just isn´t enough rape to educate a feminist about it.
See Sweden.

CM will not be shit, it will be moderately entertaining. A watch once and forget kind of movie.

Strange and BP are 100% guaranteed to be leads. Thor as well assuming he renews now that his solo movies stopped sucking, his character was completely rewritten, and he started to enjoy the role. He's likely to replace the GoTG for the cosmic side of things, with Rocket and Groot plus a new character Endgame will introduce that LEGO leaked as supporting cast.

Did you actually see the trailers?

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rip heath

Not seeing a movie is not terrorism. I got the actual definition here: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Now by saying you don't want to see a movie is not a use of violence or intimidation. Now let's say multiple people in publicly say they don't like the mayor or the town they all live in and they are voting for someone else. This is not terrorism if they are peaceful and don't threaten to kill people. With captain marvel nobody is threatening with violence to cast members so it is not terrorism.

Disney already fucked Star Wars and Marvel comics

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If they thought working for Disney was a good idea in the first place, they deserve to starve.

what outfit? It's just a pair of jeans.

>...and then my 8 year old child started crying tears of joy

Wow, very impressive!!!

and this are the results!!

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Of course they are awful, the trailers purposely focus on the girl and reveal practically nothing about the plot. The narration is literally "What it means to be a HERo", and half the scenes are Carol flying around and shooting CGI enemies, or flashbacks about her upbringing. They are trying to sell you a character instead of a movie.

Exactly. The point is, it was a retarded definition to begin with, but one that is pushed in the public consciousness.

Modern life is stressful.
Everyone is looking for an excuse to blow off steam.
Painting an entire racial/gender demographic as hateful nazi bigots lets you constantly go on the attack, blowing off steam while also enjoying the rush that comes with being righteously angry and also having the moral high ground - AKA not a nazi. This is why the left is so addictive/attractive to so many people and why you always see leftists screaming angrily when demonstrating; they're endorphin junkies.

>Until Shazam BTFO's Captain Marvel.
Speaking as a lifelong fan of the big red cheese, it's going to get mediocre first week, rise its second week but ultimately get most of its love from overseas.
CM is going to get an amazing first week, drop off its third week and be SHUNNED in China/Japan.
watch my prediction be the opposite of reality

Why is it so cringeworthy. It's absolute gold.

>Tbh she looked like a pornstar

And now she looked like a addicted to heroin in her final days

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>tfw you become a real life anime villain

>28 years old

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I mean this is funny and everything, but you realize they will blame us the audience for the movie failing, right ? You can't win with these SJW idiots

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Protip: If the article ends with the woman admitting fault/ignorance or of having made a mistake, it was probably written by a man.

It is often a mistake not to listen to what the fans want

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epic based and redpilled i hope everyone copies this amazing pasta


except that one was funny

it's not a pasta, ma'am, it's from this article

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>this filename
literal fucking liberal autism

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The West's obsession with realism over the last 25 years is the worst possible thing to happen to all creative mediums.

I wonder if she really talks to people like that in real life or just makes up shit for her "fans"

whos the cute lesbians in the front?
do they fuck?

The problem is that reviewbombing is used so often that it's becoming meaningless and the response is pretty much ironclad
>You only hate it because you're a pissbaby virgin

Nowadays, when normies see the incels get their tendies in a twist they think "Hey, this movie might actually be fun and entertaining."

Probably Nico Minoru and Karolina from Runaways.

>I can't argue with your logic so I'll just make up a new quote I can argue against and pretend that's what you ACTUALLY said

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This is insane.
I didn't even believe until I read the article:

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This guy posts comes off as most like a rightist pretending to be a retarded leftist. But at the same time theres leftists who unironically would post like that, I dont even fucking know who's trolling who anymore, too many false flags